Firstly... THANK YOU so much for all your support of the Fitzlife Unfiltered Podcast! Views and downloads are steadily climbing and we honestly are so grateful spend a small part of your day with us. It is so appreciated! Kim and I talk about a concept of preparing yourself 72 hours before any big event, presentation, performance, or anything that needs your optimum physical and mental wellness.  Are you prepping your body, mind, emotional status, and all the things necessary for you to...
Published 09/26/23
It was great being back in the studio as we are Beta testing bringing this Podcast into video format for You Tube and Social Media so this was the first time cameras were on us!  Stay tuned for more to come on that! In this episode we talked about A LOT of things so rather than listing them all we'll let you listen in to whats going on in our life and why Kim feels the best she has ever felt! Thanks for listening all! K&J Personal Coaching and Strategy Info Sign-Up:...
Published 09/19/23
We LOVED recording this episode that is so FULL of information on the Gut Protocol program and community that Kim is launching in September as well as the healing she has been going through that has allowed her to not only release mental and emotional weight, but physical weight as well. We also dive into Fasting and the incredible book "Fast Like A Girl" by Dr. Mindy Pelz! This is an absolute must read if you are curious about fasting or would like to try it. This is a meaty episode with...
Published 08/22/23
In Twenty years from now into the future, what would you give to be able to go back 20 years and feel how you do right now? It's a quick hitter from me, but I hope it gives you some good perspective to LIVE NOW, because it's the NOW that we are currently in. Enjoy! J&K SUPPORT & RESOURCES:    To join our email list click here:  bit.ly/JKFSubscribe To join our FREE Fitzlife Facebook community click here: bit.ly/FitzLifeCommunity To join our Wellness Accountability Group click...
Published 08/15/23
Speaking truth in a time of political correctness and cancel culture can be intimidating but I think it's more important than ever.  I challenged our business team to get in the best shape of their life.  What does that mean? It's certainly not just physical because mental and emotional shape is entwined together, so Kim and I discuss that and what it means. We also discuss "the how" and what that actually looks like? What does that mean to you? What does success in these categories and...
Published 08/08/23
DISCLAIMER: This is not medical or professional advice or treatment. Always consult a medical professional for any changes you make in your wellness and fitness routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yup! I'm going there! It's not something I was totally comfortable talking about solo, but I feel it's important for both men and women to hear. I'm talking sex life with your partner, the good, the bad, the mental side on partners,...
Published 07/26/23
Shae Invidiata is the founder of the Freedom CEO Podcast and is an incredibly successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, and huge outside the box thinker! We both have so much respect for Shae and it was a huge honor for Kim to be a guest on her Podcast. Tune in to listen to these two powerhouse women talk all things habits, growth, business, and how Kim has dealt with some of the traumas in her life including giving CPR, losing her Mom, and overcoming the things that can sometimes guide...
Published 07/18/23
We had an amazing time in San Antonio, every time we attend this conference I get re-excited over our business and team and business partners that we get to work and grow with!  Kim and I both spoke on stage and we are just grateful for these opportunities to grow. Public speaking is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but we examine this fear for many people, and other things that people shy away from because of fear.  Kim and I discuss how we manage this, have overcome this, and why it's...
Published 07/11/23
We LOVED recording this episode, and not just because we talked about our kids Colby and Tessa.  Being in studio is always introspective as I always say, when do you get a chance to sit in a room with your spouse with ZERO distractions and just talk about all things life? Perhaps there is a lesson there in itself about all our busy lifestyles. We think you are going to enjoy this episode as we dive into raising our kids and discussing the idea that when they become adults we hope they want...
Published 07/04/23
As always, thank you for listening to Fitzlife Unfiltered! Today we talk about my Uncle Hank who passed recently and the impact he had on my life.  His work ethic inspired me and that leads into a mini-rant by myself on effort, the anti-hustle movement, and why building big businesses require imbalance and a lot of time. There is a softening in society, and I think we forget how our ancestors acquired and achieved what they have.  Perhaps it's not only a lack of effort but more a lack of...
Published 06/27/23
What an incredible episode!  This is one that you will want to listen to twice as it's very motivational and Amberlyn speaks with intention and purpose in her interview with Kim! Amberly’s life story of astounding resilience has inspired a revolutionary lesson she offers to the world. She brings unique strategies developed to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any challenge. She is a powerhouse of energy with a story that will engage and...
