Olivia is a triathlete, IronMan athlete, and my lovely past group coaching client. Olivia came to me after decades of a tumultuous relationship with food. From Weight Watchers to binge eating, she was READY to heal. When she started group coaching, she was actively training for an IronMan (which if you don't know consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a marathon 26.22-mile run completed in that order, a total of 140.6 miles--WOW). Her story is inspiring, relatable, and...
Published 02/08/24
Published 02/08/24
You've likely heard me say to tune in to how food makes you feel after eating it, but what does that actually mean?  Sometimes it is very clear when something doesn't make you feel so good, like when you immediately have some sort of symptom following eating like a stomach ache, heart burn, reflux, etc. But those more direct and obvious symptoms aren't the majority of signals we can use to best attune to our body and meet our needs. That's what we're getting into today! ------- Need...
Published 11/17/23
Have you ever heard a podcast or watched a YouTube video by a well-known, qualified professional that just left you feeling like you just need to cut out more food in order to lose weight to be healthy? It can be such a head spin... I have some favorite self-help youtubers and podcasters that I like to listen to, but I get whiplash with the random health advice: - Don't eat sugar - Fast until noon - Cold plunge! I know to tune out the "black and white" rules that aren't helpful or...
Published 11/06/23
Binge eating is common enough with ADHDers that some sources recommend screening for it with an ADHD diagnosis. Contrary to stereotypes, ADHDers don't just binge impulsively because they are seeking dopamine for pleasure. Yes, dopamine plays a role in ADHD symptoms, but binge eating often stems from more unmet needs – physical, emotional, or psychological.  This is what we are diving into today! We chat about soooo much (and yet still…not enough) related to the intersection of ADHD and...
Published 10/20/23
Did you know that you are about 3-4x more likely to struggle with binge eating if you have PCOS?  It makes sense for two reasons: the metabolic changes that increase hunger and cravings, and the physical symptoms.  So.. How can you support your PCOS sustainably without getting thrown into the tumultuous restrict/binge cycle? How can you stop stressing and obsessing over food when food impacts this condition? How can you take a weight-neutral approach? We're covering all this and...
Published 10/13/23
It's easy to think that the more portion control you have, the less likely you will be to binge. However, this is more likely to leave you feeling out of control when your body continues to fight back at your attempts to restrict. Listen in to hear about how portion sizes just fuel your restrict/binge cycle, and tips to start breaking this mentality! If you are looking for 1:1 support, we currently are accepting new private coaching clients! Click here to learn more and apply for a free...
Published 10/06/23
Emotional Eating 101 Workshop is THIS FRIDAY! Regsiter now! https://programs.behindthebinge.com/emotional-eating-masterclass/ Apply for 1:1 coaching: https://www.behindthebinge.com/privatecoaching/ Find me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/binge.nutritionist/?hl=en HAES Health Sheets: https://haeshealthsheets.com/the-health-sheet-library/ CopPilot: You'll get a 14 day free trial and 50% off your first month with my link: https://joinmycopilot.com/ZubRnoZVG7UK Focus Mate:...
Published 06/21/23
Hi hello! Welcome back to Behind The Binge Podcast. Last week I had a discovery call with someone who was interested in my coaching program. She was skeptical about my methods since another intuitive eating coach told her to just eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and she would eventually stop binge eating... She was told that any sort of structure on her journey to healing her relationship with food is restrictive. After releasing all rules and trying to just "listen to her...
Published 04/18/23
Today Morgan is taking over the podcast to share with you how to reset after a binge without restricting again! She is sharing with you  -How to get to the root of why you binge in the first place -Simple yet powerful behavior changes to take after a binge -How to begin challenging your all-or-nothing mindset and speak more compassionately towards yourself. & more!  Listen to Episode #50 to get to know more about our Associate RD, Morgan! 👇🏼 #50 Morgan shares how she overcame...
Published 02/17/23
It's February which means people are just over a month into their new year's resolutions. Because of this, a lot of my clients are feeling influenced by before and after pics or diet updates on social media. If you're on a journey to heal your relationship with food, this can throw you off path. Feeling triggered by weight loss content can re-activate a binge cycle. So in today's episode, I'm sharing 4 questions to ask yourself in order to reflect on why you're feeling influenced by diet...
Published 02/10/23
Do you feel you’re more prone to binge eat when you’re home alone? I've been there!  Being home alone to binge can feel like a relief, as we don’t have to worry about what someone else might think if we’re consuming large amounts of food. But we KNOW we don't want to binge, yet we still can't stop. Why? That's what today's episode will dive into! I discuss:  3 main triggers for binge eating when home alone How to deepen your understanding of those triggers to take an informed,...
Published 01/27/23
3 Things you MUST do to stop binge eating in 2023! I know we’ve all been thinking about what we want to make happen this year. And if you struggle with binge eating, I don’t doubt recovery is on your list. To help you start making changes to get to food freedom in 2023, let’s start with these three challenging, yet powerful shifts to start overcoming binge eating right now! If you’re interested in going even further, my new course “jumpstart to binge freedom” is a GREAT place to...
