Everyone always tell you what you should start doing to help yourself and your situation. And the thing about that is we are all so busy that adding more to the ToDo List can feel overwhelming. So, I am going to share with you 4 things your should STOP doing in order to help yourself and get yourself out of struggle.
Published 11/28/22
Sharing the holidays is one of the hardest parts of single mom life. How do you handle sending your kids off and being alone on holidays? Let's talk.
Published 11/21/22
Refuse to stay stuck or insecure or unhappy about things you have the power to change. This goes for any area of your life. The person you see in the mirrow right now will be the one to get you to where you want to go.
Published 11/14/22
You can’t blame your way into a better future. Your best bet to start over is to fully own your share of the past. If you dont pause and take responsibility for your part in your history (the part of your history that has caused you to start over) than you will drag it into your future. Blame enables us to smuggle our issues (stuff) into our future. Blame sets us up for a repeat performance.
Published 10/24/22
In this episode, Andrea teaches you who your two biggest enemies are and how to aggressively protect your peace. Doesn't matter who you are or where you live or how old you are- these enemies affect you.
Published 10/17/22
If you need a little pep talk abt the people in your life- I got you! There are people in this world who haven't met you yet that will be drawn to your energy & love your soul. You will be beautiful in their eyes. Good people find good people. 
Published 09/06/22
We all will go through difficult times in life. In this episode Andrea shares one of the most important things you can do for yourself when you are struggling with a situation.
Published 08/28/22
No one chooses to be a single mom. No one plans one day that will get divorced or have their relationship end, raise kids in 2 houses, split holidays, deal with other people spending time with you kids or have to start over in the whole relationship arena. But it happens to a lot of women and the shame & guilt you feel about that is real. There are 2 major reasons you feel shame and guilt- let's talk about how to handle that.
Published 08/14/22
I was asked to share a little bit about my story. I hope it gives you some hope that your journey is your journey and things will work out!
Published 08/06/22
Time Heals is a lie. Join me on this episode to learn what time actually does for you and how to actually heal. You can Andrea on Instagram at @single_moms_be_like.
Published 07/14/22
Are you a single mom? Are you starting to think about dating again and what life would be like if you had someone else by your side? Does the idea of "getting back out there" leave you feeling doubtful and uncertain? In this podcast you will learn the most important thing you need to do now to prepare for dating.
Published 07/04/22
Releasing hurt from the past-some people live with hurt and anger for YEARS. But what they don't realize is not letting that hurt go hurt them the most. It's a burden you do not have to carry. In this episode Andrea shares with you how to release past hurt so it doesn't stay with you.
Published 06/27/22
It's not a matter of IF you will go through something difficult in life, it's a matter of WHEN. In this episode you will discover one of the most important things you must do during hard times in life.
Published 06/18/22
There are 4 stages of healing for single moms. Andrea breaks down what each stage is, how you feels in each stage and why each stage is important to your healing and growth.
Published 06/05/22
You didn't deserve what happened to you. It wasn't fair and has caused you pain, hurt, resentment and anger. How do you forgive someone who doesn't think they did anything wrong? Or even more importantly- WHY would you forgive someone who doesn't want it. Let's talk...!
Published 05/31/22
When is the right time? Is there ever a right time? What does dating again look and feel like when you've been single for so long...let's talk!
Published 05/25/22
Learn what it means to TRUST your journey as a single mom. Learn what to do when things are out of your control and how you can turn fear into faith when life is not going as planned. Fact: You are always being guided on your journey by God. Learn how to find the GodWinks in each day and trust that you and your children will always be ok.
Published 05/08/22
This is a 2 part series that reminds you of the gifts you have as a single mom that 2 parent homes don’t have. In this episode Andrea shares the 3 blessings you have as a single mom.
Published 05/03/22
You ever been in a situation that has you feeling frustrated, out of control and upset & there is nothing you can do to change the situation? Maybe you have been single for a long time and are starting to feel stuck like you'll never meet someone or maybe your finance situation is overwhelming and you feel like it will never change. We all at some point have felt stuck. I have 3 tips to help you go from feeling STUCK to HOPEFUL!
Published 04/28/22
Protecting your energy when you're going through a difficult time is important and who you're talking to and going to for advice can either make the situation better or it can make it bigger for you. It's important to know who is gas and who is water to your emotional fire. Even if you're not going through a hard time now- it's also important to know if YOU are gas or water to the people closest to you.
Published 04/05/22
Feeling lonely and being the only adult in your home when your raising kids can be tough. Being the only one who never has someone can def make you feel lonely. Today's pep talk will help you sprinkle hope and excitement into those times of feeling lonely. And honestly, there is a gift in loneliness that you may not know about. This pep talk is one of my favs!
Published 04/03/22
We all struggle with that negative voice inside of our head. The one that fills you with doubt or fear and can keep you up all night. Let's have a quick pep talk on how to get control of that voice and silence it so it doesn't keep you stuck in a place you don't want to be.
Published 04/03/22