Dr. Safiyya is a medical doctor turned naturopathic doctor specializing in women's health. She has a passion for helping women take control of their health and their bodies and that includes getting pregnant. Unfortunately, many women today experience infertility. Luckily, there are more treatments than just IVF available!  Join Dr. Safiyya Kamalodeen and host Alicia Rosati as they discuss infertility, potential causes, and the holistic approach to treatment. For more information on Dr....
Published 05/24/22
Check out our Immune Defense tea at www.rosatinutrition.ca/shop/! 
Published 05/17/22
Published 05/17/22
We all hate being sick, so other than feel miserable for a few days, what is there left to do? In this episode I share my own personal protocol including what supplements I'm taking to get over this cold. One of them may surprise you, and you may already have it sitting in your pantry! *This episode is NOT meant as medical advice. Talk to your trusted health care provider before taking vitamins and supplements.
Published 05/10/22
Having a morning routine is the first step for a successful day. As humans, we are wired to wake up with the sun and be most active in the morning. Check out the previous episode for more in depth discussion on circadian rhythm.  One of the best ways to get a head start on the day, be more productive, and generally feel better is to make your bed. A few years ago a friend of mine shared a video of a US Navy Admiral explaining why you should make your bed every morning. That video stuck with...
Published 05/03/22
In today's episode, we discuss the circadian rhythm and the importance of being in tune with it. The circadian rhythm is our primal instinct to follow the sun's natural patterns. Humans are not nocturnal. We are meant to be awake during the day and asleep during the night. But what happens when we aren't? Sleep disturbances, food cravings, fatigue, poor mental state, imbalanced hormones... these are all consequences of being out of tune with nature and our instinctual internal clock. Head to...
Published 04/26/22
Some people dream of living in the city's core, being part of the hustle and bustle of daily life. Me, on the other hand? I will gladly take 10+ acres of land out in the country. It's been a dream of mine for years to grow my own food and live off the land as much as possible. Essentially, living off the grid. Except for a few modern privileges, like internet access.  My passion for a simpler life comes from my grandparents. Both my mother's and my father's parents grew up in Italy for their...
Published 04/19/22
Eggs have been such a controversial food in the health and wellness space. "Eat eggs, they're great!" "Don't eat eggs, they're so high in cholesterol!" "Only eat the egg yolk for max protein!" It can get really confusing out there. So, in today's episode I want to answer the question - are eggs good for you? And if so, which eggs should we even buy at the grocery store? It seems there are way too many options out there! The nutritional content of eggs are no joke. It contains all the...
Published 04/12/22
Welcome back to the show! Wow it has been quite some time since I've said that. As we all know, life takes some unexpected twists and turns. And unfortunately, that requires our focus to shift from time to time. But I'm SO GLAD to be back, creating the content I'm so passionate about, and being able to connect with you listeners from all over the globe! Check out what I've been up to by clicking the link here - https://rosatinutrition.ca/shop/ Thank you all for sticking around and being...
Published 04/05/22
Do you know the difference between acute and chronic inflammation? In this episode we dive into the differences between the two and the dangers of chronic inflammation. Inflammation is simply your immune system responding to something - a stressor, a pathogen, or an injury. Acute inflammation is actually helpful since it helps keep us healthy and cleans up damaged tissues. Chronic inflammation however, is harmful. Chronic inflammation is linked to virtually every chronic disease. Thankfully,...
Published 09/09/21
Do you know exactly what's in your box of cereal? Sure you can read the ingredients, but what's really in there? Unfortunately many of our favourite breakfast cereals, oatmeal pouches, and breakfast bars are heavily laced with pesticide residue - specifically glyphosate. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's pesticide Roundup. You may have seen it on shelves at your local garden centre.  This chemical is heavily used on many conventional crops, specifically wheat, oats, corn, and...
Published 07/22/21
I'm sure you've heard of vitamin C being used for the common cold or flu, but have you ever heard of vitamin C being used for cancer? I hadn't heard of this either until we found out my grandfather's cancer had come back, quite some years ago. The two most common cancer treatments today are chemotherapy and radiation. Immunotherapy is slowly becoming more and more popular as well. But not many people know of high dose vitamin C as an alternative option. High dose vitamin C, or intravenous...
Published 07/08/21
Join us this week with our special guest Alex Larouche - holistic nutritionist, business woman, and interconnected being. In this episode we discuss how all things in the world are interconnected - from our interactions with nature and our environment, to our own health. We must understand that we are ALL connected! Alex came to this understanding after being chronically sick. She realized that you can't take a very simplistic, one method approach to health and wellbeing. Diet nor exercise...
