Sabrina and Shawn unpack the things that motivate each of us and how we can learn to tap into those things to further drive us toward our our goals. Are you someone who is driven by internal or external stimulants? Sabrina and Shawn discuss both sides of this and provide their own perspectives. And to build on this, what does too much stimulation in those ways do to you in your training? They also summarize these talking points with healthy tips for how you can maximize your...
Published 04/14/22
Heather joins Blaire and Shawn to share her running journey! This conversation dips into some general running nutrition with a pit stop in what Heather refers to as cake season! This is followed up with a whole lot of goodness around running because you love it, going in and out of training cycles, and keeping your eyes on the bigger picture when it comes to growth in your running!
Published 04/07/22
Laughs, love and running. Three words that describe Jackie and Kristen so well! These two wonderful humans join Blaire and Shawn to discuss all things running and how this epic friendship that was founded in their love of running came to be. Bring the whole crew along for your run and try not to smile, laugh, and be inspired throughout!
Published 03/31/22
Looking to work on your speed? Well bring us along for a 45 minute threshold interval run! This session has a 10 minute warmup, 8 intervals of two minute threshold paces, with 2 minute recoveries, followed up with a 3-5 minute cooldown. The threshold intervals should be run at an 8 our of 10 in terms of effort, with recoveries done at around a 5 out of 10. Blaire and Shawn bring plenty of tips around form, effort, and the importance of warming up, recovering, cooling down, and fueling!...
Published 03/24/22
Episode 2 of The Reset focuses on Confirmation Bias and Fundamental Attribution Error. These are two important things when it comes to running! Confirmation bias can be both helpful and hurtful as it could either reaffirm your dedication to something or play a role in leading you to feel like you might not belong. Fundamental Attribution Error is something that plays a role in how we view ourselves and others. Bring Sabrina, Blaire, and Shawn along for your run and learn more about these...
Published 03/17/22
Get ready for a 45 minute tempo run from our For Your Run Pod+Class series! Blaire and Shawn will take you through a 45 minute class with a 10 minute warmup, 4 series of a 5 minute tempo pace with 3 minute recoveries, and then 5-8 minutes of a cooldown! So lace up those shoes and bring us along for your run!
Published 03/04/22
Welcome to Episode 1 of For Your Run: The Reset. In this episode Sabrina and Shawn discuss belonging. We all experience that feeling of being the odd one out at times and it can play such an impact in our running! They discuss how belonging changes based on your needs and get into how this plays a role in their running along with the role it at times has played in things like, "The Boston Debate" - which is at times a hot button topic around Boston Qualifiers and those running for charity.
Published 02/21/22
Katie is back to celebrate her milestone of 100 straight weeks of Ten on Tuesday! Hear Katie break down so much about this amazing accomplishment, what she says is the theme song for Ten on Tuesday, along with what else Katie has coming up!
Published 02/15/22
Blaire and Shawn catch up with Andy to discuss how he found running, the ways in which it has changed him, along with a bit of a deep dive into easter candy, his love of music along with plenty more! Lace up those shoes and bring Andy along for your run!
Published 02/10/22
Bekah joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss her recent string of PR's, working on the mental aspects of running and how to reframe your approach to races, along with plenty more! Bekah is gearing up for a few races through 2022 and brought plenty of laughs and positivity throughout their discussion!
Published 02/03/22
Hayley joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss how she maintains balance in her seemingly forever busy life! Hayley is so inspiring in her dedication to start the day off on the right foot by logging miles, rocking workouts, and then heading off to be a positive source of inspiration for all of the kids she engages with in her work life.Bring Hayley along for your run and find out some more about this wonderful human!
Published 01/27/22
Blaire and Shawn welcome Sabrina to the podcast to discuss her marathon journey, the Skokie Swifters, and plenty more! She is closing in on her 6th world major, is run streaking until her 40th birthday, and has so many other things planned for 2022! Bring Sabrina along of your run and get to know this fantastic human! Bring Hannah along for your run and see what else the group discuss!
