Description: In this episode, co-hosts Rohan and Wei-Chung demystify the world of soft skills. They define soft skills, analyze their varying importance across industries and roles, and explain why soft skills like cultural awareness remain invaluable despite AI advancements.
Published 11/03/23
Published 11/03/23
Almost a year after the release of ChatGPT, co-host Rohan interviews economist and entrepreneur Wei-Chung Wang about the impacts of AI and automation on the workforce. They discuss historical parallels, the need to separate value creation from value distribution, and strategies individuals and businesses can use to leverage AI tools to make the most of this new market-moving technology.
Published 10/22/23
In this longer-style episode, Dr. Wang and co-host Joey DiGangi discuss some of what's been happening in the news with Twitter. It seems Elon Musk is making the headlines on near-daily basis--specifically for his management choices. This episode discusses our take on the approach to management when trying to implement a 180° turnaround both in terms of performance and company culture.  When looking at Twitter, we analyze recent changes to their revenue model, including the option to purchase...
Published 12/05/22
We're back for season 3 and diving right into the current business landscape and some of the strategies we've seen clients successfully implement to navigate the uncertainty. The tumultuous economic situation, supply chain difficulties, inflation, and continued ripple effects from the global pandemic shape the way businesses engage with customers. We discuss how these marketplace dynamics are likely to impact the holiday season that's usually regarded as a bountiful time for businesses in...
Published 11/15/22
Rapid changes in price for everything from gas to groceries to intangible services are at the top of everyone's mind nowadays, whether you're a business owner or customer. This episode of the Business Intelligence Podcast breaks down some of the latest statistics and trends facing the global economy before diving into the challenges businesses are facing.  Chief among them is whether or not to adjust your own pricing strategy to preserve your margins as costs for nearly everything throughout...
Published 05/19/22
Dr. Wang and Joey share some of the strategies they've seen perform best for clients. This episode includes real-life examples and offers specific next steps for growing your business efficiently, creating better channels to communicate with your customers, and best practices for positioning your company in the eyes of the consumer.  In short, it's about meeting the customer where they are and removing as many barriers to entry as possible for them to engage with you. This--in...
Published 05/08/22
In the midst of increasing inflation, a global conflict, continued supply chain issues, and other disruptive economic events, Dr. Wang and co-host Joey DiGangi examine consumer spending habits on non-essentials. The data show that spending on products and services that fall outside of areas like food, gas, or building supplies has decreased--meaning that many businesses will have to compete for increasingly limited resources.  This episode discusses best practices businesses should observe...
Published 04/20/22
Running a coherent cross-channel social media strategy requires that you empower your marketing team to easily share a consistent brand message without complicating the marketing effort. Dr. Wang and Joey discuss best practices they've helped clients enact while diving into the new Business Intelligence Platform, a system our team has introduced to streamline content sharing, advertising campaign management, and business analysis.   You can create a free account with Business Intelligence...
Published 04/11/22
What's driving higher gas prices? How does inflation affect business opportunities? This episode shares Dr. Wang's perspective as an academically-trained economist on frequently asked questions related to issues that have been impacting businesses around the world.  The episode ends with a call to adapt--encouraging businesses to strengthen their relationships with customers, suppliers, and other partners to optimize their operational efficiency; and to strategically evaluate their pricing...
Published 02/28/22
Business Intelligence host, Dr. Wei-Chung Wang, and guest host + web design expert, Rohan Bandekar dive into the economic factors at play this holiday season and their impact on small businesses; as well as what companies can do to stay competitive in 2022. The short answer? Enhancing your digital workflow. The episode discusses the importance of building a comprehensive strategy for streamlining key processes within your organization to continually serve your customers in an increasingly...
Published 01/03/22
Business leaders the world over recognize the importance of creating a seamless digital experience for their customers. But where do you start? Dr. Wang & co-host Joey DiGangi discuss practical, iterative steps that help transform key workflows within your organization. Digital transformation not only leads to more opportunities to close deals and increase revenue, but also preserves your bottom line by helping your company operate more efficiently.  Throughout this episode, we talk...
Published 12/01/21
Dr. Wang & Joey recap a conversation about the worldwide supply chain issues and how they will inevitably impact small businesses this holiday season. They also discuss the need for businesses to remain agile and ready to adapt to the ever-evolving global marketplace. This episode combines an analysis of global economic issues and a ground-level look at how businesses can adapt by reviewing various aspects of their operational model. If you'd like to have a conversation with our team and...
