When there are simple steps in creating an exercise habit in the winter, it makes it so much easier to get started and stay consistent. That's why I'm sharing these steps with you that are backed by behavioral science research. So join me in creating an exercise habit in the winter that you'll absolutely love. Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for career women. Get the free course + workbook to start now. Hi there, I'm Kate, an Eating Habit...
Published 12/14/23
Ready to break free from the weight loss plateau blues? In my latest episode, "Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus like a Boss," I dive deep into the reasons behind plateaus, reassuring you that it's all part of the journey. Feel the disappointment, embrace the frustration, and then join me as I empower you to take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, like the boss that you are. Discover the four simple, yet powerful steps that will catapult you past the plateau and reignite your...
Published 12/07/23
That annoying co-worker, stressful work meeting, or just plain challenging day, can lead to a "bad" eating habit of using food as a reward. A reward for getting through the event, day, or even dealing with another person or people. But this is an eating habit that isn't going to help your health or weight loss goals, so I'm sharing 9 non-food rewards for challenging days. These non-food rewards will improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, so it's an optimal trade-off. Crush...
Published 11/30/23
I'm helping you get more pleasure out of this Thanksgiving by focusing on family, gratitude, and mindful eating. You can use these tips for any family, friend or work gatherings, to not only increase your enjoyment, but to also decrease overeating. That way, you'll only associate pleasure with the event, instead of stomach discomfort, negative self-talk, and a feeling of shame or regret after overeating. Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for...
Published 11/22/23
When life throws a busy week at you, you'll want to know how to continue losing weight or at least maintain. Because no one wants to make progress with weight loss, only to lose it just because of a busier schedule than usual. So, I'm sharing 4 weight loss strategies for busy weeks that will make it so easy for you, no matter how many things are jam-packed into your schedule. Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for career women. Get the free...
Published 11/16/23
Career women are susceptible to certain eating habits, and understanding why makes it feel better, plus enables you to move forward with the proper solutions. In this episode, I'm decoding eating habits of career women, plus sharing some news regarding my new free course you can get here: Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for career women. Get the free course + workbook to start now. Hi there, I'm Kate, an Eating Habit & Weight Loss Coach...
Published 11/09/23
If you're struggling with transforming your eating habits or achieving your weight loss goals, it's time to embrace curiosity. Get curious about your thoughts, emotions, and actions (or inactions). Curiosity is the key to gaining valuable knowledge, which, in turn, will facilitate your journey towards the changes you desire. In this episode, we'll explore the power of curiosity. Discover how it can lead to self-compassion and provide insights that bring you closer to your eating habits and...
Published 11/02/23
How you think about sugar, your capabilities, and yourself affects your feelings, behaviors, and results. So, if you want to decrease your sugar consumption or break a sugar habit, then you'll need to think differently than you currently are. This can be done many different ways. I'm sharing several with you in this episode, so listen in to get your sugar mindset makeover. Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for career women. Get the free...
Published 10/26/23
Stay on track during the week with eating habits and weight loss with my weekly tips/insights, delivered every Sunday morning. Get your weekly tips by clicking here. Love dining out, but think it's something you'll have to give up to lose weight? The great news, you can continue dining out while losing weight when you implement a few of these tips I'm sharing in this episode. That way, you can enjoy going out to eat, leave feeling satisfied, but not overly full, and still stay on track with...
Published 10/19/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Why do you instantly go for the chocolate or the potato chips when you get home from work or complete that project? Or why do you keep eating the indulgences and drinking the wine when you're trying to lose weight? It's because you're a normal human being and these things are providing comfort. Comfort can feel like a reward after a challenging day or...
Published 10/12/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. If you're trying to eat healthier and maybe even lose weight, then you're going to want healthier eating habits that last....a VERY long time. No one wants to do the work, only to revert back to poor eating habits or gain the weight back. So, I'm sharing how to create healthier eating habits that last. And more importantly, eating habits determined by...
Published 10/05/23
Get healthier eating habits by receiving weekly tips/insights every Sunday morning by email. Get on the list by clicking here. Changing your eating habits benefits those you love in many ways, one being that they can be influenced quite easily to change theirs. So, if you want healthier eating habits for your family, focusing on your eating habits and leading by example is absolute key. I'm explaining why, plus sharing additional ways to make it easier for you to help your children and...
