My farewell episode, I'm switching gears into marketing. Thank you to all who have inspired me and who have shared their insights. I have made stupendous friendships and gained so much new found knowledge- i thank each and every one of you. A new boat is about to set sail and I am jumping on! Remember change is good and i am about to make a big one!
Published 05/11/22
Published 05/11/22
Why don't exercise the 57 muscles most often seen? We exercise our bodies but never think to exercise our facial muscles. Why is that? Most often we looking at faces so it would make sense to have a few simple and not time consuming hacks to look your best. No drugs, no chemicals and no surgery. Please come join us, Carin Andresen, a certified Facial Yoga Coach and I, as we discuss what a few minutes a day can do for your beautiful face!
Published 04/03/22
Dustin Hughes most definitely has a Warrior's Mindset. His health issues started when he was just 6 weeks old, he had multiple surgeries by 6 years old and some absolutely horrific accidents thereafter. It would have been totally understandable if he just gave up on life but he CHOSE a better path. Dustin and I wanted to share his story, hoping it will help and inspire someone else on their journey to better self-care!
Published 02/16/22
Jenn Pike a Holistic Nutritionist and Exercise Specialist, author of the "Simplicity Project" and founder of the global woman's health project: The Hormone Project. What do you know your female body, how it cycles and functions? What questions should you be asking your medical professionals and where to find better answers. And to think you can be a woman for so long and not know so many answers- WOW!
Published 02/06/22
Allan Knight, a former Zen Monk, who also has a masters in Counseling Psychology - shares with us his mindset on communication mastery. How your mindset of inner fitness and verbal fitness come together. We chat about communication, soulmates-the various types, meditation and finding a happy mediums.
Published 01/19/22
A New Year a New Mindset! What do you think about, what are you thinking about anyway. 80% of the time we are all thinking negative thoughts. That equates to 80% of your life! OMG that is awful. Let's change that... take a listen, we have some wonderful hacks to elevate your thoughts which definitely creates a happier life. 2022 is HERE and this new year could be YOUR year!!! Start right now and make it happen...
Published 12/30/21
'Tis the season for Holiday Parties and Wardrobe Mishaps! Join us and learn 3 Do's and 3 Don'ts from celebrity stylist Sarah D'Arcy. She has several fabulous tips to make you look you best and how to add personalized flare to your holiday style. If you found value with this podcast, please share it... Let's dress up the world! Remember, January 31... we are so excited to offer "The BE THAT MAN Challenge", come get your game on and be the best version of you for 2022!
Published 12/22/21
5 Proven ways to R.E.S.E.T. your health! Come learn Marisa Moon's Intermittent Fasting method of working with your body and lifestyle needs and how to learn to adjust your foods for optimal health. She is a super successful coach because her methods work for the longterm. Come join us and get through this holiday season without that extra 10 pounds! Also connect with Marisa at Marisamoon.com.
Published 12/15/21
The proverbial Holiday LIST! Let's change things up for the better and learn new types of lists, those that can benefit you both mentally and emotionally throughout the holiday season. 12 ideas for the Nice list...designated for your benefit and 12 ideas for the Naughty list to keep you sane through this trying time. Please implement a few of these ideas and let me know how they hopefully brought you a little more peace and joy through this holiday. Please email me: [email protected]
Published 12/01/21
Meet Natasha Wiebe, founder of Fix Your Life Solutions, who has a huge passion for helping people and relationship builder extraordinaire. She is an International Life Strategist, with amazing insights on improving relationships through a 3 step process of Trust (yourself) 2. Confidence. 3. Communication. Natasha has some amazing helpful tactics to implement, right here on this episode... Make your holidays happier and implement these fantastic strategies! GO, Listen right now and make your...
Published 11/24/21
Andrew Gelbert has overcome the odds and then some, powering through suicides, being shot, prison....You have to hear his transformational story and he now shares his passion and wisdom to inspire others as a coach and energetic practitioner. He has truly turned his life around and is a beautiful person. Come join us and learn how he...
