When Penny started her career behind the mic as a young (and very enthusiasstic) radio presenter she accidentally began a morning ritual which she now credits for fast-tracking her confidence and skills. She expects it'll make you cringe and feel awkward but has no doubt it's the glow-up your guest interview appearances need.
Published 05/21/24
Published 05/21/24
In this episode of The Penny Drop, Penny talks about something that the Aurora Australis (The Southern Lights) and interviews have in common - yep, she links a natural phenomenon with our ability to be a better guest. Strangely the link isn't as tenuous as you'd think!
Published 05/14/24
What do you say once the podcast or media interview is over? Have you ever thought about it? Penny Terry reckons you should and in this episode of The Penny Drop, she goes through three things you can say to make sure you lean in before you log off. (Think less 'follow-up', more 'show-up'.) ----- Show notes: To join the waitlist for Penny's 3hr online workshop email the word 'waitlist' to [email protected]. (There's no obligation to buy a ticket - you'll simply get first dibs on the...
Published 05/07/24
Penny has a problem with the word authenticity because it seems no one knows what it means anymore... yet everyone is trying to be it. Hot tip: While you shouldn't have to try and be authentic, for anyone who's ever tried to open their mouths when the mic is turned on, remembering how to be yourself can be something we need to re-learn. This is certainly Penny's experience and in this episode of The Penny Drop, she talks about one of the most instructive conversations she had during her ten...
Published 04/30/24
It's not uncommon for people to tell Penny that their last media interview felt like an out-of-body experience; they can't remember what they said, what they were asked, or whether they did any good! This feeling is usually thanks to a particular brain mode that we engage during high-pressure situations. Penny's worked out how to disengage it, ensuring your next media, podcast or panel interview is a true in-of-body experience. In this week's episode of The Penny Drop, Penny runs you through...
Published 04/23/24
The one thing that will make the most difference between a poor interview performance and a good one - is not skill, it's not knowledge - it's mindset. Penny Terry has interviewed more than 20,000 people and in this episode of The Penny Drop, she talks about the three most effective strategies for mastering your mindset during an interview... and interestingly how they relate to Michael Jordon...
Published 04/16/24
What do weddings and media interviews have in common? Now we think about it, probably lots of things... but there is one thing in particular that Penny wants you to think about as you get ready for your next media, podcast or panel interview. She reckons if you nail this, you'll nail the interview.
Published 04/09/24
Do you have an idea of what you want to say in an interview but aren't really sure how to get it out? Maybe you're worried you won't be asked questions that will let you say what you want to say? Never fear! Penny has been here before, both literally and figuratively. In this episode of The Penny Drop, your host Penny Terry shares a useful story to remind you what happens if we don't have a good enough map to help us navigate an interview. She then outlines three steps to help you create a...
Published 04/02/24
Woah back there Cowboy! Put down the keyboard and listen to this before you prepare your 'talking points' for your next media, podcast or panel interview. (While we're on that - don't even think about preparing talking points - but we digress, that's next episode). In this episode, Penny takes you on a stroll along Manely Beach in Sydney as she unpacks the three things you can do that will help you prepare the sorts of notes that will help you be the best guest, no matter the show you 'visit'.
Published 03/26/24
Before you even think about preparing or pitching for a media, podcast or panel interview - you need to hear this. Cause chances are you're approaching interviews all wrong and a simple perspective shift could be a total game changer. To unpack the change, in this episode of The Penny Drop, host Penny Terry shares her favourite story of all time to explain why we lose all our human abilities during interviews and what we can do to get them back.
Published 03/18/24
Want to know how to be a better guest on podcasts, panels at conferences or in the media?  Need to use these opportunities to influence change, raise your profile, or simply do your job? Then chances are you’re already super busy and have don’t have hours to learn this stuff. You’re in the right place because Penny has made a whole season of fun, short, five-minute episodes specifically for you! With almost 20 years of experience as a radio and podcast host, and more than 20,000 interviews...
Published 02/20/24
You've made this decision - we all have. The DIY decision that ends up costing you more time and money than if you just got someone else to do it for you. Today on the Penny Drop, Penny talks to you while she's dealing with a frustration that almost ended up with her computer in the river.
Published 12/04/23
Penny is recording this episode of The Penny Drop in her car when something on the side of the road takes her back to a painful (read: funny) lesson she learned on a  holiday in L.A., while also reminding her to plan for 2024.
Published 11/20/23
In this episode of the Penny Drop, Penny is inspired by some listener feedback. She gets you to think about the benefits of a private conversation vs public messaging and how podcasts and interviews straddle the two; which turn out to be their superpower!
Published 10/30/23
In this episode of the Penny Drop, a basket of lemons sends Penny into a spin. She somehow relates that back to a communications and engagement lesson that you might not see coming.
Published 10/16/23
In this episode of The Penny Drop, you'll hear Penny have an epiphany as she learns a new, and very compelling, skill. It's something that's transferable from the river bank to the office and beyond!
Published 10/02/23
So we're lucky this episode of The Penny Drop even exists because Penny was dealing with a serious lack of ideas. You been there? Writer's block, the pressure of deadlines, and ZERO ideas to share? Luckily Penny implemented one of her four surefire story-finding techniques and 'bingo' - ideas galore! In this episode, Penny goes for a walk while walking you through them.
Published 09/18/23
Penny gets out from behind the computer in this episode of The Penny Drop to take you outside and take a closer look at something she thought she could see quite clearly. (Penny's also started recording videos of her podcasts - if you'd like to see them, the best way is to follow her on LinkedIn or sign up to her fortnightly newsletter. All the deets are below.
Published 09/04/23
Penny recently got heavily questioned, kind of accidentally, while going through airport security and wonders if most of us are making similar mistakes. In this episode of the Penny Drop, she takes you through the whole experience providing a few pointers that will help you with your scanning processes... yep, the metaphors in this one are plentiful.
Published 08/21/23
This week on the Penny Drop, Penny Terry has a great little test you can do to find out if you need to ask more questions about the way you work. And yep, she learned it from someone much smarter than her.
Published 08/07/23
This week on the Penny Drop, Penny goes through her kitchen drawers and realises that how we tend to organise them isn't too different from how we organise information in our heads! When you hear what's in Penny's head, you'll start thinking about what you keep in yours and chances are it's probably time for a clean-out....
Published 07/24/23
It's life hack time on the Penny Drop as Penny unpacks the simplest life hack that she's recently learned from her five-year-old Vin. It's so good that it's now something that Penny does for a living!
Published 07/10/23
This week on the Penny Drop Penny ponders aloud which takes her back to the time she developed an app idea about... pondering, which leads her to share the most important two words you can say aloud that will encourage more pondering.
Published 06/27/23
This week on the Penny Drop Penny reflects on something that happened to her at the supermarket which she reckons has happened to you to... hopefully, maybe, we'll you'll just have to listen to see. She reckons there's a big learning that we can all take back to our jobs.
Published 06/13/23