Happy New Year and welcome to the FIRST EVER guest episode!  It is my distinct pleasure to bring on Dr. Shante Cofield, aka the Movement Maestro, who has been and continues to be a massively positive influence in my life.  A PT by trade and a coach and online biz owner by choice, Shante uses her platform to inspire coaches and business owners to do the damn thing using savvy strategy, lived experience, and her trademark approach of unapologetic authenticity.   What you'll hear on the...
Published 01/03/24
Welcome to the Land Outside of Time, that weird week between Crimmas and NYE where nothing gets done, and that's a Good Thing.  I hope you're enjoying it.  First off, you have ONE WEEK to get on the mailing list for January's Woo Corner!  Coming out 1/4/24, join here, it's good for your health:  https://rachelstricklandcreative.ck.page/ This episode starts out with some of my favorite year-in-review exercises, and some insights I've had because of them.  These exercises include: Past-year...
Published 12/27/23
What is ambient performance, and how long should a set be?  How many sets are enough?  How many are too many?  And how long can we really expect one person to do slow moving splits on the fabric in one evening? And who actually wants to see that for hours and hours at a time? defining ambient performance, especially in terms of aerial performancemy own spicy opinions based on my lived experience in the industry for 16+ yearsscience-backed components to consider for the length of ambient...
Published 12/20/23
Last year's December update:  Why I don't work in December ps. Woo Corner shall continue in 2024!  Get in on that right here. Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Sign up here for monthly blasts and functional woo Find me on Instagram Support this podcast on Patreon
Published 12/13/23
Kasia Urbaniak's website:  highly recommend giving this woman a follow and subscribing to her newsletter While you're at it have you subscribed to Woo Corner?  It comes out every month and I promise to keep the woo functional only.  And because today's episode is about Instagram, if you're not already following the great Shante Colefield then look no further, she's the GOAT for all things Instagram related.  Check her out here:  https://www.instagram.com/themovementmaestro/ The meat of...
Published 12/06/23
This episode is dedicated to anyone who ever got their wish...then realized, "this kind of sucks."  It's my belief that this is actually a tremendously positive thing, dressed in a very disappointing outfit.  Here's my advice on what to do when you're ready to acknowledge something isn't compatible with your happiness- be it an artistic project or a job.  Cheers to terrible first drafts. Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Sign up here for monthly blasts and functional woo Find me on...
Published 11/29/23
Ever felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion creeping in, making your day-to-day coaching job seem like an uphill battle? I know the name of that tune. In this episode I share my own experience with burnout, and outline three ways to change your coaching practice so it works for you and not the other way around.   But first Imma overshare about my personal life a little bit, for s***s and giggles.   Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Sign up here for monthly blasts and functional woo Find me...
Published 11/22/23
This episode is an exploration of the surprising power that comes from harnessing creativity in isolation, and how to stop being so damned isolated if you're tired of it. Natural Wings Aerial Dance:  Dawn Pascoe and Ruth Battle duo trapeze at Toronto Busker's Festival 2013:  https://youtu.be/WODRXKb5cZ4?si=VOSxIQXUyLYgHbve Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Find me on Instagram Support this podcast on Patreon
Published 11/15/23
Sign up for the newsletter:  https://rachelstricklandcreative.ck.page/ Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way:  https://juliacameronlive.com/books-by-julia/the-artists-way-a-spiritual-path-to-higher-creativity-audiobook/ This episode of Audacity Works pulls back the curtain on the often obscured challenges artists face, especially when venturing into unrestricted creative opportunities like residencies. From the weight of high expectations to the struggle to connect with their inspiration, we...
Published 11/08/23
Sign up here for Woo Corner, and to get the lists of Pleasures and Restorative Practices:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WZQeNDDqtk0q95dQBZJzO7dW8My2TRVrIaScq6iW_4c/edit?usp=sharing Article about the 7 different types of rest:  https://mindfulhealthsolutions.com/embrace-these-7-types-of-rest/ I'm on a quest to understand the critical difference between passive pleasures like binge-watching your favorite series and active pleasures that require your energy and focus. This episode...
Published 11/01/23
Podcast episode on Samhain:  https://www.buzzsprout.com/2070440/11594609 Sign up here for Woo Corner:  https://rachelstricklandcreative.ck.page/ The Movement Maestro's free resource on starting a podcast (this is what I used):  https://the-movement-maestro.ck.page/b53b33557e Audacity Works website on Buzzsprout, including full transcripts from June 18 to the present:  https://audacityworks.buzzsprout.com Who knew the potency of voicing thoughts aloud or the power hidden in a voice? We...
Published 10/25/23
My Art-Haus aerial dance film, Midas is King:  https://www.rachelstricklandcreative.com/midasisking Film of Blood Meal, collaborative piece with digital artist Katina Bitsicas:  https://www.rachelstricklandcreative.com/bloodmeal Welcome to a conversation with myself about the purpose of submitting your work to film festivals. We kick off by rewinding to my aerial dance film, 'Midas Is King', which was hailed at four festivals and bagged two awards at the Women's International Film Festival....
Published 10/18/23
Application for Creatrix waitlist:  https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoDNIJn6jKIewJ4O2hfC5ayighWaSmcHV9S583uZMFChr_9w/formResponse How to alter fishnets with feet (only works with high quality, dancer-grade fishnets)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uth4Ro1-AA Example of high quality dancer grade fishnets from Capezio https://www.amazon.com/Capezio-Womens-Studio-Fishnet-Seamless/dp/B002YQ2GIW Looking Glass Gems:  minority woman-owned, family operated business with beautiful...
