Are you really in touch with your life purpose and meaning? Are you merely on a treadmill to acquire material things or are you on a mission to enlighten the world and help others? After experiencing a life threatening illness, Launa Germiquet, went through her own transformation and along the way devised her own system for helping people become unstuck, and find health and happiness. In this show, Leaha and Howard explore how to get unstuck and the key ingredients to Launa's action potential...
Published 06/13/17
Published 06/06/17
Why are you here on earth? Is your purpose already determined? Is your future a matter of record? Can you access details of your past and future lives? The Akashic Record is deemed to be a complete record of everyone's thoughts and actions and accessing it can give anyone insight into their purpose and meaning. How do you access this fount of wisdom? Leaha, Howard and Bill Foss, an expert and author of "Journey to the Akashic Records," explore this ancient mystery and how it can educate,...
Published 06/06/17
Published 05/30/17
Do we all have a personalized plan and destiny? Is there a grand design for each of us? How do you access that plan? Can that plan be revealed in different ways? Can an expert actually read your destiny? These are questions that Leaha and Howard will address with Human Design expert Chetan Parkyn. Along the way, they will discuss important issues like spirituality, reincarnation, divine purpose and meaning.
Published 05/30/17
Published 05/23/17
Where does intuition fit into personal mastery, happiness and healing? Is the psychic world an unscientific pursuit or does have it something of real value to offer? In this episode, psychic medium and life coach Sharyn Rose shares her experiences and offers advice to how we can better access our intuition for life mastery.
Published 05/23/17
In the last few decades the role of women has changed dramatically. While many of these changes have provided opportunities for women they have also come with some costs.
Published 05/16/17
In the last few decades the role of women has changed dramatically. While many of these changes have provided opportunities for women they have also come with some costs. How does today's woman balance an increasing number of roles and responsibilities? When each of her roles has itself become more complex and demanding how do women balance their roles without sacrificing themselves and their health? In this episode Leaha, who herself has experienced many of these challenges and coaches her...
Published 05/16/17
We know that our minds and bodies are not separate entities but influence each other in many ways. So, if for example, our thoughts affect our health, so must the culture which shapes our health.
Published 05/09/17
We know that our minds and bodies are not separate entities but influence each other in many ways. So, if for example, our thoughts affect our health, so must the culture which shapes our health. Neuropsychologist and author Dr Mario Martinez has been researching the link between cultural beliefs and health and has come up with some astounding findings. Listen as Leaha Mattinson and Dr Howard Rankin discuss the biocultural model of wellness with Dr. Martinez.
Published 05/09/17
Where does happiness come from? What prevents us from being happy? How does modern life and technology enhance or reduce our chances of finding meaning and purpose? Do we ever take time to examine our heart and our soul? In this episode Leaha and Howard discuss these issues and provide inspiration, insight, intelligence as well as practical tips to help listeners in their search for fulfillment.
Published 05/02/17
In our demanding, hectic and stressful world the ability to slow down and experience rather than analyze or process, is critical for effective life mastery.
Published 04/25/17
In our demanding, hectic and stressful world the ability to slow down and experience rather than analyze or process, is critical for effective life mastery. Not only is it necessary to re-energize but critical if you want to be a human being who experiences life rather than a human doing who lives to cross items of a to do list. To achieve that goal you need to consciously practice, and meditation is arguably the best tool for developing these critical life skills. Research on meditation...
Published 04/25/17
We are living in a time of extremes, it’s harder and harder to stay centered much less truly enjoy our lives and feel energized throughout our days. Millions of people are taking medication for managing stress, we are sicker than we have ever been. But what if we could heal this state ourselves with no medication? What if we could tap into effortless power, like a flowing river, to restore wellness and increase vitality? What if it was simple and quick to change from a state of numbness to a...
Published 04/18/17
What do you do when you find out that your fiance is at risk for a terminal illness? In Therese Crutcher-Marin's case she decided that her fiance was the love of her life and would marry him anyway and deal with whatever life dealt them both. Therese had three sisters-in-law whom she loved and watched as each one successively was struck down by the genetic disorder Huntington's Disease. She gave incredible love and support to them, returned to college to get a Master' Degree in Hospital...
Published 04/11/17
What do you do when you find out that your fiance is at risk for a terminal illness? In Therese Crutcher-Marin's case she decided that her fiance was the love of her life and would marry him anyway and deal with whatever life dealt them both. Therese had three sisters-in-law whom she loved and watched as each one successively was struck down by the genetic disorder Huntington's Disease. She gave incredible love and support to them, returned to college to get a Master' Degree in Hospital...
Published 04/04/17
Dr. Ron Neer suffered from severe mercury poisoning when he was practicing as a dentist that left him with neurological problems and severe heart disease. Fifteen years ago Dr. Ron discovered the amazing properties of Organic Sulfur and has been researching the substance that has reversed his mercury toxicity and helped him effectively manage his heart disease. It turns out that Organic Sulfur improves oxygen flow within the body leading to many positive changes in circulation, cellular...
Published 03/28/17
Dave Siever is a pioneer in the world of neurotechnology -- brain training equipment. Listen to how using a small device not much larger than a smartphone and requires you only to put on glasses and headphones, can help different aspects of brain function. Hear about some of the amazing research that offers this easy technology as an alternative to medication and even psychotherapy for conditions like PTSD, and ADHD. In this episode of Master Your Life, Dave talks about the use of his...
Published 03/21/17
When Professional Chef Lyndon Wissart was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he was determined that this would not be a life sentence. The thought of spending the rest of his life on medication with a long list of foods he couldn’t eat, made him think that there must be an alternative. If it was food that caused the problem in the first place, then surely changing his diet could undo the damage. With his 30 years professional knowledge of food, he set about researching what could make a...
Published 03/14/17
Medicine has made incredible advances but in many ways it is still an imprecise science. We like to view the world as predictable and facts as certainties but they are from that and individual differences contribute a lot to diagnosis and the response to treatment. How can you navigate the "disease care system" for better health? How can you implement great preventive measures and behaviors in a system that doesn't cover those expenses and can only help when you already have a problem? In...
Published 03/07/17
How do you help someone with a severe, debilitating disease ensure they get the help they need? What do you need to know about the healthcare system, so you can navigate it and bypass obstacles to care? Who can you trust and align yourself with for support while advocating for a loved one? In an ever complex world, understanding what diagnoses really mean, what various treatments are available for whom, and learning that medicine works with probabilities not certainties is key to effective...
Published 02/28/17
When a family member is diagnosed with cancer what is your role? Do you have to advocate for your loved one and if so what is the best way? What can you expect from the medical profession and how do you ensure your loved one gets the best treatment for their individual circumstances? Guest Joni Aldrich is a cancer advocate who learned the art of cancer advocacy the hard way -- by helping her husband through two years of a rare form of cancer that eventually took his life. Joni has dedicated...
Published 02/21/17