Thank you for joining me on this journey of 100 episodes! This is an incredible milestone for Money and Files, and I attribute so much of the podcast’s success to my amazing clients and listeners. Even though I do not know each of you personally, as a business owner and financial coach, I always think about you as I talk about money and how I can help add to your ‘money file.’ Today is a special tribute in honor of episode 100. I take you all the way back to the beginning and what inspired...
Published 12/05/23
If you and your money sat down with a therapist, what would your money say about your relationship? Odds are, your money is stressed and overworked. Too often, high-earning individuals designate their financial livelihood to the next client, the next night shift, or the next gig. They get so caught up in reactive day-to-day money management and mental math that they don’t realize where each dollar is going. In today’s episode, I talk about how $1,000 can turn into $10,000 quickly. Managing...
Published 11/28/23
Today, I am interrupting how you spend money during the holidays. So many of us overspend during the holidays because we are programmed to take advantage of Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and the endless brand deals. There is so much pressure to buy right away or risk losing out.  Stores run sales all year round. Odds are, a special holiday deal will be available later on. So, instead of impulsively buying, take a step back and make a plan before you spend.  This holiday season learn new tools...
Published 11/21/23
It has been FIVE years since I started my coaching business! What better way to celebrate this milestone than to bring my first-ever client on the podcast? In today’s episode, I sat down with my first money coaching client, Amanda. She shares her money journey, including why she decided to work with me, how she paid off all her debt, and how financial coaching has impacted her life. Amanda also talks about the money tools she still uses, including the budgeting tool she learned when we...
Published 11/14/23
Are you considering working with a money coach? This episode is for you! In today's episode, I am joined by my client Sarah. Sarah shares her journey of being a single mom by choice and how getting help with her finances was pivotal to her leaning into motherhood. Sarah has just finished working with me in my five-month partnership and came on the podcast to share her journey working with a money coach. Sarah is a single mother who works in the education sector. She came to me with a list of...
Published 11/07/23
Most people associate money conversations with savings, debt, or salaries. But achieving financial goals is more than just making money. In today’s episode, I share the importance of having a money team. Your money team goes beyond just having a financial advisor. You need a group of people who have already accomplished what you want to do and who can challenge you to think bigger. Everyone needs a money team, and in this episode, I share examples of how my own money team has pushed me to...
Published 10/31/23
Today's podcast episode is a cross-replay of my conversation with my friend and client, Lindsay Dotzlaf. Lindsay is a coach specializing in empowering other coaches to enhance their effectiveness and make a more significant impact. Tune in as Lindsay shares her personal journey of working with me as her financial coach and the profound transformation her mindset has undergone in managing her finances.  We also discuss Lindsay's newfound passion for budgeting and how to make a budget work for...
Published 10/24/23
It's no secret weddings are EXPENSIVE. On average, couples spend $30,000-$40,000 on their wedding. Don't let financial stress overshadow your Big Day. I explain how to build the perfect wedding budget in today's episode. The earlier you start financially planning for your wedding, the easier it will be to create the perfect day without overspending or going into debt.  Remember, a wedding budget is the same as any other budget. The key is to assign purpose for every dollar, know your...
Published 10/17/23
I recently was a guest on Sara Fisk's podcast, The Ex-Good Girl, hosted by Sara Fisk. Sara is a female empowerment coach who helps women stop people-pleasing behavior and start living the life they want. With Sara's permission, I am sharing our conversation in this episode of Money Files.  So, listen in as we dive deep into why women aren't naturally confident with managing finances and recommendations you can use to shift into better money habits. Sara and I tackle topics like overspending...
Published 10/10/23
Debt can make you feel anxious and shameful. As a six-figure earner, I know how tempting it is to put all of your focus on paying off credit cards or loans. But when you are only working at paying down debt, you lose sight of all your other financial goals. In today's episode, I share the five main reasons I tell my clients to look beyond paying off debt. I explain how creating a budget that incorporates debt payments is an essential tool for financial management. You deserve to enjoy life...
Published 10/03/23
Saving money $10,000 can be an intimidating goal, especially if you are someone who doesn't identify as a saver. But reaching a savings goal is easier than you think! In today's episode, I share my special 'Magic Ten' process to save $10,000. This is the method I coach my clients on, and it is successful for anyone. Not only will the Magic Ten process help you achieve your savings goal, but it will also help you shift your mindset and build financial confidence. If you feel like you don't...
Published 09/26/23
You can save money, pay down debt, and still spend money on things that make you happy! When you are focused on money goals like increasing savings and paying off credit card debt, it is easy to feel shameful about spending money. But you work too hard as a six-figure earner not to invest in fun. In today’s episode, I share the importance of a personal allowance. By establishing an allowance in your spending plan or budget, you give yourself permission to treat yourself to a manicure, fancy...
