In this episode I talk about what a detox is, what it isn't, and who should/shouldn't do one. I'll tell you a little secret, a detox is NOT a get fit quick scheme. It's not a quick and easy way to lose fat. Healthy fat loss only comes from diet and exercise. I also talk about my own personal 21 Day Detox that I offer on my website. Check out the episode if you'd like to know my experience on this detox. It's not as scary as you think!
Published 06/09/20
Quarantine and lockdown have affected all of us around the globe. Life as we know it isn't the same anymore. But do we really want to go back to how things were? Was that really normal? We lived such hectic and stressful lives which is not healthy! In this episode I dive into some things that I am learning from lockdown and what we should all take away from this experience.
Published 06/02/20
After years of being on the birth control pill and trying various brands, I finally decided to stop taking hormonal contraception altogether. In this episode, I talk about the negative side effects I experienced and why I ultimately decided to come off the pill. I also discuss what natural remedies I've been using the manage my hormones because news flash, the pill doesn't do that! After being off the pill for almost two months, I've already seen a significant improvement in my period and my...
Published 05/26/20
Do you or someone you know have digestive issues, specifically IBS or leaky gut? My IBS was onset by stress, which is a common trigger for most people! In this episode, I discuss what foods are common triggers and different techniques to manage IBS flare ups and heal your gut lining to improve symptoms naturally. Make sure to follow on Instagram @rosatinutrition, like the Facebook page Rosati Nutrition and sign up for email newsletters at www.rosatinutrition.ca.
Published 05/19/20
Have you been feeling fatigued lately? Find a burst of energy and then crash at the same time every day? Wake up in the middle of the night hungry? It's quite possible you could be dealing with adrenal fatigue - especially if you've been under a ton of stress. In this episode we discuss what the adrenal glands do and how they're closely related to blood sugar management, cravings and overall energy levels throughout the day. Check it out for some tips on how to reduce stress and manage...
Published 05/12/20
In this episode I talk about the various ailments and conditions I've dealt with and overcome throughout my life. These include asthma, a weak immune system, chronic ear, nose and throat infections, heavy menstruation, adrenal fatigue, mononucleosis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). My hope is that you resonate with one or more of these conditions, and find hope that you can overcome whatever life throws at you, you are in control! Make sure to follow me on Instagram @rosatinutrition and...
Published 05/05/20
Hey, welcome! Thank you so much for tuning in to my brand new podcast! Follow me on Instagram @rosatinutrition and like my Facebook page Rosati Nutrition for episode notifications and healthy recipes. And don't forget to subscribe to the podcast!
Published 04/28/20