Published 06/13/23
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LISTENING! Let's start there, because more than anything, we appreciate your time and the decision you make to tune in and listen.  We are very aware you have full lives, so for you to use it listening to us does not go without a ton of gratitude from Kim and I. So thank you. We were back in the studio today getting caught up on our trip to Paris and the copious amount of bread we ate. Legit, I turned into gluten...so delicious, and the actual city of Paris was...
Published 05/30/23
We REALLY dive into IDENTITY today and how it affects not only your view of the world, but often times what you perceive your ability to be in life.  Is that right or wrong? Not necessarily, it's just how you feel and perceive things to be.  We dive deep into this! But perhaps the key is to altering what you view your identity to be based in truth rather than specific events, insecurity, victimhood, tragedy, and the stories we tell ourselves about what we are capable of. Identity shifts can...
Published 05/16/23
Our very first 2-Time guest on Fitzlife Unfiltered, Eddie Pinero brings it all and then some in this amazing interview with Kim! From the motivational videos he creates on YouTube, to his podcast episodes, to the stages he speaks on all over the world, Eddie offers a blueprint to those looking for an edge as they navigate their day-to-day lives. With over 200 million total streams, his use of powerful spoken word and beautiful imagery is a reminder to many that they are always one decision...
Published 05/09/23
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, certified nutritionist, or a certified wellness expert, so please consult with your doctor or medical professional before changing anything in your wellness or fitness regime or in your lifestyle.  This episode and me sharing my information is not medical advice, it is strictly me sharing what I've been doing and my experiences over not only the last 6 months but things I've learned over the last 3 decades. Please do your own research and consult your medical...
Published 04/18/23
Kim and I have a very strong partnership, in both marriage and business.  It has to be strong, there are too many stressors and moving parts in both parts to NOT have a firm foundation.  But like everyone, we have our moments. Kim dives into some feelings she was having this week around her resentment towards me but ultimately recognized WHY she was feeling that way, and it wasn't about me, it was about her time management and elevating her energy and vibration to another level. We discuss...
Published 03/07/23
A quick hitter from Kim on being overwhelmed, but SO DAMN GOOD! Give it a listen, I'm almost positive it will resonate as you tackle your to do lists and all the things that life tosses at you. Overwhelm is a feeling, and a fair one, but how we choose to react to that feeling is up to us. Thanks so much for your time! K&J SUPPORT & RESOURCES:    To join our email list click here:  bit.ly/JKFSubscribe To join our FREE Fitzlife Facebook community click...
Published 02/28/23
We're playing word association my friends! When you hear VENEERS, what comes to mind!? Half-joking...but I'm getting them, and I don't know how I feel about them to be honest.  Ok, moving on... Been heavy times around the Fitz household, and as everyone, life continues and challenges arise and we're in the trenches right now working through the shit, the trauma, the drama, and all the things that life throws at all of us. So Kim and i have a great chat about levelling up, personal growth,...
Published 02/21/23
Honestly, this is one of my favorite episodes we've ever done.  Kim brings the fire and gets jacked up about having to be and act like the person NOW, that you WANT to become. One of my favorite questions that came up? Are you telling the universe you are ready, through your words and your actions? It's a great question. Because words matter. Body language matters. Energy matters.  Your thoughts matter.  Your small daily actions REALLY matter.  Are you operating at a standard that is so...
Published 01/31/23
Kim and I were back in the studio before she heads off to Costa Rica for an awesome surf and yoga retreat and we really dove into habit stacking, and if you TRULY want to change your circumstances and become MORE of a leader in your life, it starts with your daily habits. We dive into leadership, discipline, sex with your partner or lack thereof, and building up small wins to discover your confidence. I also give some sensitive advice on if you aren't happy with circumstances in your life,...
Published 01/24/23
We hope you enjoy Kim's Social Media LIVE on organization, time management, and doing the work so things flow right!  Stop numbing and start doing. What are the behaviors you need to stop to start to guide you on the right path? She emotionally touches on who you need to become, not necessarily DOING more, but about BECOMING more!  Raise your energy above your circumstances, and do the things to necessary to lead you somewhere different. Enjoy the passionate message from...
Published 01/17/23
I wanted to sit down on the morning of my 50th birthday and share my thoughts on life, girlfriends, my wife, handshakes, lists, addiction, and a bunch of other topics. I share a lot in this, some personal, some private, some opinions, but most of all I wanted to reflect on things I wish I knew 20 and 30 years ago, things I would have done differently, things I regret, and my greatest life lessons for anyone willing to listen. I think this will be powerful for everyone, but I also speak to...
Published 12/27/22