Published 06/24/21
Your DNA is your life's blueprint. It's why you look the way you do and even why you act the way you do. But what if I told you there's a way to hack your DNA and better your life? Thanks to the completion of the Human Genome Project, we are now able to sample our DNA and look directly at the answer key to see what's been causing the issues in our lives. From cancer, to Alzheimer's disease, to liver function, down to how well your body converts vitamins and minerals, genetic testing can tell...
Published 06/10/21
Have you ever wondered if there were certain foods you could eat to boost brain power and prevent disease? In this episode, I go over 4 of the most beneficial foods that may boost memory and cognition and prevent disease like Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's and age related cognitive decline.  These include coconut, walnuts, turmeric and green tea. Coconut acts as a secondary fuel source for the brain since it's high in MCTs which are converted into ketones. This is crucial for patients...
Published 05/20/21
In short, I'm quite over this whole covid thing. And seeing other parts of the world go back to normal while Ontario heads into stricter lockdowns is quite disheartening. But what about the side effects of a lockdown? How have the last 13 months in lockdown affected us? Let's talk about it. Head to www.rosatinutrition.ca/podcast for show notes, references and a complete transcript of the episode. Everyday Immunity is a show based on science, not censorship. To help support our mission,...
Published 04/29/21
In this episode, we dive into the truth behind the very bold lemon water claims. Will it make you lose weight quickly? Is it the cure-all answer we've been searching for? Let's look at what the science has to say. Lemon extract has been shown to reduce ACE gene expression (a biomarker for sustained weight loss) after 10 hours of exposure. It also seems quite safe to add lemon fruit or lemon essential oil to water. There are some essential oil safety tips that should be looked at prior to...
Published 04/15/21
In this episode, we go over the benefits of the brassica, or cruciferous, vegetables. In my opinion, these are some of the best, healthiest vegetables on the planet for so many reasons. Not only are they high in fibre and taste amazing, but they contain anti-cancer compounds. These vegetables, native to coastal southern and western Europe, are extremely high in sulfur-rich compounds, vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants. This episode explains the benefits of sulfur-rich compounds and...
Published 04/09/21
In this episode, special guest Catharin Arnston discusses the different health benefits of two common algae, spirulina and chlorella. Catharine is the founder of ENERGYbits, a company that sells all natural algae tablets. ENERGYbits began after Catharine's sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her oncologist told her an alkaline diet would help her beat cancer, and it did! After countless hours of research, Catharine came to the conclusion that algae was the way to go. It's been used for...
Published 04/01/21
This episode is a continuation of last week, where I discussed phase I liver detoxification and the importance of efficiently metabolizing toxins in the body. Fortunately, most people's phase I pathways work quite well. However, the problem lies in the efficiency of their phase II detoxification pathways. Think of a human sandbag chain. If the people at the front of the line are working quickly but the people halfway down the chain are working slower, sandbags are going to pile up in the...
Published 03/25/21
Liver function is crucial for overall health and immunity. The purpose of this episode is to help you understand the different detoxifying processes that occur in your liver and what foods, toxins or drugs activate or inhibit these functions. This list proves that your diet and your environment have play a great role in your health. Fortunately, not many people have issues with their phase I detoxification. However, the issue lies in their phase II functionality. In this episode, I discuss...
Published 03/18/21
Alzheimer's disease is a scary, degenerative and irreversible disease that plagues more and more people in today's society. Thankfully, scientists have discovered that coconut offers beneficial fatty acids that may help protect the brain from this disease. Specifically, coconut contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid that converts into ketones in the body. These ketones act as an additional fuel source to the brain since many patients with Alzheimer's suffer from insulin resistance in...
Published 07/07/20
No, MTHFR isn't short form for you know what - even though it really can be one! We all have the MTHFR gene, but some of us have genetic variations or mutations. I recently found out I am one of the few who do have a mutation. But it's not all bad! Your genes are not your fate, thanks to gene expression and epigenetics. In this episode, I talk about what the MTHFR gene is involved in and what having a mutation means. It's involved in SO MANY body processes! For example, hormonal balance,...
Published 06/30/20
What's been holding you back lately? Sometimes you have to just say f*ck it and do it! Stop worrying about what others may think or how well you can do something. Give it a shot! And if at first you don't succeed, try again. The point is, life is full of opportunity and you need to take advantage of it! Be your own best friend, your #1 cheerleader. Because at the end of the day you only have you to rely on. And besides, science shows that a healthy mindset actually has a huge positive effect...
Published 06/23/20
In this episode I talk about intermittent fasting and all of its amazing benefits. According to scientific papers, research and articles, intermittent fasting may help lose weight, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, asthma, obesity, cognitive decline, neurodegeneration and even cancer. However, intermittent fasting may cause more harm than good for individuals experiencing severe stress or those living with specific types of cancer. In this episode, I discuss the...
Published 06/16/20