Published 01/20/22
Welcome to the For Your Run Pod+Class! Blaire and Shawn are here to guide you through a 30 minute run, plus a short cooldown which includes the following! 9:20 of Intro 10:00 of light running or jogging 10:00 of a easy pace run 10:00 of interval running with 1 minute of speed with 2 minutes of recovery in between 2:00 of cooldown 12:00 of post run wrap up Thanks for brining us along for your run!
Published 01/14/22
Blaire and Shawn take some time this week to bring you their favorite running things as we all dive right into to the depths of the holiday season! They also provide some updates about year one of the podcast along with the announcement of their new Patreon page for those who would like to support For Your Run's growth moving forward! Bring Hannah along for your run and see what else the group discuss! 9hP38110YBpwngHLU0XD
Published 11/26/21
How Far will Hannah go? To Fargo? Psh, she's been there! It is Hannah week and Blaire and Shawn are ready to hear from Hannah about North Dakota, how she found running, and where it has taken her! Hannah has rocked some marathons in 2021, smashed a PR, and we think she is juuuuust getting started... even though her origins in running go back quite a ways! Bring Hannah along for your run and see what else the group discuss!
Published 11/18/21
Blaire and Shawn are joined by Ashley this week to discuss her journey in running, including what she has learned both about marathon training and herself along the way. They also discuss the value of addressing your mental health and how wonderful the IG running community is. Bring Ashley along for your miles and find out more about this wonderfully positive and uplifting person!
Published 11/11/21
Tony joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss so many of the wonderful things he does as both an athlete and a person! Tony is a firefighter and personal trainer who reminds us all to find our balance and see the good in all that we do. The group discuss how he got his start in so many aspects of his life and break down his running story.
Published 11/04/21
Kristin joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss all things balance in both running and life! Kristin has BQ'd a few times, had some fun race experiences, and is bringing a new outlook on her training and what races mean to her. Catch up with Kristin and learn more about her as she prepares for the 2021 Philly Marathon!
Published 10/28/21
What happens when you get two unexpected stress fractures just months before you're planning to run the 125th Boston Marathon? Stephen has those answers and it's one fantastic story! He joins Blaire and Shawn for episode 25 of For Your Run! Bring them along for your miles!
Published 10/21/21
Binging, training, learning, adapting, and some wonderful secrets are all up for discussion as Angela joins Blaire and Shawn for this episode of For Your Run! Through this episode, Angela discusses her breast cancer diagnosis, her goals of running through treatment, the relationships she has developed through this year and how she has gone from the one seeking answers to the one helping others, and her plans of taking on the Indy Monumental Marathon.
Published 10/14/21
Have you ever thought about running a half marathon every month or doing the same distance as your birthday age? Well Katie has! Today Katie joins Shawn to discuss how she got back to running in her 30's, her nine half marathons through pregnancy, running 40 miles for her 40th birthday, about a mild love of compression socks, and so much more!
Published 10/07/21
Fundrea with Rundrea! We are a Fandrea of Andrea! ... OK, we are out of rhymes! Andrea joins the podcast to talk with Blaire and Shawn about all things running in her life! They discuss the value of a post run mega gulp, Andrea's fierce watermelon game, and even help her sort out what race she is running this fall! Andrea also takes time to talk about Haiti, why it is important to her, and how to more effectively support causes that impact the citizens of Haiti.
Published 09/30/21
Blaire and Shawn welcome Melissa to For Your Run for episode 21! They break down how Melissa started running, her training progress for Boston 125, how she figured out her fueling, along with some of the more important things like, why wearing a robe before a race is the perfect clothing decision, and her go to binge worthy TV and movies on race weekends!
Published 09/23/21
KayLee is back! We switch things up for episode 20 with a slew of random thoughts along with a broader running discussion. KayLee, Blaire and Shawn discuss the fall race situation, the "seasons" of running that each of us are in, the value of giving yourself grace, and even question the mystical carbon plated shoes that so many of us have added to our training and races. Enjoy this open discussion!
Published 09/16/21
Blaire and Shawn chat with Rachel this week about her early years of running, how the dreaded summer marathon training has been doing and what's coming up in the fall! They also discuss plenty of western PA running, those high school cross country days, along with a brief stop concerning all things treadmills. Rachel will be running the Wineglass Marathon in the fall of 2021!
Published 09/09/21