Are we truly in the age of AI and robots? Will Blockchain change the world? Should you jump on these trends before it’s too late? This week the team cut through the hype and explore how emerging technologies will affect the way we do business in the UK. Josie is joined by Professor James Woudhuysen, CBI Chief Economist, Rain Newton-Smith, and Oracle’s Steve Fearon.   For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast 
Published 03/21/18
Published 03/21/18
How can organisations ensure their workforce is engaged and empowered to be as productive as possible? This week the team look at how UK businesses should adopt new technologies can help make workers more efficient, it’s the people using it who are the lifeblood of the company. Josie is joined by Dr Sue Black, the CIPD’s David D’Souza and Oracle’s Andy Campbell.    For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast 
Published 03/07/18
Is your company using data as well as it could be? This week Nina Monckton, Chief Insight Officer for the NHS Business Service Authority, Tech UK’s Sue Daley and Oracle’s Neil Sholay share their views on how you can keep from drowning in data and uncover the useful insights that can save you money and boost growth. For more exclusive tips to uncover savings and boost growth in your business visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast 
Published 02/21/18
This week’s topic is customer data and how SMEs can act on the digital signals that their customers constantly send their way. Josie is joined by the CBI’s Tom Thackray, iCabbi’s Ian McDonald and Oracle’s Steve Fearon to talk about their experiences, the best examples of how companies across different industries are making the most of data, why SMEs should embrace GDPR and how they can get started if they haven’t already.  For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit...
Published 02/07/18
This week Josie is joined in the studio by the CIPD’s David D’Souza, author and HR consultant Perry Timms and Oracle’s Andy Campbell to talk about the changing nature of the workplace, how to attract and retain the best people and how to set a company culture that fits an increasingly diverse workforce.   For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast 
Published 01/24/18
This week Josie is joined in the studio by PWC’s Rob McCargow, futurist and forecaster James Woudhuysen and Oracle’s Neil Sholay to talk about the oft-referenced rise of the robots and where mid-sized companies can benefit from automation technologies.    For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast 
Published 01/10/18
Josie was joined this week by Publicis.Sapient's Lorenzo Wood, Tech UK's Sue Daley, and Oracle’s Neil Sholay to talk about one of this year's most hyped technologies - Artificial Intelligence. AI and machine learning are already changing the way businesses operate and the types of tasks people perform at work. The team explain what this means for SMEs, how they can get started with AI today and how it can help them grow. For more exclusive content and viewpoints visit oracle.com/BusinessPodcast
Published 12/20/17
Josie is joined by deputy director of digital at the Prince’s Trust, Jo Hutchinson, futurist and forecaster professor James Woudhuysen and Oracle’s Neil Sholay to kick-off the series and tackle an essential issue for businesses of all sizes and across all sectors – how they can keep up with customers that want quicker, more convenient ways of interacting with them on digital channels. The team discuss where customers expectations are today, where they are going next, and what businesses need...
Published 12/06/17
Preview the brand new podcast from Oracle hosted by Josie Cox (Business Editor, The Independent). Episode 1 on 'keeping up with digitally demanding customers' launches on 6th December 2017.
Published 12/01/17