All the tools, platforms, tech and gamification in the world will never provide an ROI unless effective, influential communication is at the heart of everything you do... human to human. In this episode, I discuss the importance of effective communication in leadership and provides strategies for middle managers to improve their communication skills. You'll learn the role of communication in building trust, resolving conflicts, and fostering engagement and productivity. I also highlight the...
Published 06/13/24
In this episode, I discuss the challenges of doing more with less in the workplace, including issues related to layoffs, siloed communication, and the need for the right people in the right roles. It's super important to set job performance expectations, specifically around being open to learning and sharing knowledge, to overcome these challenges and create a more interdependent team culture. Takeaways Challenges of doing more with less in the workplace are common and can be attributed to...
Published 06/06/24
In this episode I explore the concept of breaking through limitations and how to overcome them. I delve into the various types of limitations, the psychology behind them, and practical strategies for addressing and overcoming them. We're all humans, my friends. But we don't have to let those limitations hold us back. Takeaways: ::: Limitations can be self-imposed or imposed by external circumstances. ::: Processing thoughts and emotions is key to overcoming limitations. ::: Emotional guidance...
Published 05/30/24
Every poll I post on LinkedIn about toxic behaviors, micro management comes up as number one. So, I decided to ask why people micromanage. 12,000 votes cast and hundreds of comments later, it's clear this is still a problem and it's extremely demoralizing. Restoring confidence in this situation involves tracking progress and accomplishments, reminding yourself that it's not about you, and managing your thoughts. By tracking your achievements and recognizing your success, you can validate...
Published 05/23/24
We have a problem with leadership. The problem is, is that the only thing we know about leadership is what we DON'T want. Today, I'm going to revisit an episode that I did a while back about five key leadership principles for amazing results. So if your only leadership examples are: :::micromanaging :::lack of guidance :::narcissism :::bullying hang in there. In this episode, I talk about::: 00:00 - The Problem with Leadership 02:54 - Five Key Leadership Principles for Amazing Results 05:14 -...
Published 05/16/24
In this episode, I discuss the importance of betting on yourself and taking control of your career. I share three tips for achieving this: >> planning ahead >> always being curious >> being selfish Planning ahead involves having your resume ready and tracking your accomplishments. Being curious means paying attention to your interests and leveraging your strengths. Being selfish means prioritizing yourself and looking for signs of what you want in your career. By following...
Published 05/09/24
Every subject or circumstance is really two subjects: what you want and what you don't want. Today is about the tiny little thing that you can do that is a game changer for getting what you want. Today is about the pivot. Such a small thing that's going to have a huge impact on your patterns of behavior and your motivation. Let's get practical here::: 02:00 - The Two Subjects: Wanted and Unwanted 06:18 - Making the Pivot: From Unwanted to Wanted 07:46 - Feeling Better: Motivation for Moving...
Published 05/02/24
We're part of a universe that is always expanding. It's in our nature to expand, as well: Set a goal, achieve it, set a goal, achieve it -- this is our expansion. Today I'm excited to give you a really, really easy secret technique for achieving your goals. I'm talking about::: 01:49 - Understanding and Leveraging Your Natural Behavioral Strengths 04:58 - The Belief Triad 07:30 - Visualization and Action 12:33 - Avoiding Self-Editing and Believing in What Is Possible Anything that you want...
Published 04/25/24
I love Brené Brown's teaching on being courageous through vulnerability. By her definition, being vulnerable is having the courage to lean in when things get tough -- to not quit when you're facing uncertainty or feeling exposed. Being courageous in the sense of being vulnerable is so important. Why? Because creativity, innovation, taking action is reliant on vulnerability -- on leaning in when it's uncomfortable. So, how do you do it? We do it with the three things I'm going to outline for...
Published 04/18/24
Most people approach their resume like it's just some kind of historical document. I'm so excited today, friends, because I'm going to help you create a resume that is going to project you into your FUTURE instead of just reflecting your past. This is so important because a powerful resume opens doors, helps other people see you, and showcases the amazing candidate you are. In this episode I cover::: 02:20 - Creating a Resume that Projects Your Future 09:09 - Essential Skills and...
Published 04/11/24
We are wired for continued growth and expansion. I'm thrilled (and I'm sure you will be, too) about today's topic: unlocking your ideal future. With the three principles I'm going to teach you, you can make it happen. In this episode, I discuss::: 02:56 - Removing Roadblocks 06:10 - Appreciating Your Journey 09:25 - Painting a Vivid Picture of Success 12:23 - Taking Inspired Action These steps are going to be so incredibly helpful to you. Unlocking your ideal is so much easier than you...
Published 04/04/24
How do you create or maintain momentum and inspiration? I like to call it "keeping the dream alive" and this is significant, my friends. When you feel good, you achieve. Not the other way around! In this episode, I'm talking about::: >>>The Role of Feeling Good in Keeping the Dream Alive >>>Managing Inputs and Setting Expectations >>>Focusing on Solutions and What's Possible >>>Paying Attention to How Actions Feel >>>The Importance of Feelings in...
