After a lecture by my son's headmaster wherein children are regarded by the Catholic Church as divine we say that wonderfully influences expectations of our kids which moulds behaviour and self esteem which is one of the main determinants of success in life. Andy my co presenter related this to his own experiences with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We then segway onto social media which destroys self esteem, social skills , causes depression and dissolves concentration in its...
Published 02/03/24
Responsibility: Progress in any system is by trial and error. This is how nature works in evolution and how our children grow up through experiences and teaching. Models only work for specific unique situations. Eg laws of gravity , motion etc. in fact many scientific concepts. In fact even those only stay valid until they are disproven or someone comes up with a better concept. The idea that models can be produced for complex systems is not realistic. Yet this is what ‘experts’ are...
Published 08/26/23
Published 08/26/23
All the great minds including religion tell us that if we are to progress in life we need to shoulder responsibility which involves hard work and pain. They don't make life sound too appetising with the partial exception of religion in which faith is innate . We argue that they miss out one of the key secrets of life which is self esteem. Thanks to Angela who made this a lovely Podcast touching on many issues affecting our lives including narcissism , the universal wage, Dave Mustaine and...
Published 08/12/23
PTSD first defined in soldiers returning from the Vietnam War and officially recognised since 1980. The distilled essence which you won't find anywhere else is as follows: Similar to phobias there is a processing block causing an emotion logic gap: I know I should not feel like this but I can't help it. This is because we are hard wired to avoid or reduce anxiety so the brain actively suppresses anything causing anxiety so you can't think about it long enough to bring the emotion down to...
Published 03/24/23
Stutz Dr Theo I would be fine if I knew what direction to go in I would fly instead I become lazy . We also discussed the first step in therapy which is connecting with your internal energy You do that in 3 steps: 1: Diet exercise and sleep  2: Connecting with others as we are tribal 3: Connecting with yourself your underlying feelings which is self awareness most effectively done by self journaling. The Part X is  that part of you stopping forward progress which...
Published 12/23/22
"Where are you from" is considered a micro aggression. Of course in a harmonious society this is a reasonable question indicative of genuine interest. Indeed in a harmonious society to suggest any other motive would be nonsense. However it has become a problem for two reasons in this age of societal collapse where political correctness has been the latest disintegration stage. The first is people are easily offended because they are unhappy and are insecure about their own identity and feel...
Published 12/03/22
Gut Immune Body Brain Axis. Dr Gundry: Leaky Gut, gut microbiome and diet Renowned Cardiovascular Surgeon who realised that all he was doing was treating the symptoms so he studied the underlying causes. The lining of the gut is one cell thick As bacteria break down the gut that is when ageing starts Ibuprofen or roundup disastrous the bacteria population Skin is a mirror of the lining of the gut Joints do not naturally wear out. Animal model C Elegans as bacteria begin to break down the wall...
Published 08/19/22
Eliot Jacks 1965 Mid-Life Crisis Paradox of prime of life fulfillment in life but seeing it as dated as death is just over the hill National Geographic 2012 Apes Have Midlife Crises, Too—And It May Help Them Middle age ruts may act as natural motivators, scientist says. BYAMANDA FIEGLNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NEWS PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 20, 2012 A national survey of Midlife in the United States conducted a poll to determine how many people experience midlife crises. Approximately 26% of the...
Published 08/15/22
Not medical licensed advice . Always consult with your doctor: New Treatments For Obesity BMI: 25-30 : overweight  >30 Obese WHO 2016 40% are over weight and 13% obese slightly higher in females . This is triple that in 1975 UK 2019 House of Commons Library  40% are overweight and 30% obese higher in middle aged and elderly men NHS 2021: Children Obesity has gone up in 12 years from 19% to 25%  The Surprising Link Between Chronic Inflammation & Obesity—Plus What You Can Do...
Published 08/09/22
Depression: The most important thing anyone reading this needs to know is that everyone with depression will get better. The sooner you treat it the quicker and better the results. LIfe time prevalence 4%, in fact in the USA up to 10% struggle with depression. 280 million people world-wide suffer from depression. 20% risk of suicide in untreated depression. Used to be the 5th commonest cause of illness and death, now it is the commonest. It is not because we have all become...
Published 07/31/22
Coaching: Anxiety Disorder: We all have anxiety, not only is it normal it is essential for survival, in fact as a caveman the more anxiety you had the more likely you were to escape predators and achieve survival needs. The irony is that in todays society it these people that suffer the most as just like the rest of us they are hard wired to continue escaping illusionary predators and acquire illusionary survival needs that marketing and social media imprison us with. We discussed stress last...
Published 07/23/22
Coaching: Stress: The key to stress is : control. If you have control you are not stressed, if you don’t have control you are stressed. Mental Health Foundation 2018 study: In the past year 75% had at some point felt overwhelmed with stress. Elderly less stressed than younger. Of those who were stressed 50% felt depressed and 60% felt anxious, 50% overate or ate unhealthily,30% increased alcohol and 15% started or increased smoking. Of those who felt stressed at some point in their life...