Published 09/19/23
Do you want to gain control of your spending? No matter how much money you earn, now is the right time to start building financial awareness and creating healthy spending behaviors. If you are someone who wants to gain control of your spending because you are tired of being up at night thinking about your finances, this episode is for you! Today, I share the process I use during coaching sessions to help clients who feel like they are out of control with money. My judgment-free method...
Published 09/12/23
Most of my clients are scared of debt. Society has created rules and regulations around when it is “okay” to get into debt. Going into debt for a house or car is normalized, but accumulating debt on shopping or healthcare is taboo. There is so much negative talk about debt that you might feel shame about your own credit card balance or the need to use credit. Today’s episode is about changing how you think and feel about debt. I share several helpful tips for managing debt, strategizing a...
Published 09/05/23
One of the top questions I get asked is, "How do I stick to a budget?" Society tells us we have to budget to manage our money well, but most teachings focus on restriction. If you are someone who has tried spreadsheets and apps and still struggle to maintain a budget, this episode is for you! Today, I talk specifically about maintaining the habit of budgeting. I am excited to share this episode because it gives you five practical ways to navigate maintaining your budget. This easy five-step...
Published 08/29/23
The home buying process can feel overwhelming whether you’re looking to buy your first home or you want to make the transition to a new home. Today, I’m sharing four steps I used to prepare for homeownership. If you want to feel financially prepared to buy a home tune into this episode. In this episode, I share four financial tips to get ready to buy a house. Whether you are a new home buyer or looking to upgrade to a larger property, my four-step process makes purchasing property a seamless...
Published 08/22/23
On today’s episode, I am joined by former client and career coach, Kim Tran.  Kim is a hiring manager and owner of Your Work Inspired, a company with a mission to provide a holistic approach to closing the wage and wealth gap for women of color regardless of job titles and industry.  In this episode, we discuss the perceived challenges of pivoting in your career. It might feel familiar to maintain the status quo when it comes to your career but there is also power in pursuing new careers...
Published 08/08/23
Today I discuss a problem that impacts current clients, past clients, and potential clients. There’s a sneaky thought you might have when it comes to managing your finances: I’m afraid I’ll fall back into bad financial habits. This fear can hold you back from applying to work with a financial coach. It can cause you to freeze and go into a downward spiral when you have to put an expense on a credit card unexpectedly. Do not let this sneaky thought prevent you from reaching your money...
Published 08/01/23
Today I share 15 things you need to start doing right now to stay on top of your financial health. Managing your money successfully is about more than just paying off debt, saving money, and sticking to a budget. These 15 tips are designed to help you see the big picture so you can manage your money with current and future goals in mind. I will cover every aspect of personal finances today! Listen in for tips on everything from saving for retirement to monitoring automatic bill payments....
Published 07/25/23
In today's episode, I answer TEN of the most frequently asked questions I get from people who are thinking about working with me. As a former teacher, I know that if one person has a question, there are multiple people wondering the same thing! I also understand the feeling of knowing you need to do something to help yourself but also feeling unsure about taking that next step. This episode is designed to help you overcome feelings of hesitation and paint a clearer picture of what it would be...
Published 07/18/23
The Supreme Court has overturned Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan. While student loan payments were suspended during COVID, interest fees will resume in October 2023. It is essential to understand your numbers now to avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed in a few months. I had over $70,000 in student loan debt. My payments were between $500 and $700 a month. I never fought or got angry with the payment because I knew that $500-$700 would always be needed in my budget. It might have...
Published 07/11/23
Every client comes to me with a different set of goals. Some are more traditional like wanting to save money, pay off debt, or purchase a home. However, the main thing that differentiates their experience with me as a financial coach from attempting to do the work themselves is that I build a financial system they can trust. During a coaching container, every single client says how much they love budgeting. Hard to imagine? That’s because you have never worked with me! A budget is a working...
Published 07/04/23
Today’s episode is about highlighting the difference between tracking and budgeting. Many coaching consultations focus on a client’s frustration with managing money. These six-figure earners are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to pay down debt, and unable to reach saving goals. Most clients come to me with some sort of tracking system they use to “budget.” But listing out bills and tracking expenses is a passive activity. That isn’t budgeting. To help explain the difference between...
Published 06/27/23
We are officially in June! We are already halfway through 2023. It is time to do a financial check-in. In today's episode, I discuss the importance of conducting a midyear financial review and strategies to keep you on track to hit your money goals.  January is an exciting time to set resolutions, and we enter the new year with enthusiasm, especially around changing money habits. However, it is easy to lose focus and stray away from financial plans. A lot can happen in six months. It's...
Published 06/20/23
In today's episode, I provide a list of questions designed to help you define and understand your financial self-concept. You are with yourself every single day. When you are in the midst of working on your financial journey, it can be hard to see progress. One of the benefits of hiring a coach is that I am watching your progress, and I push you to reflect on the growth and shifts you've made around money. Managing your finances is more than just budgeting and spreadsheets. Everyone has...
Published 06/06/23