A really hot topic: Using solar energy through highly concentrated mirror systems, we can achieve high temperatures of 150 - 1500 Celsius to drive power cycles (electricity generation) or industrial processes such as cement production or green hydrogen. The technology is commonly known as concentrating solar power (CSP) and typically includes storage to provide energy even when the sun is not shining. But how far along is CSP technology? How does it differ from PV? Where is the greatest...
Published 09/14/23
Africa has a huge untapped solar potential, and at the same time, the importance of off-grid solar power supply and applications is significant on a continent where electrification is still a major challenge for states and governments. At the same time, decentralized solar power generation can contribute not only to electricity supply, but also to addressing other critical development issues. The integrated solar water desalination project at Lodwar Hospital in Kenya, implemented by Boreal...
Published 09/07/23
Der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien erfordert eine intelligente Verknüpfung von Stromerzeugung und -verbrauch. Millionen dezentraler Anlagen wie PV- und Windkraftanlagen, Batteriespeicher, Ladesäulen oder Wärmepumpen müssen in Zukunft miteinander kommunizieren und aufeinander reagieren können. Die Digitalisierung ist dafür der Schlüssel, denn sie versorgt uns mit den nötigen Datensätzen. Doch wie lassen sich diese Daten erfassen? Wie können sie sinnvoll und effizient ausgewertet, dargestellt und...
Published 08/31/23
All eyes on China: It is impossible to talk about solar energy without talking about developments in what is by far the world's leading solar market. As of April, China's cumulative installed capacity was 380 GW, and the country is on track for 177% growth by 2023. A huge increase in PV production is also expected over the next two years. When it comes to associating China with Europe, memories of the past mix with prospects for the future: is the country a fierce competitor for European...
Published 08/24/23
With the massive growth of electromobility, more and more EV batteries will come onto the market in the future that can be reused for second-use applications. STABL Energy offers such second-life storage, with success. But why are they so important for a Net Zero energy system in the future? What are the challenges? Dr. Nam Truong from STABL reveals this and more.   Timeline: 02:21 What is the key to a sustainable circular economy for batteries? 06:44 For which applications are...
Published 08/17/23
Mehrwert durch Parkplatz-PV: Photovoltaik-Überdachungen auf Parkplätzen sind in Teilen Deutschlands seit 2022 verpflichtend. Über versiegelten Flächen von Parkplätzen kann umweltfreundliche Sonnenenergie erzeugt werden. Eine flächendeckende Installation von PV-Anlagen auf Parkplätzen in Deutschland würde einem Potential von 59 GWp Leistung entsprechen. Allein mit Parkplatz-PV könnte also der Strombedarf von über 17,2 Mio. Haushalten gedeckt werden. Welche Vorteile bietet Parkplatz-PV konkret?...
Published 08/10/23
2022 is the year that unleashed the global solar potential in a new way. The global solar market grew 45 percent in 2022, with 239 Gigawatts (GW) worldwide. Solar PV expanded its position as leading renewable energy source, with two thirds of total installations. Those are new numbers published in the Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2023-2027, which the European Solar Association SolarPower Europe releases annually.  To get a little bit in depth with some of the studies outcomes, we...
Published 08/03/23
The energy transition in Brazil has been playing a significant role again at least since the change of government a few months ago. For green hydrogen, the region in Brazil is very interesting as a raw material supplier for Europe. However, there are also exciting local applications - Brazil is the world's largest importer of fertilizers and its most important supplier is Russia. Green hydrogen could be used as a feedstock for local fertilizer production, reducing dependence on...
Published 07/27/23
Der Fachkräftemangel könnte die Energiewende in Deutschland ausbremsen. Für den Ausbau der Solar- und Windenergie fehlen aktuell rund 216.000 Fachkräfte – dies hat laut der Funke Mediengruppe eine Studie des Kompetenzzentrums Fachkräftesicherung (Kofa) am Institut für deutsche Wirtschaft ergeben. Demnach mangele es vor allem an Elektrikern, Klimatechnikerinnen und Informatikern. Welche Berufsgruppen sind besonders stark betroffen? Welche Chancen gibt es mit Blick auf Aus- und Weiterbildung?...
Published 07/20/23
Where are we in the energy transition? This episode looks at the latest figures, the latest trends, technological developments and regulatory developments around the world with a view to the new energy world. Which sectors are of particular interest? And what role does the financial sector play? That's what we talk about in this episode with a guest who covers all of these topics: Seb Henbest, Group Head of Climate Transition at HSBC.   Timeline: 01:51 About his new role at HSBC – What...
Published 07/13/23
Im Förderprogramm „Öffentlich zugängliche Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge in Deutschland“ stellt das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr bis Ende 2025 insgesamt 500 Millionen Euro in einzelnen Förderaufrufen für den Aufbau öffentlicher Ladeinfrastruktur zur Verfügung. Was aber genau beinhaltet das Förderprogramm? Wie sieht es im internationalen Vergleich aus? Welche Rolle spielen Kommunen beim Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur? Und welche Entwicklungen erwartet die Leitstelle bis...
Published 07/06/23
The innovations in the field of energy storage and smart grids are enormous. The industry is booming, and there are currently numerous innovations appearing on the market. This is also shown by the submissions for the ees and the EM-Power AWARD, which honor innovative companies with their solutions. What are the current trends to marvel at? Where is the journey heading in the area of storage and smart grids? And where do we still have a need for innovation? George Hilton and Pierre-Jean...
