Today, a healthy dose of escapism. This visualization allows you to connect with any loved ones you’re missing. For more practices to get you through self-isolation, check out Practice for Connectedness, Practice for Hard Days and Stress SOS (all available in this feed).
Published 04/01/20
Published 04/01/20
The Buddhist practice of metta, or lovingkindness, reminds us that we all yearn for peace and the end of suffering.
Published 03/04/20
A visualization to help quiet the noise of chronic pain.
Published 02/05/20
Whether you’re feeling off or dealing with adversity, you’re not alone on hard days. We’ve all been there. And before long, today will be behind you. In this episode, a practice to find ease and allow all that’s visiting you on hard days.
Published 01/08/20
A 5-minute practice to help you calm down when you’re rushing, or when things get extra busy.
Published 12/05/19
A practice to help you settle in to this slow transitional season. Immerse yourself in the autumn forest; smell the fallen leaves, fresh soil and crisp air. This episode is especially helpful for those feeling at odds with the changing season, but is a treat for even the most enthusiastic cold weather lovers.
Published 11/06/19
“On bad days, I’m okay. On good days, I’m also okay.” - Zen master No matter what batters it, whether sun shines or storms visit, the mountain stands. Today, we borrow wisdom from the mountain to aid in equanimity training: the practice of abiding with our experience while resisting the urge to act out.
Published 10/02/19
If work is burning you out, no amount of self-care will balance the scale. You must address the issue at its root. This can include a perspective shift around work, such as bringing more gratitude to the things you enjoy about your job. For some, it must also include cutting out tasks or roles entirely. In this episode, guidance toward finding what burnout solution is right for you and your work situation.
Published 09/25/19
This episode builds on our last, so begin there before clicking ‘play’. Here, two strategies to prevent or scale back burnout.
Published 09/19/19
An episode to help you identify the symptoms and causes of burnout. This after the World Health Organization added Burnout to its Classification of Diseases in 2019. If you think you’re suffering from burnout, bring past episodes like “Step into Your Power”, “Rest at Work” and “Good Enough” into your daily practice. More on burnout, and practices to counter it, in our next episode.
Published 09/11/19
Life tugs you in a lot of directions. And when you say ‘yes’ to all those tugs, you might find yourself running on fumes, your list of to-dos and obligations never-ending. This can lead to burnout. This episode, a practice to help you step into your true nature, one of authority and decisiveness free of outside influence. Come back to this place if you find yourself feeling scattered, small or overwhelmed. Visit this practice every day for a month to witness a shift in your sense of personal...
Published 09/04/19
When you believe you’re in the right place, life can soften. Often, we tense around what we ‘should’ or could be doing, forgetting that our only life — our true life — is here. With a special focus on overcoming Imposter Syndrome, this episode reminds you that, for now, you belong right where you are.
Published 08/28/19
Have you ever felt like you had to ‘fake it’ to fit in? In this episode, the reason why you might be experiencing imposter syndrome and a few tools to overcome it. Sign up for Tech Reset: https://everydaypeace.ca/tech-reset-signup
Published 08/21/19
Roughly 70% of us will experience Imposter Syndrome at one point or another; we believe that we have not earned our success through our abilities, that we don’t deserve our seat at the table. This month, we’re exploring Imposter Syndrome. We begin with this practice, a simple one to remind you that you are a good enough mother, friend, employee, etc. Come back to this practice every day for 30 days to witness a shift in your sense of self-worth. Tech Reset Signup:...
Published 08/07/19
How ‘the second arrow’ could be increasing your suffering during times of financial crisis, and a perspective shift to combat that. Small moments of peace are possible every day, even in crisis. This episode guides you toward finding them.
Published 07/31/19
Our beliefs shape us: they form our thoughts, which dictate our actions. Old beliefs about money can hold us back from having a healthy financial life in the now. Here, guidelines for an attitude shift to help you make peace with finances, and stress less.
Published 07/24/19
Financial issues breed a unique kind of stress, don’t they? Your life is on the line — as far as your survival brain is concerned — because your ability to access food and shelter could be compromised. This talk includes a quick practice you can call on whenever money worries begin to spiral, as well as strategies for dealing with both longterm and short-term financial stress.
Published 07/17/19
To kick off a series on financial stress, a repeat of our gratitude practice. No matter the hardship you’re experiencing, gratitude is an effective balancing practice; it allows you a few moments of lightness and ease.
Published 07/11/19
A simple walking meditation that can be practiced indoors or on your favourite path. Walking meditation helps us ground and can aid in bringing our daily practice into every aspect of our lives.
Published 07/04/19
Who are you? A human being, simply; a part of the wider world and, for hundreds of thousands of years, an integral part of a healthy ecosystem. This episode, why feeling an interconnectedness with the world around you is beneficial, and how to get there.
Published 06/26/19
Today, evidence to support your practice. Get insight into what, exactly, is happening in your body as you spend time in or visualize nature.
Published 06/19/19
Nature is a proven stress aid. Research shows that, when we spend time in nature, we recover more quickly and fully from episodes of stress, and that simply calling nature to mind can have the same effect. Today’s practice invites you to relax into the sounds, sights, scent and feel of a calm beach. Practice daily to build your ‘visualization muscle’, allowing you over time to find calm space even in the most hectic environments.
Published 06/05/19
When you’re unable to sleep, it can feel all-consuming. Here, a perspective shift and two practices for such times.
Published 05/29/19
Two additional practices to help you find moments of rest, subtle but essential, at work.
Published 05/22/19