Probably a total cliche to talk about goals for the first podcast of 2019 but I have FINALLY figured out things that have worked for me. In the first time forever, I have been able to change lifelong habits and not be discouraged when I think of change and growth. I am not some super magical crazy person who can always keep her house clean and never eats a donut so I really do think these tips can work for everyone . www.radandhappy.com instagram.com/radandhappy The Power Of Habit Book:...
Published 01/04/19
Published 01/04/19
The holiday season is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year but it also can not be. It's cold, you send a lot of money, lots of deadlines and long to do lists. I had a particularly hard week last week and found some helpful ways to pull out of it.
Published 12/11/18
So you have your beautiful photo all ready to post to instagram and now you just have to post it. But it needs a caption. Aughhhh. Why is this part SO hard?! But I am here to tell you it doesn't need to be! I am giving you 5 tried and true steps that I use every. single. time. I post to Instagram or anywhere else online. 1. Pretend you are sending this photo to your sister / bestie. How would you talk to them? If they said things like " how's the weather over there?", they probably wouldn't...
Published 11/27/18
From the first time I remembered doing art I was proud of, failing drawing 101, what I did for schooling, and all my struggles and successes to get to where Rad & Happy is today.
Published 11/17/18
Creativity isn't something you are either born with or not, it's something you're either willing to work for, or not.
Published 11/09/18