 Episode 36: Mindset, Commitment & Having a Plan with Kara Walker   Are you committed to your goals? Do you struggle with having the right mindset in your business? Then this episode is for you! Join me today as I interview Kara Walker! She’s a real go-getter, motivated and phenomenal young lady!   What is it you have to offer? Do you have a brick and mortar shop? Do you have an online business that is product based or service based? Maybe you don’t know exactly what it is that you have...
Published 01/24/23
Episode 35 - Creating Consistency, Building a Sustainable Business and Creating Relationships that Last   Today I chatted with my niece Tess, co-owner of Anna & Anna Clothing Co. We talked about some struggles in our economic situation, dealing with “blah” after the holiday rush and building lasting relationships in our communities.   Some take-a ways from the show were:   Be Consistent – Consistency is key when building a business. Show up! Do What you love! – if you aren’t doing...
Published 01/17/23
 Episode 34: Market Research, Retention & Consistency   Today I talk with a good friend Dana, fellow woman entrepreneur. We discuss struggles, successes, and our businesses. Listen as we reconnect and celebrate!   Offering UP!! Group Mastermind join me in this 12 week group mastermind, Offering UP! In this group you will connect with other women in business that think like you, have the same concerns or hurdles that you have or will experience through our work. In this mastermind we will...
Published 01/10/23
 Episode 33: Offering Up for Entrepreneurs   Today I wanted to talk to you about “Offering UP” in your business. Offering up our time. Offering up our energy. Offering up our commitment to our communities, customers, clients and most of all our Source!   What is it you have to offer? Do you have a brick and mortar shop? Do you have an online business that is product based or service based? Maybe you don’t know exactly what it is that you have to offer? Maybe you’re just starting out and need...
Published 01/04/23
 Episode 32: Transitioning into the New Year with Your Business   Are you going through a transitional period in your business? Are you excited for what the new year will bring? Well! Me Too!!! I’ve definitely been in a transitional stage for several months now and I know so many exciting new things are coming my way! I can feel it in my heart and all the way through my toes! Ha!   We’ve all been there, and if you aren’t going through a transition now, then you have before or girl, it’s...
Published 01/03/23
Episode 31: Overcoming Anxiety, Finding Your Brand & Growing a Business God’s Way   This episode is packed with all sorts of goodies!!   Some take-a-ways:   Let God orchestrate your journey – With Him at the helm you cannot go wrong. Growing your brand – build a foundation either through a website or blog, pushing traffic to your website or podcast. Build relationships through social media but don’t let it consume your hours each day. Grow your email marketing by utilizing the connections...
Published 12/27/22
Episode 30: JOY JOY JOY   Want to find peace, comfort & JOY??? Listen to this episode as I share the Christmas story and what it means to me.   Luke 2: 1-20 The Birth of Jesus 2 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole empire[a] should be registered. 2 This first registration took place while[b]Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So everyone went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to the...
Published 12/21/22
As we approach the Christmas season, there are so many things that can be distractions…   Whether it be parties, meeting end of year goals to get that bonus or just thinking, whew, I need to be doing something else with my life! LOL I don’t know what season of life you are in but let me tell you distractions in your business are real and can quickly have you spinning in the glitter.   Here are some tips to help you stay focused:   Keeping your work flow consistent – Yes some of us like to...
Published 12/13/22
Are you overwhelmed? Are you feeling inadequate or like you can't get everything done? Today I talk about overwhelm and anxiety and how I deal with it Ha! I know we have all been there, going in so many different directions at one time or experiencing difficult times, trials and tribulations… I’ve definitely been here for some time and boy am I tired. Are you struggling financially, maybe your business isn’t growing like you had wished, or you’re dealing with difficult clients or customers or...
Published 12/06/22
5 of My favorite Self Help Reads to Grow my Mind & my Business   Aesthetic Intelligence by Pauline Brown Profit First by Mike Michalowicz The Power of Habit – Why we do what we do in life & business by Charles Duhigg Leadership 101 by John C. Maxwell Breaking the Habit of being Yourself by Joe Dispenza   1.Aesthetic Intelligence: How to Boost It and Use It in Business and Beyond by Pauline Brown Aesthetics is the appreciation of beauty or the concern of beauty. Aesthetics creates a...
Published 11/29/22
Black Friday Bonus!   I want to give YOU this special offer! I'll be hosting a Group Mastermind Course "Spotlight on Your Business" starting Tuesday, January 3rd and I want YOU to be a part!!! This mastermind is for women in small business that want to grow their business by leaps and bounds!   The value of this mastermind is $997 but as long as you sign up NOW it will only cost $397! That's almost 2/3 of the cost eliminated! As of December 1st this course will return to the original price of...
Published 11/24/22
"Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good; and His Love Endures Forever." Psalm 106:1 What a great verse! Even in little we have abundance in Him. Today I list some things that I am thankful for. We should thank him daily and voice our abundance daily because we are truly blessed. What are you thankful for? Take 5 minutes to jot down your abundance and what you have to be thankful for. You will be glad you did I want to say that if you’re looking for a business coach, I would...