Published 01/05/23
You don't want to miss the savings on Behind The Binge Academy enrollment before Nov 30! Click here to learn more: https://www.behindthebinge.com/behindthebingeacademy/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=academy  Today we are going to be exploring the possibility of a binge freedom hierarchy of needs. Similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, some things in binge recovery are more critical to address before others. Meaning, you can't try to meditate to cope with your...
Published 11/21/22
Y'all!! Meet Morgan!! Morgan is the newest member of the Behind The Binge team. She is our Associate Dietitian, meaning she is seeing clients 1:1 to help them stop binge eating and learn to become intuitive eaters. She has been SUCH a joy to have on the team and I'm stoked that she is back from maternity leave so you can start working with her again! Today, morgan shares about her past struggles with disordered eating and why she became a dietitian. Specifically: -How she faced her fears...
Published 10/10/22
Today we are joined by my past group coaching client, Emily H. Emily was part of behind the binge academy for 6 months starting in February 2022. When she first started, she struggled with the all-or-nothing mentality. She was big on healthy eating and macro counting, down to every gram, and working out excessively, but then would find herself on the other end of the spectrum bingeing, purging, and isolating. Can you relate? On her application for behind the binge academy, she mentioned...
Published 09/22/22
Back for another solo episode! Today I'm talking about if intuitive eating can be used for weight loss or not. There's a lot stirring online about intuitive eating, and I've even seen some creators use intuitive eating language to describe their weight loss programs. Are they wrong? Let's explore it together!    Specifically, you'll hear about:  -When and how intuitive eating came to be  -What intuitive eating is  -What intuitive eating isn't  -& how to navigate intuitive eating if...
Published 09/09/22
If you're interested to learn more about Behind The Binge Academy and get on the early bird waitlist, click here! https://programs.behindthebinge.com/academy/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/binge.nutritionist/ https://www.instagram.com/behind.the.binge  Show notes: https://www.behindthebinge.com/category/podcast/
Published 08/30/22
Hi everyone! Welcome back to Behind The Binge! I'm bringing back the podcast with a Q&A and I'm so excited to answer some of your questions for you. Today we're covering topics like grocery store overwhelm, night binges, fitness goals, & more! Listen in to further your journey to binge freedom :)  3-Day Jumpstart to Binge Freedom Workshop! August 24, 25, 26, 2022 at 6pm EST LIVE and on-demand replays...
Published 08/22/22
Welcome back to the pod, everyone!  Today we are getting real by talking about your menstrual health. Did you know that missing a period or having irregular periods may be a very critical sign that there is a struggle within your relationship with food? I wanted to bring on someone who specializes in this topic to share how your menstrual cycle can be used as a fit vital sign, and trust me when I say that there is no one better to invite on the pod to have this conversation with than the...
Published 05/16/22
Today I want to talk about meal prep as it relates to one of the first things I implement with my clients when it comes to healing our relationships with food which is consistent eating patterns. I know this can put up a lot of guards and concerns as any sort of meal structure can feel a remnant of diet culture. Let me reassure all of you that meal prep as an intuitive eater is not at all the same as any previous experiences you may have had in diet culture with portions and parameters in...
Published 05/09/22
Welcome back!  Today I am bringing you another solo episode, and we are going back to the basics of binge recovery together. After polling you on Instagram, I realized that so many of my listeners are at the beginning of their binge freedom journey and are really looking for those simple yet actionable steps that they can take right now to overcome their binge eating patterns. So I promise that by the end of this episode, you will be able to walk away with one workable thing you can do...
Published 05/02/22
#42 // 3 mistakes new intuitive eaters make On today’s solo pod episode, I wanted to talk to all of you out there who are just beginning your journey to heal your relationship with food. With that in mind, let’s talk more about these three “mistakes” new intuitive eaters make. Making it just another diet. [2:17] Trying to listen to hunger/fullness alone. [5:27] Getting stuck in the "eat whatever you want, whenever you want" trap. [8:04] Resources 3-Day Kickoff to Binge Freedom...
Published 04/25/22
#41 It's not about the food! The psychology of binge eating [with Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D] Joining me on the pod today is the amazing Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin. She is a psychoanalyst, author, and radio host specializing in eating disorders, with an emphasis on binge eating disorders. Dr. Nina encourages us to be detectives by not looking at our binge eating as the problem but instead as the solution to a problem we might not yet be able to see or identify. How we should look for...
Published 04/18/22
Last week was a particularly tough week, where I couldn’t stop thinking about food. I noticed several times I got up to the pantry to grab something to eat after lunch. Do I still binge? What happens when I feel urges? I know this can seem scary to some, especially for those still on the journey to food freedom. On the pod today, I wanted to discuss my own experience with binge eating, more specifically, what life is like after recovering from binge-eating. I wanted to share my experiences...
Published 04/11/22