Published 07/17/22
PTSD first defined in soldiers returning from the Vietnam War and officially recognised since 1980. The distilled essence which you won't find anywhere else is as follows: Similar to phobias there is a processing block causing an emotion logic gap: I know I should not feel like this but I can't help it. This is because we are hard wired to avoid or reduce anxiety so the brain actively supresses anything causing anxiety so you can't think about it long enough to bring the emotion down to...
Published 06/28/22
FIrstly about 1 in 10 children have ADHD and about half will grow out of it leaving 1 in 20 adults with ADHD. The long term studies in adults have not been done but the oldest patient I have diagnosed and treated with ADHD was 68. There is a strong genetic component and it is almost certain that other members of the family will have symptoms of ADHD. There is also a greater than average association of ADHD with bipolar disorder and dyslexia. People with ADHD often present with an...
Published 06/19/22
The reason why Depp and Heard are the tip of the ice-berg Personality DIsorder Part 2 Personality disorders ie those whoes behavior is by nature consistently anti-tribal are this way due to a combination of nature  (genetics) and nuture. They can be born this way or they can be affected by trauma of different types. For borderlines and psychopaths sexual trauma is especially important. Anything that fractures or does not affirm self esteem either acutely or chronically risks going onto also...
Published 06/04/22
This is the best overview of personality disorder currently available as understanding the distilled rules of human behaviour allows us to analyse the patterns in the world around us with a clarity some may find challenging but most find liberating. We look at the current diagnostic systems and what they try and do and their shortfalls. Simply put most living organisms with self awareness are tribal because nature worked out millions of years ago that living in a tribe conferred a survival...
Published 05/20/22
We take a historical and macroeconomic look at patterns over the centuries that keep on repeating with the different players of various societies. Typically the life span of a society is marked by a slow start a rapid acceleration phase a plateau and a rapid drop off the edge. It's the same for bacteria in a Petri dish in fact. It's a matter of the build up of scale and then the sheer power of mass making competition useless with the big kid on the block until the resources have been used up...
Published 04/18/22
Depression used to be the 5 th commonest cause of illness and death 25 years ago go and now it is the commonest we have not suddenly become genetically susceptible to clinical depression people are stressed and unhappy and are not designed for modern life The key element of stress is whether or not you have control if you have control you are not stressed if you're not in control you're stressed Stress via the hormone cortisol is the grim reaper and destroys mind and body. Although all of us...
Published 02/23/22
It is a great privilege to discuss with my mentee Alexi the lessons he has learnt over the last 20 years with me. Firstly we all need therapy because it gives us self awareness. The purest our minds will ever be is the moment we are borne and after therapy. We are sensitive recording instruments of everything we experience from the first breath we take and how we express that going forwards is largely determined by the chassis we layer these experiences onto -- our personality. Self awareness...
Published 01/19/22
The 3 contributors discuss 2021 and whether our predictions came true , the why and the how. Lessons to learn, wisdom for the future or just croissants and coffee amongst friends
Published 01/11/22
Freedom is one of those words that is used daily and the reason for many wars but as far as we can see there is no satisfactory definition of it. The dictionary definition of being free to do what you want (as long as you do no harm) is as Jordan Peterson puts it the 2 year old definition and precisely why 2 year olds need parental supervision. Yet modern society and materialism accelerated by social media has turned most of us into 2 year olds as our self obsession erodes other values of...
Published 12/19/21
Christina Costa gives a wonderful Ted Talk on the power of gratitude and how practice makes perfect. However indiscriminate positivity is neither self awareness or practical as plenty of research has shown. Furthermore gratitude in isolation implies passivity which as long as you are happy is not bad. But it also implies little control, just an acceptance and a hope that positive energy will help your lot. Of course most of what psychologists say are out of context nuggets taken from...
Published 12/04/21
Humans are still evolutionary cavemen where reflex anxiety reduction was necessary for survival. In our concrete jungle there no predators for us to escape from and no basic survival needs to occupy us. We are prisoners of our need to reduce our innate anxiety most of which traps us with cycles of instant gratification and goal seeking. This reflex is reflected on a daily basis by scapegoating. Literally a safety valve for our psychological discomfort. Simply transferring our discomfort to an...
Published 11/23/21
The human mind does anything to avoid or reduce anxiety. We have the ability to think of difficult questions but lack the intelligence to solve them. In order to achieve peace of mind we deal with this cognitive dissonance by making a best guess and as time passes we become ever more attached to our chosen view point and can even justify it. Thus the cognitive discomfort and anxiety associated with it is allayed as the mind equilibrates back into calmness , also known as peace of mind. Of...
Published 11/07/21