When we follow the whispers of our desire, it takes us on a journey.  That journey shapes us into a new version of ourselves - the version of ourselves who can have our desire.    What do we do when we haven't yet become the version of ourselves who can have a particular desire?  And, we are no longer who we used to be before we embarked on the journey of this desire.   What do we do when we are in the middle of these places, in  the midst of a big internal shift?   How do we be with...
Published 01/10/24
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if your deepest desires didn't just materialize but surpassed your wildest dreams? That's the world we enthusiastically invite you to explore as we unwrap the transformative journey of living a life fueled by desire. In our heartfelt dialogue, we peel back the layers of how desire has been the guiding star in our lives, leading us through motherhood, relationships, and business. It's not just about achieving goals; it's about embarking on a...
Published 12/20/23
Have you ever paused in the midst of holiday chaos to acknowledge the beauty of a moment, or the depth of a relationship? In this episode we unwrap the gift of gratitude and its profound impact on our lives. This heartwarming episode is a testament to the simple yet transformative power of giving thanks, where we explore how an attitude of gratitude can infuse our daily routines with joy and contentment. We share our unique approaches to cultivating thankfulness, ranging from Brenda's...
Published 12/20/23
Have you ever felt the irresistible pull of your inner calling, a voice so insistent it borders on the torturous? This episode, we're joined by the incredible Elyna Paizis, a business strategist and earth scientist whose life is a testament to following that persistent whisper. We journey through Elyna's inspiring narrative, from her Californian upbringing to the intimate language she shares with the Earth. Our conversation may just nudge you to listen a little closer to your own relentless...
Published 12/20/23
Ever felt the irresistible tug of a power nap right in the middle of a demanding day? Or perhaps you've marveled at how a strategic break can flood you with fresh insights. That's what we, Brenda and Catherine, are exploring in our latest episode of Desire as Medicine. We're inviting you to the sweet surrender of rest, the subtle power of pauses, and the emotional integration that follows. We've all experienced the lures and pressures of a society that's constantly on the go. It's easy to...
Published 12/09/23
Have you ever sat alone with your mortality? Ever wondered how, when faced with the reality of our own fragility, we can still bask in self-love and joy? Join us, Brenda and Catherine, on a profound journey of self-discovery as we unpack our personal encounters with illness, aging, and mortality. By sharing our own stories and lessons learned, we hope to offer you a new perspective on desire, and gratitude, amidst life’s inevitable challenges. It's about finding a way to love ourselves...
Published 12/01/23
What if you could transform your holiday season from frantic and stressful to meaningful and full of love? How would it feel to approach the festivities with a beginner's mind and a heart full of curiosity. Allowing for deeper connections, leaving our loved ones more loved than we found them. This is exactly what we explore in this special holiday edition of the Desire as Medicine podcast. We dive headfirst into the swirling mix of desires that bubble up during this magical time, from the...
Published 11/20/23
Charmaine Mitchell, a master of Feng Shui, was a stay-at-home mom for two decades. Her stunning transformation from the conventional, comforting confines of home to navigating the tumultuous yet fulfilling world of entrepreneurship, is our focus for today's episode of 'Desire as Medicine'. Charmaine's inspiring journey is a testament to the power of desire and the endless possibilities it can unlock. We get to sink our teeth into how her business revolves around helping women build...
Published 11/20/23
Ever dreamt of writing your own book? Wondering if you could break through the excuses and resistance that stand between you and your deepest desires? Well, this captivating episode with our dear friend and prolific writer, Lizzie Appel, might just be the nudge you need. With an impressive portfolio of 24 ghostwritten published books and editing over 60 more books to completion, Lizzie is here to help us untangle the profound desire behind the yearning to tell your story. What does it mean...
