Have you ever regretted something you’ve said or done, especially towards someone else? Think back to a time when you did. What were you reacting to exactly? Perhaps you weren’t getting something you desperately needed from that person? Here’s the kicker: your reaction to them has more to do with you than your disdain for that person. In moments of negative reaction, your sensitive under skin gets irritated like a bug bite and like a bug bite, once it’s itched, you can’t stop scratching it,...
Published 06/26/14
A growing body of scientific evidence tells us that emotional development begins early in life, that it’s a critical aspect of the development of the brain and has enormous consequences over the course of a lifetime. So why are we not implementing emotional development practice and systems in our schools? Join Joanne as she discusses the simple yet effective changes that can turn this dilemma around! www.joannedelcore.com
Published 06/19/14
Do you think it’s possible to be anxiety free? Whether you do or whether you don’t, that will define your experience with anxiety. When anxiety is present, no matter whether it’s mild or severe, it’s here to give you a message. But the question is are you listening to that message? Join Joanne as she discusses the root cause of anxiety and the steps towards being anxiety free. www.joannedelcore.com
Published 06/12/14
The Power of Sensitivity What happens to a deferred dream? Are you a writer who doesn’t write? A painter who doesn’t paint? An entrepreneur who doesn’t get started? Maybe you wanted to be a lawyer, an advocate for the needy, a missionary or dedicate your life to a cause for the planet, but never embarked on any of it. Feeling dried up, dark and gloomy? Life gets in the way, you say. Life is in your face right now because you feel all dried up. Let’s talk about resistance and its role in your...
Published 06/04/14
Where in your life have you lost your voice? And how does that show up in your life? Starving yourself, overeating, gambling, self harm, cutting? In this show we’re going to talk about the unconscious roles and labels that we impose on ourselves and others that keep us in pain. Join Joanne and her special guest Eleanor Orme to discuss where we have run short on self-acceptance and how to turn self-abuse into unconditional love. www.joannedelcore.com www.eeorme.com
Published 05/29/14
But you already knew that right? We all have trust issues. That’s what causes our anxieties, worries and broken relationships. But what if I told you that sucking at trusting makes you suck at feeling and knowing yourself! What then? Join Joanne as she discusses how to put your trust muscles on a fitness program! www.joannedelcore.com
Published 05/22/14
What is the link between full self expression and our food intake? Swallowing shame, binging on hurt, gulping down guilt and biting on anxiety. That’s what we do when we stifle our emotions. When negative emotions and food crisscross, we can confront a series of symptoms, one of which include eating disorders. It’s not what you’re eating it’s always what’s eating you. Join Joanne this week as she discusses the emotional perspective of eating disorders with her special guest Eleanor Orme, a...
Published 05/15/14
The Power of Sensitivity Men and their emotional world: what makes them cry? What richness do they bring to our lives when they express themselves? Men speak a different language of tears than that of women and what we tend to dismiss is their extreme level of sensitivity. Join Joanne this week as she discusses the meaningful language of emotions for men. www.joannedelcore.com
Published 05/07/14
The Power of Sensitivity You’re strong for ignoring your pain. Do you really believe that statement to be true? Well, hiding your hurt actually causes pain. Living with pain makes you bitter and ignoring it steels your strength. What would it take for you to stop the pain habit? Join Joanne this week as she discusses the importance of confronting your difficulties and fighting them head on. www.joannedelcore.com
Published 04/30/14
The Power of Sensitivity What's your weapon of choice? Is it secrets, lies, temper tantrums or blame? What drama and trauma have you bought into that is the weapon that you have turned against you? What would it take for you to be so vulnerable with you that you no longer choose to use you as the target of shame? Join Joanne this week as she unravels the lies around shame, blame and regret. www.joannedelcore.com
Published 04/23/14
What to do during rabbit hole moments – feeling down, depleted, drained and disconnected? Negative emotions such as obligation, anger or resentment, always come up when your energy is being drained. The more aware you are of yourself, the less outside influences can affect you. Let’s learn more! This week join Joanne Del Core as she discusses how to observe rather than react to your surroundings. More about Joanne: http://www.joannedelcore.com/
Published 04/17/14