Published 10/20/21
Optimizing your business process helps you take back hours in the week and grow your company more effectively by avoiding bottlenecks. Dr. Wang and cohost, Joey DiGangi, discuss strategies to enhance internal processes to improve your content marketing strategy, streamline your follow-up process with prospective leads, and find new job applicants. The episode specifically discusses some of the ways in which LinkedIn and other popular platforms and services are broadening their functionality...
Published 09/27/21
Businesses of all stages are constantly trying to identify ways through which they can increase their website traffic. While many business owners have heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), understanding the intricacies of what algorithms are looking for and accurately measuring the impact of your efforts is essential to get a return on the investment.  Dr. Wei-Chung Wang and co-host, Joey DiGangi, talk about how search engines like Google or Bing use algorithms to determine who shows up...
Published 09/14/21
Terms like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Workflow Automation are frequently discussed in the modern business world. They're oftentimes talked about in a way that makes leveraging such advances in technology seem out of reach for companies that lack the resources to hire in-house data analytics teams or staff full-time engineers. As Dr. Wang and co-host, Joey DiGangi, explain, this simply isn't the case.  This episode starts by establishing clear definitions of these three...
Published 09/11/21
The Global Pandemic upended the traditional types of relationships that businesses/brands have with their customers, whether you serve clients locally or globally; and whether you provide tangible products or intangible services. Dr. Wang & co-host Joey DiGangi analyze some of the innovative strategies employed by companies that emerged stronger as a result of this challenging period in world history. They also discuss the most important lens through which to evaluate potential...
Published 08/23/21
Dr. Wang's passion for higher education is on display as he discusses the need to cultivate well-rounded individuals through the lens of being a college professor. He and co-host, Joey DiGangi, also talk about why it's important to look beyond the "hard" skills possessed by an individual and identify those with the ability to think critically and become adaptive leaders within an organization. Finally, Dr. Wang offers insight on some of the biggest challenges facing higher education...
Published 08/19/21
The education industry, like so many others right now, has seen its traditional business model flipped on its head amidst the chaos of the global pandemic. Many institutions are switching to online delivery for the safety of their students losing revenue generated by ancillary services like room and board. Simultaneously, there's an increasing prevalence of online certifications and other alternative training programs that could pose a challenge to the long-standing model of higher ed.  Dr....
Published 12/11/20
Think about the massive impact that food has on your life and on the lives of everyone else in the world. Throughout history, food has always played a major role in the economy. But what happens when interactions with food can be potentially life-threatening? This is the case for nearly 10% of the US population that suffer from food allergies. Dr. Wang and Joey, who personally has a severe nut allergy, discuss the impact of food allergies and how they create untold business opportunities for...
Published 11/14/20
Dr. Wei-Chung Wang & cohost, Joey DiGangi, talk about why no business--regardless of scope or scale--can afford to turn a blind eye to the ever-changing international business environment. Dr. Wang breaks down primary & secondary dynamics businesses should consider when making decisions regarding international trade. And if you're a local business wondering what this has to do with your company's outlook, the two explain how factors affecting companies overseas have the potential to...
Published 10/24/20
In a lighter episode, Dr. Wang and Joey share a conversation they had about what having an entrepreneurial spirit means to them. Not everyone decides to start their own business, but we can all be entrepreneurial. The entrepreneurial mindset is a problem-solving philosophy that everyone at any level of an organization can adopt. Dr. Wang & Joey chat about their experiences starting companies and offer their take on what leadership looks like when building a business.  --- Support this...
Published 10/09/20
Almost every industry right now is wittnessing some type of upheaval during the pandemic. The fitness industry is seeing steady demand for its core value, but dramatic changes to how consumers go about interacting. Dr. Wang and co-host Joey DiGangi discuss some of the ways businesses like Peloton are doing away with the one-time transactional business model and thriving during these uncertain times. Even if you're not in the fitness industry, you won't want to miss out on the benefits of...
Published 09/25/20
Dr. Wei-Chung Wang and Joey break down the idea of a business model to its basics and discuss successful examples. From there, they describe some of the principles you can take away from looking at larger companies as you build your business model. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/wd-business-intelligence/support
Published 09/11/20
In this lighter episode format, Dr. Wei-Chung Wang & co-host, Joey DiGangi, take a look at the changing business landscape and talk about how to recognize opportunities amidst the chaos of Covid-19. Whether you've been in the workforce for many years or are preparing to embark on your career, there's plenty of opportunity despite the shakeups in the job market. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/wd-business-intelligence/support
Published 08/28/20