Published 11/17/21
Josh Hicks grew up with many insecurities and they kept mounting... through domestic violence with his mom and several marriages, into the military, add a divorce, plus 60# weight gain, a hard NO to a dream job, and a failing construction business... How did he survive and thrive??? Come check out Josh's story and get inspired to make the change in your life with his inspiration. Disclaimer: Josh's weight loss and his bodybuilding results are not typical.
Published 11/13/21
Robert Radnoti is a master hypnotherapist, a trainer for Dr. Joe Dispenza AND a senior leader for Tony Robbins. Robert gifted this episode with a hypnosis session that includes YOU!!! He is a wealth of information and shares ...
Published 11/03/21
Josh's journey went from reactive medicine-a Paramedic, to proactive, causation using Functional Medicine as a Personal Trainer extraordinaire! improve your gut and improve your LIFE! Josh shares his incredible knowledge of breath, The Oxygen Advantage book to Gut Bacteria and how sickness is driven by bureaucracy... the Medical Industrial Complex!!! There are so many takeaways...
Published 10/27/21
Do I need to take a Supplements and why? How do I know I'm getting a quality supplement and how they are sourced? Which vitamins need to be taken together for optimal gain? Come learn the answers from Sean Thorncroft a wicked smart Nutritional Advisor and owner of VitalNewU. Connect with Sean at Neolifeafrica.com/vitalnewu
Published 10/20/21
Please come Join Gordon Brodecki and I for some fitness, fun- a lot of fun and facts about weight loss, diets and the like, as he shares his many years of experience. His system is self proven, just look at him, lol, and the RESULTS of his success stories happen from 3 days a week at the GYM. Yeah, you read that right- tune in because Gordon shares...
Published 10/16/21
Menopause... if your a woman this is a MUST, KNOW YOUR BODY and if your are a man- there could be serious relationship guidance here! What you need to KNOW NOW in your 30's & 40's as symptoms can appear way earlier than you think! Come listen and learn, DON'T STAY CONFUSED, misinformed or worse, tormented by years of frustration, as many women do!!! Be in the know!
Published 10/09/21
Alzheimer's 101: join me as i go over what the symptoms are to be aware for your family.... This horrific disease can become present in people as young as in their 30's!!! What foods are optimal for brain health and I actually interviewed my Dad who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Please excuse audio quality, this was done in segments as I was traveling and not in my office with my equipment.
Published 09/23/21
A living example of what food can do to change the trajectory of your health... join Kimberly Baca, the Naked Veganista and Caroline Schaefer and take away some great insights to optimizing your health through living foods, mindset and determination to live a healthier life. Kimberly was in her 20's when she became completely debilitated and diagnosed with...
Published 09/15/21
Pearl Cici s a nutritionist health and fitness coach shares how to Master your Mindset, Nutrition and Movement. How to nourish your body to feel energized, fuel your brain and ward off those lifestyle diseases. Come join us and find out her top 5 Food Picks to feed your Brain!
Published 09/08/21
Using psychology and neuroscience together to compliment your morning routine by forming better habits. Come listen and learn how to get your day off to a better start with Lunide Adeeko founder of The Best Morning Routine Ever; how to get up, dress up and show up. BOOM what at way to start your day! Find her at Thebestmorningroutineever.com.
Published 09/01/21
Sean Thorncroft, a Medical Orthotist- Prosthetist who has witnessed the grim reality of patients malnutrition causing the loss of limbs from Diabetes. One of several connections Sean makes from how nutrition can heal with your body. Come join us and get inspired to heal that pain and prevent that illness. Sean is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration, offering the best medicine there is: HOPE!
Published 08/25/21
Learn to love yourself before getting in that next relationship. Join us, as Laura Medrano author of "Becoming a Master Dater, 7 Steps to Rewrite your Love Story". Laura has harnessed her love for self help to make her book a reality and utilized her own journey as a course to help other women who want to get unstuck. Remove the self sabotage and learn to have a Dominating Thought for the day. You got this....
Published 08/18/21
Cheers to healthier options!!!Even your alcohol beverage choice can have a cleaner version! They had me at, "no sugar added"!!! Come join us and learn what clean crafted wine is and all the nasty things Scout and Cellar's leaves out of their adult beverages. This company is doing things the old fashion way plus helping our Bee population. Celebrate your summer in a healthier way!
Published 08/11/21