Don’t Waste Food, Eat It Instead! Ok, this is what we are taught, universally, either directly or in subtle ways but the underlying message is don’t you waste the food on your plate! Today, lets dismantle this deep rooted & unskillful way of thinking that is costing you your health & of course leads you to become overweight.   Hi there. How are you doing? Welcome to this episode on “wasting food”. I think this is a conversation that brings up a lot of resistance in all us humans. As...
Published 12/03/22
Published 12/03/22
What is that key obstacle in following your diet plan which sooner or later, inevitably shows up in your weight loss journey  & how to overcome it?  Hi there, how are you doing? So the key obstacle that I’m talking about is called feeling bored by your healthier eating choices. So what to do when you start feeling bored with your diet? Do you find yourself thinking I feel bored when I’m eating the same food over & over again? Does that feeling of boredom cause you to eat what’s not...
Published 12/02/22
Hi there, how are you doing. Today I have an entirely important & valuable topic for you. We are going to take a deep dive into what I call the sugary aspect of weight loss. Now, the thing is, some experts believe that you can lose weight by eating sugar as long as the calories are controlled while some experts completely ban it from your diet. And I think that is the reason why it’s natural that people are confused as to how to approach sugar. Whether to keep it or ditch it from your...
Published 11/17/22
The SECRET to achieve freedom from overeating & achieving permanent weight loss lies in the BRAIN & the only way to end the food & weight struggle is to hack your own brain. That is why, I want to invite you to my FREE LIVE WEBINAR on 16th Sept, 2022 at 5:00 pm called  - “3 secrets to losing weight permanently by unlocking the power of your brain  ”  Click here to grab your spot >>> https://www.dranugupta.com/training
Published 09/14/22
7 tools to lose weight without changing anything that you eat or making any lifestyle change. I know sounds too good to be true, but if you stick till the end, you will ultimately realise the power of these tools and reap tremendous benefits. So whether it is that you want to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain freedom around food, these tools will certainly. Now, the first thing is, I wanna clarify is that I am not promoting to not make any dietary or lifestyle. No, that's not what I'm...
Published 09/14/22
Should you throw away your weighing scale? Yes-No-Maybe.  Should you not care about the number on the weighing machine? How often should you weigh yourself?  All this & much more…today, we are talking all about the weighing scale. In today’s episode, I want to ask you how is your relationship with the weighing scale? I mean are you aware of how much you exactly weigh? Or you have a rough idea? When did you last weigh yourself? Today morning? Last week…last year?  Many of my clients...
Published 08/29/22
Do you feel guilty when you overeat? Is food guilt a this a good thing or a bad thing? Do you feel guilty about not being able to do enough for your body weight and health? In this episode, let’s unpack guilt.  You know, I once did a program, a body image program which was quite good and I got a ton of value from it. In that program, I became friends with a wonderful, bright woman from California. And I remember this one instance where we were discussing about our recent overeating...
Published 08/26/22
Hi there. Welcome to Episode 12. How are you doing? I hope you having a good time. You know this week, my little girl said something that I wanted to share with you. She recently 7 and she is in grade 2. She said mumma, I have decided that I want to slim down and so no more chips, only fruits for snacks. So in this episode I wanted to have a conversation about the two broad categories of food. Some of you might find this too simplistic but let me tell you what I have learned in my life that...
Published 08/24/22
Do you struggle with food cravings? Have you tried using will power to say no to your favourites foods only to realise that it doesn’t work for long? And have you ever wondered why you even have cravings, especially when trying to lose weight?  In this episode I'm unpacking the worst nightmare of a chronic dieter and a weight struggler….cravings! So, I always used to wonder that why is it that I do so well on my diet for the first week or so and then get hit by cravings that derail all my...
Published 08/05/22
Do you also struggle with motivation sometimes, if not all the time?  Motivation to eat healthy…motivation to eat just enough and not overeat… Motivation to not eat that much of sugar, eat more of vegetables and fruits and less of junk…motivation to start or maintain your exercise regime or take it to the next level.  Motivation to lose the extra weight and then stay there for life…Or motivation to lose the last 5 to 10 pounds…  Whatever it is, if you wanna learn the secret to ongoing...