Published 11/22/22
Episode 24: Musings while Riding   Quick episode while reflecting on my morning meditation. Seasons of Hope and knowing God is in control.   “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17   I want to say that if you’re looking for a business coach, I would love to do a discovery call with you to see if we’re a fit. If you think you would like to work with me, then email me at...
Published 11/17/22
Episode 23: Should I hire an interior designer and what should I look for?   Have you asked the question, "Should I hire an Interior designer?" And, what should I look for? In this episode I have coffee with my assistant Heather and we discuss all the reasons you should hire an interior designer and what to look for.   Reasons why you should hire an interior designer: Experience – they have experience in their field Connections – they have connections with contractors and other...
Published 11/15/22
Are you struggling with your goals?  Have you really evaluated your business lately? Are you shooting for the stars? Today's episode is a working episode to help you evaluate where you are and where you want to go! Please feel free to fill out this following google form to connect with me! I would love to help you achieve your goals! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GKUaCDOs62rZ694T3L-D8y8EZqRF63TTrw9ad1fAMy4/edit I want to say that if you’re looking for a business coach, I would love to do a...
Published 11/08/22
Discover Happiness, my journey in business and life, and how to connect with us. I talk about Happiness, finding your joy in life, connecting with me as a coach. Also my journey in business and in life. I hope you find Joy in the little things in life today I want to say that if you’re looking for a business coach, I would love to do a discovery call with you to see if we’re a fit. If you think you would like to work with me, then email me at [email protected] or message us on FB...
Published 11/01/22
 What I am doing through my business: I am empowering women. I am educating women in all areas of their lives. I am building relationships. I am making connections and connecting women together through business, podcasting, coaching, and love in Christ. I am encouraging other women to not apologize for who they are! Building businesses one brick at a time!   I want to be a vehicle in which God works, spreading my positive energy, love and spreading my wealth and abundance.   If you are...
Published 10/25/22
Are you asking yourself; "Do I need an accountant in my small business?" How do I keep track of all of my finances? Then today's episode is for you! I interview my accountant, Stacey Mitchell, and she shares some steps and tips for accounting in your small business.   Here are the take a ways from today’s show:   Decide what type of entity you need to be. Sole Owner LLC S Corp Partnership C Corp Decide your company name and set up your EIN with the Secretary of State. Determine if you will...
Published 10/19/22
Episode 17: Building Endurance & Character in Your Business:   This morning during my quiet time, my scripture reading was from Romans 5:3-5, “… but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”   Talk about straight at me! Wow I really needed...
Published 10/11/22
Boot Camp for Your Business:   So I have a challenge for you for this next week… Are you struggling to stay on track? Are you bumfuzzled and don’t know where to start? Well today I have some great quick tips on how to get back on track! We’re going to take 5 days to re-boot your business! So get that pen & paper and let’s get started! So we’ve all been there, we get caught up in the day to day, working the grind. We get into a cycle of get up, work, go home, sleep, then get up and do it...
Published 10/04/22
All this said, I want to give you some takeaways from this trip: It’s so important to unplug and have down time. In this crazy world and wild ride we call life we can get so caught up in the every day, mundane, rat race. Trying to compete, get ahead, or just be sure everyone has what they need or want. Now my children are all over the age of 21 but they still need me from time to time. And ladies if you have small children, I’ve been there! Believe me I know the struggle. Some things are just...
Published 09/27/22
What are Boundaries??? Have you set boundaries with your family, friends, and clients? If not then this is the episode for you Boundaries! What is a boundary? Websters dictionary defines “boundaries” as a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line. Everyone needs boundaries, whether it be in your personal or professional life. Creating boundaries gives you confidence and ease of mind that you know exactly what you expect from others but also what is expected from you.   What...
Published 09/20/22
Just checking in with what's going on.. And if you would like to do what I do, podcasting... Let my girl Stefanie Gass hook you up! Below is the link to her Podcast Pro University! Check it out! https://emjdesigns--stefaniegass.thrivecart.com/podcastprouniversity/  If you like what you've heard so far and want to continue on our journey then write a review, follow us, or subscribe! You can also keep track with our weekly newsletter by clicking the link below. We look forward to hanging out...
Published 09/15/22
Today I interviewed my sister, Rachel Mitchell, on Building a Brand, managing her home based business along with homeschooling 2 middle school boys, being a wife, mom & Entrepreneur! WOW!!! She’s really busy, as I’m sure many of you are too! Listen as she gives tips, advice, and what she does to stay in the groove. Here are a few of the books we mentioned in the podcast! "Made to Crave" by Lisa Terkeurst "Made for This" by Jeannie Allen "Fervent" by Prescilla Shirer Each of...
Published 09/13/22
Today I interview a long time friend, Nicole Teal, owner/operator of Texture Home. She offers home staging, design, and a great retail shop in Johnson City, TN. Join me as we learn about her journey into the entrepreneur world. Here are some take a ways from todays show: 1. Credential aren't always necessary but definitely a plus! 2. Continue to learn and educate yourself in your field, that's how you grow! 3. "Shoot for the Stars!" You never know where you'll end up! 4. Have capital - money...
Published 09/07/22