Published 10/11/23
Profit first calculator example- this is the system I use (thanks, Sandi!) for allocating my income into different accounts to keep my life running smoothly.  This is also why, when I ran out of money this summer, I still HAD money in different places to use.  Sandi York, Fit Money Coach- fantastic free resources here on her Instagram!  10/10 recommend working with Sandi if you get a chance. Creatrix: unleash the Muse- mark your calendars!  Applications open for Creatrix, the retreat...
Published 10/04/23
Creatrix:  the retreat experience Sign up at the link above to learn more and be notified when applications open~ Genesis:  air, water, life This is the act I referenced in the episode.  Not the time to be depleted. The Green Door Life:  nutrition for athletic performance Join me as I recount the trials of an extreme bodybuilder's diet I once adopted in the pursuit of visual perfection for a performance. The resulting dehydration wasn't just scary - it nearly sabotaged the show. Note to...
Published 09/27/23
Instagram post and heartfelt answers from readers In episode 47 of Audacity Works, we're going to challenge the status quo, examining the loaded implications and the undeserved hierarchy the labels of "professional" and "amateur" have built in our world. Let's shed light on why these labels are less stigmatizing in sectors like sports, and come to our own conclusions. I also wanna take a second to decouple 'professional' from its accrued connotations of moral superiority, technical skill,...
Published 09/20/23
Click here to get on the list to learn more about Creatrix: a retreat experience coming May 2024. Welcome to my second Buffet episode!  When I get great questions I want to answer but I don't have necessarily 20 minutes to devote a whole episode to each topic, we get a Buffet. Today's Buffet includes: - Ageism in circus, and what to do when you're at the top of your game but are still hungry for something more - Flow state, and accessing this state during an injury - The episode concludes...
Published 09/13/23
The haps:  The Audacity Project: Cycle 25 is enrolling this week!  Click here for information, enrollment, or to schedule a call. The episode: For anyone who has contemplated pivoting away from a conventional career path and stepping into the realm of full time freelance weirdo, feeling judged AF can come with the territory.  I want to dive in to this head on, on the request of a very Audacious alumni who is experiencing this now.   We'll unpack what's happening and offer some alternative...
Published 09/06/23
In the course of this episode, we plunge into the emotional whirlpool that accompanies physical injuries. It's not just the body that needs time and care to heal, the mind wrestles its own battles. Often, the emotional struggle of feeling ‘less than’ before an injury outweighs the physical ones.   I'll give you some suggestions for altering your perspective during these little jaunts through Mordor, I hope they serve you well. Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Find me on Instagram Support...
Published 08/30/23
Sweet Retreats Mexico: enrolling now (half full!) CREATRIX:  Unleash the Muse coming soon (jump on the information list here!) Money, it's a Ga$$:  a lil bloggy blog on the difference between getting hired vs. self-producing a one-off event Are you selling yourself short as an artist? Are you pricing yourself out of your market?  So many questions, so few actual numbers.  We're faced with this hard-hitting question in today’s episode. We confront the discomfort and spill the truth on the...
Published 08/23/23
Can morning pages be done in the afternoon, or even at night? Can you do them incorrectly? Drawing from my own experiences with morning pages, a journaling exercise introduced by author Julia Cameron in her acclaimed book The Artist's Way, welcome to my soap box about the flexibility of this practice—it doesn't have to be a morning ritual for everyone, and there's absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach. We delve into my journaling adventures, from how I create an inspiring ambience for...
Published 08/16/23
Some tales from the trail on DIY fundraising, and different ways to get funding for your creative work.  You need three things to create work:  vision, resources, and skill, and it's my opinion that the work is best served when it's approached in that order.  Funding belongs the 2nd of those three facets.  We know we need it, we know when we don't have it, so how do we approach going for it without feeling like a douchebag? My first public ask for funding, on my little ole blog. My first...
Published 08/07/23
Here's a secret: Your shadow emotions like envy, jealousy, and anger can become your guideposts towards finding what you need to create. In this episode, I unravel how these misunderstood emotions serve as an unconventional yet dominant compass towards your true values and desires. These emotional states are actually goldmines of information.  This episode explores how you can use envy and jealousy as tools to create something that is meaningful to you.  Don't go back to...
Published 08/02/23
You've been wounded, physically or emotionally, and suddenly you're unable to do the things you once could. Fascinatingly, our wounds and scars can be the source of beautiful and empowering art. I share a transformative encounter with a stranger that shifted my perspective on self-care, healing, and creativity. We also touch on the bold notion of creating from a wound versus a scar, drawing insights from raw, open wounds and the wisdom that comes with healing. This episode is not just about...
Published 07/26/23
This is a little Q&A episode where I address 8 different podcast/subject requests from listeners.  I thought these requests were great questions that I wanted to answer, but I didn't feel I had 20 minutes worth of material to address each one.  Do enjoy the buffet. xo The Audacity Project:  Cycle 25 information and waitlist Nervous system hygiene education right here!  Stress School Webinar- $25 USD for lifetime access Don't go back to sleep. xoRachel Find me on Instagram Support...
Published 07/19/23