Published 09/28/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more by booking a free consultation with me by clicking here. Weighing yourself on the scale is only one way to collect data when you're on a weight loss journey. So, if it's leaving you feeling a little down or frustrated at times, you do have options. I'm sharing 7 ways to measure weight loss. Some a little "outside the box." You'll be sure to find a few that you'll enjoy. Plus, they'll help boost your...
Published 09/21/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Has self-discipline been something you feel like you're lacking? If so, that may be why you've had difficulty with forming healthy weight loss habits. (Habits that help with healthy, long-term weight loss.) The great news is that self-discipline is a skill you can get better at quickly. In this episode, I'm providing clarity on what self-discipline...
Published 09/14/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. As you're on the journey of changing your eating habits for your health and/or to lose weight, you may feel like there are situations that are out of your control. When healthy food isn't an option, it can leave you feeling frustrated, confused, and feeling badly about yourself afterward. However, there are things you CAN control in any circumstance,...
Published 09/07/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Your eating habits story is just a belief or set of beliefs that your brain has been feeding to you over the months or years. This eating habits story may be what's holding you back from successfully changing your eating habits for good. At the very least, it's not help you. So, I'm sharing how to re-write your eating habits story. Because the great...
Published 08/31/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Curious about where your nighttime snacking habit came from and if it's even possible to break? I'm sharing the 3 components that must occur for an eating behavior to occur and what needs to then happen for it to become an actual habit. After listening to this episode, you'll understand your nighttime snacking habit more. Plus, feel relieved that it...
Published 08/24/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. It may seem like a chore or even impossible to attempt losing weight with a busy schedule, especially when you have a career and a family to balance. But, losing weight with a busy schedule is very possible and can even be fun, depending on several factors. These include some simple mindset shifts to help you feel differently about weight loss and...
Published 08/17/23
Break your emotional eating habit for good. Learn more via a free consult. Book your free consult here. Ever wonder why emotional eating at work is something you struggle with? It's not because you can't handle your job or your emotions... It's because you have a normal human brain and normal human brains were set up to emotionally eat. I'm explaining why in this episode, plus sharing how to recognize when you're emotionally eating at work, plus tips to help you stop.
Published 08/10/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Your thoughts ultimately influence your behaviors, which includes eating behaviors. The human brain has tens of thousands of thoughts per day, many of which a repetitive thoughts from the day before. So, that means repetitive thoughts and eating habits are heavily linked. In this episode, I'm sharing what this means for you, plus how you can influence...
Published 08/03/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. In this episode, I'm sharing how weight loss that fits your lifestyle plays a vital role in your success in losing weight and keeping it off. I'm also sharing why cookie-cutter weight loss plans and diets aren't ideal, and how you don't fail them...they fail you. Plus, I'm sharing what you'll want to ask yourself, so you end up finding weight loss that...
Published 07/27/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Choosing a goal for weight loss is both fun and necessary. You'll need something measurable, so that you can determine if what you're doing is working, but you'll also need a goal that motivates you. Because without motivation, our human brains will NOT want to make the changes. In fact, our human brains love to avoid change. So to help you make...
Published 07/20/23
Get help breaking your emotional eating habit for good. Learn more and book a free consult with me by clicking here. In this episode, it’s a tell-all regarding my emotional eating habit when I was in my twenties and even extending into my early thirties. I’m sharing why I emotionally ate, what I tried, and the two major things that ultimately led me to finally break my emotional eating habit for good. I wish I had known early on that those two things were all I needed to break my emotional...
Published 07/13/23
Want to change your eating habits and lose weight for good without dieting? Learn more and book a free consultation with me by clicking here. Many eating habits are caused by current triggers and challenges, but sometimes they’re also from circumstances in your childhood. The great news is that despite childhood circumstances, you can still change your eating habits, and permanently too. I’ll enlighten you on how your childhood affects eating habits now in this episode. Most likely, your...
Published 07/06/23
Get my help breaking your emotional eating habit for good. Learn more and book a free consult with me by clicking here. To help you get out of an emotional eating habit, it's necessary to first have awareness. Awareness of what your brain is doing that's keeping you in the emotional eating habit or cycle. When you get used to catching onto your brain, only then can you start breaking that cycle. So, in this episode, I'm sharing the 2 biggest emotional eating mistakes that keep you in the...
Published 06/29/23