Learn how curating your environment and being mindful of where you direct your energy can lead to a fulfilling and empowered life. Consciously surrounding yourself with supportive individuals serves as an inspiring blueprint for anyone looking to make small, intentional changes that yield significant life improvements.In this heartfelt episode, we delve into the art of genuine listening and its ability to deepen connections and foster intimacy. Through personal anecdotes, we uncover the...
Published 06/13/24
What happens when you fully embrace your deepest desires, even if it means stepping into discomfort and potential failure? In this episode, we celebrate a milestone: over 40 episodes dedicated to uncovering the complexities of desire and its transformative power. Journey with us as we revisit some of our most impactful moments, from the invaluable lessons of our Self-Love Series featuring Katie, Madison, Karen and Clara, to the challenges and triumphs of our monthly Desire events. Through per...
Published 06/13/24
Published 06/13/24
What if your approach to nutrition could transform every aspect of your life? Join us as we sit down with Clara Belize Wisner, a bioenergetic and quantum nutritionist, to uncover the profound connections between self-love, nourishment, and holistic health. Clara shares her unique insights on how illness often originates from unseen realms and emphasizes the pivotal role mothers play in nourishing the world. We discuss how staying centered and practicing self-love can be a game-changer, even i...
Published 06/04/24
What if you could experience the same unconditional love for yourself that you naturally feel for a newborn baby? Imagine if your deepest desires were fueled by self-love, propelling you past self-doubt and limitations. In this episode of Desire as Medicine, we delve into how self-love intertwines with desire, acting as a powerful force that guides us towards more. By peeling away layers of wounding and embracing our true essence of love and joy, we open up a realm of pure possibility. Join u...
Published 05/31/24
Have you ever considered that the toughest love to master might just be your own? What if you loved yourself the way you love others? In this episode, we're taking you with us on a journey to the heart of self-love. It's not just about the pampering, adventures or time ; it's an honest acceptance of where you are right now. In a series that's as rich in perspective as it is in personal revelation, we've been joined by others like Katie Henricks (ep 34) and Madison Storm (ep 35), who hel...
Published 05/21/24
Have you ever been critical of your body? Your belly? Your thighs? Your skin? We've been there, and we're here to share a self-love practice that has helped us move away from self-judgment. This episode offers a simple tool to help you transition from self-judgment to self-appreciation. We're not saying it's easy but it is simple. It's a raw, personal, practical exercise that will help you move the needle towards more self love. Prepare to learn how the simple act of o...
Published 05/15/24
Join us as we sit down with the radiant Karen Fitzgerald, a 71-year-old powerhouse who embodies the essence of self-love and vitality, while not 'buying old.' We discuss how embracing our natural evolution from silver strands to laughter lines will not only help us embrace ourselves but also sets an empowering example for future generations.With an infectious youthful spirit, Karen leads us through the intimate dance of self-acceptance, encouraging us to honor our bodies' softness and history...
Published 05/07/24
We continue our exploration of the complexities of self-love and body image with Madison Storm in this episode. We crack open the dialogue about how societal standards and peer pressure have the power to shape our self-perception, with a nod to cinematic moments that capture this struggle perfectly. Madison's candid stories of artistic exploration through back nude selfies ask us to consider whether we're simply products of the selfie generation or if we're truly embracing self love.Ou...
Published 04/20/24
Have you ever stood in front of a mirror, with a flurry of unkind thoughts about your reflection? Katie Henricks joins us to speak about self-love that defies the harsh inner critics. As a coach specializing in relationships, intimacy, and personal empowerment, Katie guides us through her own transformation and shares how we can foster a sense of worthiness that embraces every aspect of our bodies and selves. Her heartfelt advice unfolds a roadmap for listeners to celebrate their own jo...
Published 04/20/24
Have you ever paused to consider the depth of the phrase "self-love"?  It's thrown around so often, yet the true essence seems just out of reach.  This episode begins our Self Love series where we uncover the layers of self-love that extend far beyond the mirror's reflection. This isn't your typical self-help spiel. It's a revelation, a call to action to treat yourself with the same fervor you'd bestow upon a beloved. This series of profound discussions might just change how you view your...
Published 04/15/24
Join us as we speak with Elle Randall, a yoga teacher and musician. In our conversation, we delve into how this ancient practice extends beyond the mat, shaping our very existence and the connection between yoga and personal growth.  Together, we explore how a spontaneous 'yes' can tune the strings of an otherwise silent passion, leading to unexpected fulfillment and purpose. This symphony of rediscovery takes us from motherhood to the spotlight of a blues band, reminding us to remain open to...
Published 04/02/24
Tune in to hear how Heather Markel ditched her desk to travel full time.  She shares her journey from corporate life to a nomadic existence as a travel coach spans 39 countries, revealing the profound allure of wanderlust and the rewards of listening to her inner calling.  In our conversation, we delve into the realities of solo travel, particularly for women, exploring themes of self-reliance, cultural immersion, and safety. We offer insights into the lessons learned and resilience gained...