Published 07/28/22
Do you have days when you particularly “feel” fat? You wear a nice dress and look in the mirror & your brain goes like, “You look fat” and immediately you then feel heavy. So what exactly is happening when you feel fat. In today’s episode, I’m unpacking this universal phenomenon aka “feeling fat”. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN FROM THIS EPISODE: The real truth about “feeling fat” What happens in your brain when you feel fat What to do when you feel fat Why it is important to decode the personal...
Published 07/28/22
You think you are born with a sweet tooth? Where does your love for food even come from?  Today we are talking about your “extra” desire for food. I think it’s quite revolutionary for you to unpack the real reason as to where your desire for food stems from. Understanding this puts you back in the driver seat instead of feeling helpless around food. Until you really get this, you will continue to struggle with your extra weight while your self in the process. A total game changer...
Published 07/05/22
In continuation with our topic of emotional eating, today I’ll teach you how to truly feel an emotion instead of reacting to it by eating. I believe learning the skill of feeling your feelings without using food stands in the way of you losing the weight permanently or not. Once I learned how to feel my feelings, that was the turning point of my life. It not just meant that I lost all the extra weight for good, it also meant that I could go after all my other desires that apparently I found...
Published 06/22/22
If you ever wonder whether or not you are an emotional eater, the answer may surprise you. If there is something that I want for you from the deepest core of my being, it is this. In this episode, I’m talking about emotional eating & processing emotions in my opinion is a million dollar skill that you must learn and apply in your life.  Not just this will help you lose weight permanently but this one skill will literally free you from the holds of unmanageable emotions in life. What...
Published 06/16/22
In today’s episode I’m teaching you the 5 basic simple action steps that will cause you to lose the weight & get to your ideal weight for good. I call these 5 fundamental steps that you need to practice to get down & stay at your goal weight. I’m all about working on your brain which includes your thoughts & emotions that cause you to overeat. But then I do asked every single day, "Anu, all that is amazing & life changing but still tell me what to eat & what to do to lose...
Published 06/10/22
Do you know that the feeling of deprivation or restriction makes you feel miserable while losing weight & feeling deprived is the exact reason that causes you to gain all the weight back or face a hard have a time maintaining it. Let’s unpack deprivation today! Stay tuned…   WHAT YOU'LL LEARN FROM THIS EPISODE: The real truth about feeling deprived and restricted when cutting out your favourite foods.  Why you feel out of control around your favourite foods & cant wait to binge...
Published 06/07/22
So what is hunger paradox, why it is important for you to understand it, if you want to end the weight struggle & how not knowing about it keeps is in body jail & never ending diet drama. That is what I’m teaching you in today’s episode. Understanding how hunger feels in your body is critical skill in losing weight for good. Also, women who struggle with their weight often have a hard time distinguishing between true physical hunger & emotional hunger. So let me teach you how to...
Published 06/03/22
Did you know that you have an overweight brain that is designed to make you put on weight, stay fat & make it extremely hard to get rid of that fat.  Understanding this particular brain concept is a total game changer. Once you figure out why it’s not your fault that you have not been successful in losing and or maintaining your weight till now, it completely changes the way you approach the overall weight loss puzzle. So tune in to learn this. What will you learn in this episode...
Published 05/30/22
Welcome to the first episode of Weight Wise Revolution. I’m super excited to share my coaching with you in this new format. In this first episode, I give you a little background about me, my weight struggle with extra 30 kilos. I’ll also start with my very first topic — why diets are not the solution for permanent weight loss & what is.  Once I discovered how to treat the root cause of extra weight, it was like I had won the lottery of the Universe. Looking back, I can say, that my...
Published 05/25/22
Hi there, I’m Dr. Anu Gupta, Weight Loss Consultant, medical doctor, radiologist, best selling author, speaker & mentor & I’m going to teach you how to rewire your brain for lasting weight loss & create mental & emotional well-being. Are you a high performing, busy & successful woman who wants to lose weight permanently so that you can create body confidence & food freedom for life? Then this podcast is for you! My goal is to empower you with the with simple, step by...
Published 05/22/22