Part 2 of Yasmin's bite-size atlas - about different types of local restaurants in Hong Kong. This time Cha Chaan Teng (茶餐廳) is introduced. Are you ready? Not to eat, but to dive deep into Cantonese & Hong Kong dining culture.
Published 01/12/21
Yasmin has prepared a bite-size atlas to introduce different types of local restaurants in Hong Kong. In part 1, Cha Lau (茶樓)/Jau Lau(酒樓), Dai Pai Dong (大排檔) & Siu Choi Gung (小菜館) are covered. Are you ready? Not to eat, but to dive deep into Cantonese & Hong Kong dining culture!!
Published 12/31/20
Here it comes Yasmin again shares more unusual methods to improve languages - this time requires some cheekiness inside you. The show is presented in Cantonese aiming at providing interesting listening materials to intermediate Cantonese learners.
Published 12/14/20
Weird but wonderful travel stories. Listen to native speaker Yasmin laughs, mourns while improving Cantonese. As usual, the show is presented in Cantonese gearing towards helping intermediate Cantonese learners advance their listening skills.
Published 12/07/20
So often, Hong Kongers mix English into their Cantonese speeches. Meanwhile, there are some loanwords from English to Cantonese that have become established and standardized; but there are also loanwords that are less so. In this episode, Yasmin wants to talk about the nuances of this kind of usage in Hong Kong Cantonese.
Published 11/26/20
An easy-breezy episode on how our ability to fantasize might help us in language learning. The episode is presented in Cantonese, gearing towards helping intermediate Cantonese learners advance their listening skills. The spirit is - the more you listen, the better you are equipped to understand Cantonese speakers.
Published 11/14/20
Every place has its own widespread jokes passed down from one generation to the next. Yasmin wants to share some of those cringe-worthy dad jokes from Hong Kong. WATCH: THIS EPISODE IS THE SECOND HALF OF A TWO-PART SERIES. As usual, the show is presented in Cantonese aiming to upskill Cantonese learners' listening skills over time.
Published 11/08/20
Yasmin casually chats about superstitious beliefs and the tens to a hundred Cantonese words and expressions that include 'ghost' in them. True to the spirit of this educational/inspirational podcast, this episode is in Cantonese ready for helping Cantonese students better their listening skills over time.
Published 11/01/20
Every place has its own widespread jokes passed down from one generation to the next. Yasmin wants to share some of those cringe-worthy dad jokes from Hong Kong.  EPISODE NOTES AS IN THE FOLLOWING:  Joke 1 (revealed in this episode) - 你有冇老土眼鏡?>>  你有冇腦,肚,眼,頸 ? Joke 2 (revealed in this episode) - ONE MORE TWO MORE,屎忽大過菠蘿 Joke 4 Q - 童子軍跳彈床 - guess 4 words that follow Joke 5 Q - 燒嘢食冇帶叉 - guess 3 words that follow Joke 6 Q - 荷蘭銀行支票 - guess 4 words that follow
Published 10/25/20
Culturally, Hong Kong people are relatively direct. Yasmin shares her perfect storm for being a direct person from a direct culture meeting some of the least direct people. Headache? Listen to find out while you improve your Cantonese. ;)
Published 10/17/20
Cantonese speakers like to call strangers 'handsome', 'master', and 'brother', why? Meanwhile, their usage is declining amongst youngsters, why? Yasmin tells you all. As usual, the show is presented in Cantonese ready for helping intermediate Cantonese learners upskill their listening ability over time.
Published 10/10/20
The basis of mastering any language is to know enough words. How to accumulate them efficiently, though? Language-learning geek Yasmin shares 4 recommendations. True to the spirit of this podcast for brushing up your listening skills, the episode is presented in Cantonese. Repeated listening is recommended.
Published 10/03/20
An episode packed full of morale boosts. Language-wise, what the hell is 'add oil' in Cantonese? Listen to this episode to find out. As usual, it is presented in Cantonese ready for helping intermediate Cantonese learners get better with listening comprehension.
Published 09/26/20
What's the deal with this podcast? How could it help you improve Cantonese? Host Yasmin tells you all in this episode. As usual, she presents in Cantonese aiming to help you 'get' Cantonese speakers over time alongside other learning avenues.
Published 09/18/20
Yasmin's recent experience of joining a foodie Facebook group and her terrifying tale of microwaving the forbidden Mapo Tofu at a European office. As usual, the episode is presented in Cantonese gearing towards helping intermediate Cantonese learners advance their listening skills. The spirit is: the more one listens, the better he/she gets better at understanding Cantonese speakers.
Published 09/11/20
Host Yasmin says 'aiya' at least 30 times per day. Today we shed light on this gloriously versatile and cute Cantonese filler word. The episode is presented in Cantonese ready for helping intermediate Cantonese learners better their listening skills by repeated listening.
Published 09/04/20
Two underrated language learning methods unveiled. True to the spirit of this educational/inspirational podcast, this episode is in Cantonese ready for helping Cantonese students better their listening skills over time.
Published 08/29/20
Yasmin casually explores the volume of Cantonese speaking. True to the spirit of this educational/inspirational podcast, this episode is in Cantonese aiming for helping Cantonese students better their listening skills over time.
Published 08/29/20
Introduction to the creator & her childhood memory living in the 1990s Hong Kong. True to the spirit of this educational / inspirational podcast, this episode is in Cantonese ready for helping Cantonese students better their listening skills over time.
Published 08/29/20