Don't waste food, eat it instead!
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Don’t Waste Food, Eat It Instead! Ok, this is what we are taught, universally, either directly or in subtle ways but the underlying message is don’t you waste the food on your plate! Today, lets dismantle this deep rooted & unskillful way of thinking that is costing you your health & of course leads you to become overweight.   Hi there. How are you doing? Welcome to this episode on “wasting food”. I think this is a conversation that brings up a lot of resistance in all us humans. As a human, firstly it is in our DNA, that eating is essential for survival, which of course is true. But this very primal instinct can be taken too far which is what is happening in today’s world.  We have set up a world which is the perfect place to fatten everybody until & unless you are very conscious & aware of what exactly is happening.  So with eating being essential for our life, food of course is a prized catch. At least it was when we were hunter gatherers & evolving and could be caught up in a situation where we didn’t get food for days together.  But now, we have come to a point in our evolution where there is over abundance of food everywhere. So, living a life based on primal instincts is actually undermining our true potential. Its kind of killing our potential…  And on top of it, when we are growing up we are conditioned to believe in food scarcity where the reality is there is actually none. At least, I beg your pardon, that is what I am assuming if you are listening to this podcast.  The point being in order to evolve to the next level & unleash our full potential in life, we have to get in the habit of questioning the conditioning which our forefathers adapted & they have instilled all that in the coming generations, in all. It's our job to become aware, examine those beliefs & stop to live as if those are true. So the belief about food that I’m talking about that comes from scarcity mindset is all about “wasting food”.   WHAT YOU'LL LEARN FROM THIS EPISODE: How each one of us is conditioned with the belief that "wasting food is bad while overeating it is ok"? How this unconscious belief keeps you stuck, overweight & hurt your health as well? Why wasting food on your body is more toxic than otherwise? Steps to dismantle this unhelpful belief     Mentioned in the show
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