Published 11/13/23
Change: it looms, it lingers, and it's inevitable. This episode invites you to embrace the natural ebb and flow of life's transitions, even when it feels like you're walking blindfolded into the unknown. We tackle the fear and anxiety that often accompanies change, offering you strategies to coax them from shadowy monsters into manageable life lessons.  Through the journey of this discussion, we uncover the paralyzing effects of clinging to the past and the detrimental impact it can have on...
Published 11/08/23
Imagine being given the key to unlock your true essence and create a reality that's uniquely yours. That's the promise of human design and we're thrilled to have Rebecca Freeman, our favorite 'HD guru,' walk us through manifestation and desire with an HD lens. We talk about specific and receptive manifestors, and how our view of the world is shaped.  Rebecca has a knack for simplifying complex ideas. She clarifies the concept of manifestation with her bed buying experience. We'll discuss how...
Published 10/30/23
What if the discomfort of wanting something could be transformed into a potent, driving force? What if the pursuit of your desires, despite the uncertainty and fear, led to a journey of personal growth more rewarding than the fulfillment of the desire itself? Welcome to an episode where we explore these thought-provoking questions and dive into the deep end of desire. We’ll illuminate the distinction between true desires and compensatory desires, the latter almost always leaving us feeling...
Published 10/05/23
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions, dictated by a sense of duty rather than desire? That's called obligation every time! It's time to break free! Tune into our insightful discussion as we dissect the overwhelming sense of obligation that has become a staple in our lives, steering us along less-than-desirable paths. We shed light on its role in people-pleasing, manipulation, and the negative effects it can have. We highlight the importance of heeding your inner truth and...
Published 10/05/23
What would life look like if we eased our grip on our desires, opening ourselves up to the unexpected twists and turns of life? Buckle up as we embark on a journey of exploring desire, its relationship with God's will, and how it shapes our lives. We delve into how our fixation on outcomes, akin to the pursuit of the American dream, can limit us. We also discuss how allowing our desires to guide us, without clinging to specific outcomes, can pave the way for a life full of surprises and...
Published 10/05/23
Imagine embarking on a journey, a cycle that never ends, where your desires are your compass and the ultimate destination is self-evolution. This journey is the Desire Cycle. We start the discussion by exploring desire, a force both destructive and transformative that can shape us. We use the profound desire for motherhood as a case study to illuminate how our wants can drastically alter the fabric of our existence. Once these desires manifest, the next challenge is in acceptance and...
Published 10/03/23
While recording this episode, we hit some tech snags. Please bear with  us the audio cuts out a bit, but overall this imperfect recording was completely worth sharing.    Are you ready to fully resource yourself in a world that constantly demands your attention? Brace yourself for an enlightening journey where we'll tackle the art of setting boundaries, especially with our beloved digital devices. We promise, perfection isn't the goal here, it's about understanding the process and adapting...
Published 09/25/23
In this episode, we talk about different paths to having our desires, and what the costs are to each choice.  We speak about egoic verses full body desire and how our lives can be very full, but we ourselves are running on empty. What does it look like to nourish ourselves and do what is truly reverent for our bodies and hearts?  The path of desire is a forever practice of showing up for ourselves, caring for and backing ourselves. Knowing when we need to say yes, and when we need to say no....
Published 09/20/23
In this episode, we talk about what it means to be a Full YES to desire. We discuss the many reasons women often abandon themselves by saying Yes when they are a No.  We talk about the cost of having your desire, if you are willing to pay that cost, and how boundaries help guide this process. Learning to honor your True Yes makes life more fun and we don’t get stuck in our routines. We learn to be responsible for our desire, while understanding how our decisions impact ourselves and others....
Published 09/13/23
In this episode we speak about Desire being a compass made up of our life force energy that runs through us. We will use the word desire to describe what we want, what we want to lean into, and what carves us into the next version of ourselves. We acknowledge that just being able to feel our desires is a privilege. As the word can often bring up shame and judgment. Owning our desires can be a lot to hold. Yet, in doing so, it can welcome so much more intimacy, connection and joy into our...
Published 09/06/23