Published 03/29/24
Join your hosts Brenda and Catherine for the latest Tool Box mini-episode as they guide you through the fun exercise of Desire Pulls. It's a practice that brings our desires to the forefront. In this episode, they share personal stories and insights into the power of articulating and nurturing our deepest desires. Main Discussion Points: The Heartfelt Practice of Desire Pulls: Explore the practice of Desire Pulls, where voicing our innermost yearnings sparks a shared experience of owning our...
Published 03/27/24
We are thrilled to bring you our second conversation with Dr. Stephanie, it's a standalone masterpiece. We reunite with Dr. Stephanie, whose background of trauma healing and spiritual wisdom paints a path for personal growth. As she shares her journey and anticipates her next quantum leap with an upcoming book, we explore the depth of Desire—not as mere whims but as a beacon to our authentic selves. Discover the power of Desire as a spiritual compass and how it can lead us out of the chaos of...
Published 03/20/24
This episode takes you on a soul-stirring quest with Tatiana Dellepiane, a beacon of sacred sexuality and embodied wisdom, guiding us through the lush terrain of personal growth by yielding to our innermost cravings. We delve into the beauty of desire, celebrating the potent feminine energy that fuels spiritual evolution, and how Tatiana's journey inspires a fierce sense of empowerment in all women. Our heart-to-heart conversation threads through narratives of self-discovery, narrating the...
Published 03/11/24
Have you ever felt the thrill of uncensored honesty ripple through a conversation, transforming it entirely? That's at the core of our latest discussion, where we, Brenda and Catherine, share the pulsing energy of our desires and the raw courage it takes to express them. As we peel back the layers of our personal experiences, we invite you on a journey to explore the intricate dance between wanting and revealing our true selves - a dance that can lead to the most fulfilling of life's...
Published 03/07/24
Join us for another tool box edition, mini-episode, as we share a tool called Energy Accounting, a time, activity and energy tracking tool.   This tool helps you track daily activities, time and energy. There are a few ways to do energy accounting. You can use our trusty spreadsheet,  voice notes or in-the-moment lists, just to name a few.   Our official Desire as Medicine Energy Accounting spreadsheet is linked below for you to try out. Energy Accounting Spreadsheet:...
Published 02/23/24
Together with Olivia Lara Owen, we reminisce about the seeds of desire planted which blossomed into the empowering practices we advocate today. Our conversation is a celebration of individual awakenings and the soul-deep yearnings that have helped us navigated through this life. Her insights into the emotional upheaval experienced during significant life transitions resonate with anyone who's ever dared to redefine themselves. We share not just experiences but also the wisdom found in the...
Published 02/20/24
A revelation unfolds as Caroline Darcy, affectionately dubbed the Pussy Professor, takes us through her metamorphosis from corporate disarray to a beacon of soul-led sex education in our latest podcast episode. Delving into her history within the confining walls of a Catholic convent school, Caroline exposes the profound impact this had on her perception of sexual energy and desire. As your hosts, Brenda and Catherine, we navigate the conversation through the transformative power of aligning...
Published 02/13/24
In this mini-episode, our first Tool Box Edition, we introduce you to a practical tool that has served us as a guiding star as well as many others—the Desire List. We guide you step by step in creating your own desire list, an exercise that illuminates your deepest yearnings with clarity and intention. Join us in this desire list practice, whether you're a newcomer to the concept or a seasoned explorer of the Desire path, and let the potent act of acknowledging and articulating your...
Published 02/06/24
Enjoy a behind the scenes tour on our podcasting journey, guided by our cherished friend and interviewer, Olivia Lara Owen. We share the seed of desire that created this podcast, its transformative influence on us, and the deep bonds of friendship we have created along the way, and how that fuels this project.  We laugh a lot about the learning curve of technology, learning to work together and build trust, and the synergy of our combined talents that brings each episode to life. We dive...
Published 01/31/24
Listen to the enchanting Dr. Stephanie Bridwell, chiropractor and quantum field guide, as she imparts her wisdom on recognizing and nurturing desire as the potent medicine it can be.  Her tale intertwines professional expertise with spiritual depth, inviting a magical flow into her healing practice. Stephanie reveals how to be fully present in our human form while tapping into vast energies and distills universal wisdom into tangible, relatable experiences.  In our conversation with...
Published 01/24/24
Elana Bell is a poet, creativity guide,  and ritual expert.  She joins us to unravel the interplay of desire within the landscapes of life, artistic pursuits and parenting.   Our heartfelt conversation meanders through the spiritual practice of desire and its vital role in shaping our creative fire, all while balancing the intense responsibilities that come with life and motherhood. Elana's journey of transformation—from the initial shock of motherhood to the blossoming of her poetry and...
Published 01/16/24
When we follow the whispers of our desire, it takes us on a journey.  That journey shapes us into a new version of ourselves - the version of ourselves who can have our desire.    What do we do when we haven't yet become the version of ourselves who can have a particular desire?  And, we are no longer who we used to be before we embarked on the journey of this desire.   What do we do when we are in the middle of these places, in  the midst of a big internal shift?   How do we be with...
Published 01/10/24