Published 06/29/23
Dass die Elektrifizierung von Fahrzeugflotten aktuell ein rasantes Wachstum erfährt, ist unausweichlich: Angesichts des Klimawandels wird die Suche nach möglichen Lösungen immer dringender. Neben Privathaushalten arbeiten daher auch viele Unternehmen daran, ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu minimieren. Eine Möglichkeit dafür ist, auf einen grünen Fuhrpark zu wechseln. Doch wie läuft die Elektrifizierung der Fahrzeugflotten in Deutschland? Was sind die größten Hürden? Und Welche rechtlichen und...
Published 06/22/23
Whether ChatGPT or digital art generators - the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone's lips across society. It also plays a major role in the energy industry in many areas - including the use of battery storage systems. But what is really behind it and what is the added value? We talk about this and much more with Mandy Schipke. She is the founder and CEO of NOVUM engineering GmbH. Questions or suggestions? Then send us an email to [email protected]
Published 06/15/23
Controversies are normal when it comes to the reality of the African continent – also in terms of energy supply and security. The continent has a vast solar potential, with several Saharan countries belonging to those with the highest solar radiation worldwide. At the same time, electrification in Africa is still one of the core issues to be addressed within the millennium development goals in Africa, especially in the rural areas. The huge solar potential faces political, infrastructural,...
Published 06/08/23
Die Elektromobilität boomt und strotzt nur so von Innovationen. Dasselbe gilt nicht erst seit gestern für die Photovoltaik- und Solarbranche. Während der Intersolar AWARD, der Innovations-Award für die Solarbranche bereits seit 2008 jährlich vergeben wird, feiert der Power2Drive AWARD in diesem Jahr seine Premiere. Doch welche Innovationen gibt es in diesem Jahr konkret zu bestaunen? Welche Trends zeichnen sich ab? Und was ist mit der Integration von PV und E-Mobilität? Das verraten und die...
Published 06/01/23
In theory, V2G plays a crucial role in the decentralized grid of the future. It will provide grid flexibility in a powermix mainly consisting of fluctuating renewables. Also it provides great potential to have end-users participating in the market. However we’ve been talking about it for years already. And we are still waiting for it to materialize beyond specific pilot cases or insular solutions. So where are we in 2023? How close are we to V2G becoming a daily reality? Which regions are...
Published 05/18/23
Europe aims to become climate-neutral by 2050. To achieve this, the transmission and distribution networks urgently need to be expanded and modernized in order to integrate the rapidly growing number of decentralized renewable energy ressources and exchange electricity across national borders. This is the only way to ensure a resilient, sustainable and affordable energy supply. Digital technologies play an important role in making the grid smarter and more efficient. A digital twin of the...
Published 05/11/23
Latin America and Mexico in particular offer a huge potential for renewable energies. Already last year we had talked in an episode about the opportunities and possibilities, but also the hurdles in the Latin American market. How does it look today? What are the developments? And which business models are currently in particular demand? Angélica Soto, CEO of Nexus Energía México and Rosanety Barrios, member of the Board of Directors of the National Solar Energy Association (ANES), reveal this...
Published 04/27/23
Die sogenannte „Renaissance“ der PV-Produktion in Europa ist gerade ein hot topic in der PV-Industrie. Wenig gesprochen wird aber darüber, was es bedeutet, die gesamte Produktionsindustrie wieder auf europäischen Boden zu holen: Haben wir hierzulande das Know-How? Die technischen Möglichkeiten? Die entsprechenden Rohstofflieferketten? Wie rentabel ist die Produktion in Europa gegenwärtig überhaupt? Darüber sprechen wir mit Prof. Dr. Peter Dold, Leiter des Fraunhofer Center für Silizium...
Published 04/13/23
Photovoltaics in the field of tension: this topic has preoccupied the industry since the construction of the first large-scale PV power plants on greenfield sites.  In times when project and generation scales are reaching new dimensions, it is more important than ever. How can open-space plants be implemented in harmony with nature and landscape regulations?  How can biodiversity be preserved and promoted with the expansion of PV plants?  And what criteria come into play in environmental...
Published 04/06/23
Neben den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels wird uns durch die aktuellen geo- und energiepolitischen Entwicklungen sehr deutlich bewusstgemacht, dass wir endlich ernsthaft aus der fossilen Abhängigkeit unseres Energiekonsums aussteigen müssen. Der Wärmesektor ist hier stark betroffen und steht vor enormen Herausforderungen. Aktuell gibt es viele Diskussionen in Deutschland, gerade mit Blick auf die Wärmepumpen. Doch die Wärmewende braucht viel mehr. Doch was genau? Welche Rolle spielt die...
Published 03/30/23
The solar industry is on its way into a new era: Technological advances and a mature and experienced industry are paving the way for a new age of quality in photovoltaics. At the same time, the solar industry finds itself under tremendous pressure: solar expansion is now to happen at a record pace and challenges and bottlenecks are to be efficiently resolved virtually overnight. The focus here is on reconciling quality and quantity - what approaches are major project developers taking to...
Published 03/23/23
For years, experts around the world have been warning of cyberattacks on utilities and power grids. German authorities are also on the trail of a hacker group that is specifically spying on the power grid. The attacks on wind power companies in northern Germany a year ago showed how quickly malware can paralyze parts of our energy system. And there are many points of attack, from the growing number of PV and wind power installations, to battery storage and charging systems, to smart...
Published 03/09/23
Die Elektromobilität nimmt auch im Gütertransport Fahrt auf. Dabei stellt sich die Frage nach der vielseitigsten Antriebsart. Unabhängig der Entwicklungen im PKW-Segment wird diese Nische häufig als „sicherer Hafen“ für den Wasserstoffantrieb (H2) angesehen. Als Begründung werden die zu geringe Reichweite von Batterie-LKW, zu lange Ladezeiten, sowie die durch die schwere Batterie reduzierte Nutzlast genannt. Während sich batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge im Individualverkehr gegenüber H2...
Published 03/02/23