Published 03/28/24
Interviews- one of the gateways to career moves. But, most people really don't like that part of the process. And this is why what I want to talk to you about today is so important: Energy. I've said it before-- a sale is nothing more than a transfer of enthusiasm and belief. And when you're in an interview, you are making a sale. You are marketing yourself. So, what is the energy that comes with enthusiasm and belief that you can transfer to someone else? And what place do you need to be in...
Published 03/21/24
I have a mind-blowing concept for you today, are you ready?::: If you want to accomplish anything, -- *anything* -- the best way to accomplish it is to focus on what you want without allowing the distraction of *not having it* to infiltrate your mind. When you focus on the absence of what you desire, it becomes a distraction that hinders your progress. Instead, focus on the solution and use your inner guidance system to attract what you want. In this episode, I'm talking about::: 03:05 - The...
Published 03/14/24
Context and setup are so important in understanding why things are the way they are. And how we show up in various situations affects our results and mental health. In this episode, I explain the concept of prequels and how they can be applied to our daily lives. By aligning with our natural behavioral strengths and prequelizing our day, we can create a more elevated and fulfilling experience. Here's what I talk about::: 01:32 - The Importance of Context and Setup 06:24 - Aligning with Your...
Published 03/07/24
"I don't feel like it today." Sounds familiar, doesn't it? If you're like me, you've probably struggled with motivation -- even with things you WANT to do. We all have those things that for some reason, we just don't feel like it. Routines get disrupted, circumstances come into our life, distractions happen so that we just get off course. Today I want to empower you with three little words that will give you the grace and the space to get back into those habits: "Wait for it." These three...
Published 02/29/24
There are way too many people walking around out there with their brains just in neutral, or worse -- focused on what's wrong, focused on what didn't go their way. Isn't it funny how our brain always wants to go to the negative? It's so easy to focus on what is not going well, isn't it? Well, friends, science tells us that we get what we focus on. In this episode, I'm showing you the importance of starting and ending the day with intention and positivity. I call this daily bookends. I'm...
Published 02/22/24
You know what you're capable of. You know your next move. But you don't have the *exact* experience listed. So what do you do? That's what I want to talk about today! There are some practical things you can do to help others see your career move as logically as you do. Today, I discuss: 3:40: Finding Leadership Adjacencies 9:01: Reading Leadership Books 10:57: Looking for Unconventional Examples 17:38: Fundamental Principles and Coaching 19:35: Believing in What You Want You CAN make...
Published 02/15/24
In this episode, I discuss the power of choices in navigating unchosen circumstances in our careers. I've had my share of career heartache, I'm sure you have, too. So, I dive into the details of some of my experiences and insights so you can learn how to make the best choices when faced with challenging situations. The good news is we can all choose the path forward in stressful circumstances by choosing what to focus on, choosing the meaning we give to events, and choosing to take action....
Published 02/08/24
It might feel impossible to let go of past offenses, hurts and negative experiences. But if you don't you'll only be harming yourself and your future. In this episode, Elissa shares why it's so important to let the past stay where it is and how to keep it there through a simple decision and an easy daily practice that makes it impossible to feel bad. She emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and the future, rather than dwelling on the past. Elissa discusses the negative...
Published 02/01/24
Summary In this episode, Elissa discusses how to advance your career without burning out. She emphasizes that career advancement does not necessarily mean moving into a leadership role and that it is important to figure out what you want your career to look like. Elissa provides a practical exercise to identify the things you love and hate in your job, and suggests focusing on the things you love to avoid feeling drained. She encourages listeners to take control of their careers and create a...
Published 01/25/24
Summary In this episode, Elissa Shuck discusses the importance of change management and how to embrace and leverage change to your advantage. She introduces the RAVE method for change management, which stands for Relaxation, Attention, Visualization, and Emotion. Elissa shares practical examples from her own experiences and explains how implementing the RAVE method can lead to achieving goals and navigating change successfully. Takeaways Change is constant and managing it properly is crucial...
Published 01/18/24
Summary In this episode, Elissa discusses the challenges we face in life and career, such as toxic workplaces, layoffs, and lengthy job searches. She highlights the importance of changing our thinking and investigating our own brains to create positive change. She encourages listeners to update their operating systems and try on new thoughts that align with their goals. Ultimately, Elissa reminds us that we are worthy of everything we desire in our careers. Takeaways Life and career can...
Published 01/11/24
Ever feel like you're stuck in a loop, repeating the same old story? Guess what? You're not alone. We all have narratives we tell ourselves. Some are empowering, some... not so much. But here's the thing: You have the power to change your narrative. In this episode, Elissa discusses the power of narrative and how it can shape our lives. She emphasizes that we don't need a new version of ourselves, but rather a new story that empowers us. By being aware of the narratives you tell yourself,...
Published 01/04/24