Published 10/15/23
This episode is mindblowing , i shared some of my thoughts about AI technology , hope you guys enjoy it~
Published 09/25/23
评论区告诉我哪一首你们最喜欢!!! 1. Sofa King - Royel Otis 2. Cherimoya - Jordan Ward 3. Danger - Olivia Dean 4. iMi - Bon Iver 5.Backpack - Samrecks
Published 06/11/23
Music: Prescription by Remi Wolf
Published 06/04/23
Music: Just Say'n by BlxstWe were both sick in this episode so our voice was not in the best condition. But it's a great opportunity for you guys to listen to my sick low voice lol, kidding.  Hope y'all like this one and enjoy~Arina's 小红书: Arina 阿丽娜
Published 05/28/23
最近搬家了,其实也挺突然的之前本来想着再在这个地方住下去,主要是懒得去找房子又累有麻烦(如果有过租房经历你懂我什么意思T-T),所以分享一下这次搬家的一个感受吧,也update一下最近的生活。对啦!!! Arina开了一个小红书账号,大家都去关注! 她平时会发一些日常和她画的画和拍的照片等等自己喜欢的东西。Little Red Book: Arina 阿丽娜
Published 05/20/23
Happy to be back! I did this episode with Arina, she recently came to China so we finally made it offline in my little studio. And more interesting episodes are coming. Stay tuned! Don't forget to LIKE SHARE COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE, love y'all~
Published 03/19/23
网易云搜索哈,个别歌在其他音乐平台搜索可能搜不到。 1.On My Way-Lord's Child / Madison Ryann Ward / Montell Fish 2.Normal people-Joji 3.Dramatic-Cat&Camell 其中组合成员之一Cat有一个B站频道,也强烈推荐!!! B站:cat雨馨 4.Gravity-John Mayer 5.The Highs & The Lows-Chance the Rapper / Joey Bada$$
Published 09/07/22
本期节目是硅谷英语真人外教平台Cambly与「Yeah,Why Not Podcast」一起推出的【CHILL TALK】特别企划,特邀Cambly平台来自英美澳加母语外教交流有趣经历,让我们⼀起聆听海外文化,感受世界之声。 PS:下文有WHY NOT听友专属免费外教课福利~ 【WHY NOT 听友福利】 1、现在下载Cambly APP 或者登录Cambly网页官网,注册登录后输入WHY NOT的听友专属推荐码【ling2022】,即可直接获得免费20分钟外教体验课时! 2、领取后可直接筛选有空时间并且搜索关键词:IELTS\BUSINESS\MOVIE等感兴趣话题匹配外教进行预约对话~也可以采用Cambly才有的功能:即时通话寻找在线外教进行对话练习哦! 3、如果感兴趣想要长期订阅外教课的小伙伴可以再用:new2cam这个code进行输入享受月度折扣进行体验~折合一节30分钟课不到45元,可以说是性价比很高了! 【Cambly心得】 很开心第一次就能跟Cambly进行品牌合作!...
Published 08/24/22
Published 08/09/22
Guess who already graduated ! Music: Head In The Clouds by Hayd
Published 07/10/22
Music : Self Control - Frank Ocean
Published 06/05/22
Haha No room tour but got two lil pictures of the room for you guys. My thoughts about living alone for the first week.  Music : Love you more than myself - Montell fish
Published 05/29/22
Published 05/15/22
 INTRO: Hey, what's up guys? Welcome to my podcast YeahWhyNot.  If you like watching right now.Don't forget to subscribe like share and comment.I really appreciate your support and enjoy your episode. MAIN TRANSCRIPT:Hey guys, what's up now?It's the last day of 2021  and tonight I'm going to celebrate the new year with my roommates.Yay actually, Oh my God,I feel kind of tired and It's super cold outside.I don't know what will happen tonight.I hope everything will be fine and tomorrow I need...
Published 12/31/21
I AM > i was INTRO: Hey what’s up guys!!!  Welcome back to my podcast YeahWhyNot.   If you like what you hearing right now  Don’t forget to subscribe like share and comment. I really appreciate your support. MAIN TRANSCRIPT: I Saw a meme a couple days ago.  It’s like a girl with a confused face and a lot question marks  and it said that it’s already the end of 2021?  I’m telling ya it’s me. Omg it’s so fast !  After a few days it will be 2022.  I wanna say an early Happy new year to you...
Published 12/27/21
INTRO: What’s up guys! Welcome back to my podcast YWN. If you like what you are hearing right now plz subscribe share comment ,anything helps and enjoy your episode. Main Transaction: Recently here in Ningbo,there are some BI#. Some of the people got BI#.I think It’s  like a town in the north part of Ningbo it’s not in the city center but still the BI#.And my school is closed ,too. We can’t go out.I feel like everyone is kinda nervous about it this time.The number keeps going up. People are...
Published 12/15/21
本期节目算是YWN播客一个新的专栏吧,标题叫Everything i know about English, 因为感觉到咋们听众很多想要提高英语,练习口语等等,我尽力给大家分享我知道的。  Enjoy your episode~
Published 12/04/21
本期节目算是YWN播客一个新的专栏吧,标题叫Everything i know about English, 因为感觉到咋们听众很多想要提高英语,练习口语等等,我尽力给大家分享我知道的。  Enjoy your episode~
Published 12/04/21
和朋友Jordy聊中美的文化差异part 2 来啦,这是上一集的续集哈,part 1 没听的小伙伴感兴趣的话可以去check out 上一期节目。
Published 11/28/21
和朋友Jordy聊中美的文化差异part 2 来啦,这是上一集的续集哈,part 1 没听的小伙伴感兴趣的话可以去check out 上一期节目。
Published 11/28/21
Published 11/23/21
Published 11/23/21
When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is. And your life is just to live your life inside the world,try not to bash into the walls too much,try to have a nice family,have fun,save a little money.That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader,once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that people...
Published 11/14/21