You've tried the black out curtain, sound machine, weighted blanket, reward, sleep consultant, prayer and routine and you kiddo is still an early morning riser. Well, same! I'd say you are in dang good company! My oldest is approaching 6 and quiet literally from the time he was born until now, he's been an early morning riser. I remember obsessing over our routine, his food, the schedule and feeling complete panic each day as I wearily awaited the outcome of my efforts to see what time...
Published 12/13/23
This Thanksgiving I intentionally decided to do something I swore I'd never do and intentionally avoided at every opportunity for the last 11 years. I chose to see my previous step-dad. I shared the full story here. I want you to know that you are completely free to be who you want to be and take all of the purpose from your pain and every lesson from your experiences. You deserve real healing that is free from who other people choose to be or what they choose to do. You can join my...
Published 12/07/23
"You shouldn't feel guilty for that..." Have you heard that little phrase being tossed around on social media or even in your friends circle? It's sounds pretty convincing right? Like we can just hype ourselves up and out of the feeling of guilt by chanting "I shouldn't feel guilty for this!!!" Only, that's not how feelings work and what does it do to tell ourselves we shouldn't feel any feeling? How do you feel when someone says "you shouldn't feel mad about that..." rather than...
Published 11/30/23
I've worked with women that have felt crushed by the weight of a past experience for 55 years. It's my own experience to carry debilitating anger and use destructive tendencies to try and "keep myself safe" for over 12 years. I know it is not time that heals our wounds. You don't need to count that time that passes in anger and make sure that you've hated yourself for a certain amount of time first. No, there is a much better way. You can heal more in five days than most people hope...
Published 11/20/23
Click here to ⁠learn about REVIVE ⁠and join us at the only retreat I am hosting for 2024! This luxury retreat is for women wanting to be taken care of while you get to the roots of the anger, hurt and negativity you have been carrying. Truly the safe space to put it all down, regulate with new tools and go back home completely unstoppable to ⁠create the life you LOVE ⁠now! Is it just me or does "service" get tangled up with some "woe is me" mentalities like it's a bad thing we do it? I get...
Published 11/16/23
Holidays are in full swing and that means YOU need to get your identity and Mommy Vision on track to serve you because there is a high likelihood that something will feel difficult. Going to that persons house. The gifts or lack there of. Burning a dish or being responsible for all of the meals. Family conflict that may come up. Behavior firing off from different sources of stimulation & usually you've been caring for yourself with low quality. This episode will walk you...
Published 11/08/23
I get it, I really do. It's fun to say catchy slogans and our mind loves a good rhyme and humor feels really good especially in the hard times. Even with all of that being true, there is also truth that some slogans and phrases and rhymes and humor- are bad for us. They feel good in the moment and then unintentionally work their way into our subconscious mind and change the focus of our lives and what we seem to be looking for each day. All of a sudden we feel angry and stuck. We...
Published 11/03/23
You know when you have a full circle moment as a mother? It's the time that your kids are doing something that you did as a child and you are the one showing up as the mother now. Kinda trippy! I had this moment when my two older boys fell down while chasing waves and got all soaking wet, sandy and very upset. I wanted to share that moment in this episode and how I showed up for them in a different way than what I experienced as a child. You can change the way you respond in hard...
Published 10/31/23
WELCOME to the Momset Podcast- I'm so thrilled and just giddy to finally share Momset with you over here. Momset is for you to come Raise Your Words and learn the tools that change your mindset and truly soften your heart through real healing and becoming the mommy you want to be in todays motherhood. I am still very much getting life figured out alongside you and I know I am extremely devoted to this work and truly living it. This episode is about three simple ways you can "get your...
Published 10/25/23
I have noticed a growing nagging narrative that mothers need to do less and this podcast episode is all about drive my pointed tip pen into that myth bubble. Just over it. The answer to feelings of exhaustion is not going to be doing things that leave you feeling exhausted, uninspired, unintentional, procrastinating, avoiding and numbing. If we want to grow the feeling of exhaustion into the feelings of fulfillment, creativity, enthusiasm and excitement, then we are going to be required...
Published 10/10/23
It was midnight on the second full day of my REVIVE Retreat that I picked up my phone, opened Instagram and instantaneously felt a dip in my electric energy and a cloud in my mental clarity. I noticed this soft thought say "please don't make me open that" and put my phone back down. I am using this episode to unpack the experience I had and why I decided for the first time EVER to take a full 10 days off of social media and how much it has served me. I personally kept the apps on my phone...
Published 10/02/23
Have you ever felt persecuted at a doctors office because the physician does not agree with your life choices and priorities? How about feeling persecuted by a family member for the way you are choosing to raise your kids? Maybe you've felt persecuted by your spouse when you expressed an opinion or desire. The truth is, we are GOING to get persecuted in most every area of our life. The magic is in the way you handle it. Do you become aggressive? Do you hide your hurt? Do you "one up...
Published 09/18/23
From one mama to another, I get it. I get the tantrums, night time wake ups, craving a quiet moment to yourself and feeling overstimulated in the daily details. I also know that even with all of that, you want to BE the mama you envisioned yourself being. You want to see progress in the intentional direction of your choosing and feel proud of who you are. I have two steps to break down for you that will help you do that! Along with these two steps you will find what to avoid along the...
Published 09/12/23
I feel so grateful to have friends in my life that share their unique and bold perspectives with me so that I may be blessed with them, too. That's what I want to share with you today, too. It can feel really hard to heal when life continues to look the same way and we continue to think the same way about our experiences. A friend of mine shared a bold perspective with me earlier this year and I believe it can help you make shifts like it did for me, too. Consider the writing exercise...
Published 09/06/23
If I were to ask a mother who she wants to be, I would likely hear "capable" in that statement somewhere. I have been coaching my sweet mama friends like you for five years now and it's clear as day why we'd want to feel capable. Life would be easier if we knew we were capable, right?! I am bringing a new perspective to the party on this, after a dear client of mine who we will call "sarah" shared this exact statement with us and we were able to unpack why it was hurting her progress so...
Published 08/29/23
It's time we agreed on one thing, that we ARE influenced. Who you choose to allow into your head space will influence you for better or worse and the mind is such a fascinating place. The subconscious mind has no sense of humor so all of the "dark humor of motherhood" and little gabs at spouses and "jokes" about kids, are taken literally in your mind. I want you to intentionally choose who is in your mind. Are they living their rent free- taking up space without giving you anything in...
Published 08/22/23
My sweet angel five year old boy is an early riser. Really, always has been and while I will say it is MUCH better than his 4:45 am wakings of his younger years, he still starts his day between 6:00 am and 6:30 am. Which is what it is as I have learned. Only, I used to think it's just who he is. He wakes up early because he is a morning person and I am grateful that Liam has taught me how to become a morning person, too. There was just a HUGE part of his morning wakings that I was...
Published 08/14/23
In my newbie beginner ways of doing life over here, I am thrilled to find little ways to continue to share with you and encourage you to BE A BEGINNER and embrace the "one step at a time" point in life. If you're in a place to change something in your life and work on yourself, (aren't we all???) then it is time to condition your mindset to support that. This episode is full of my favorite quote, a proverb I found and how we can choose the hard we are willing to experience and endure in...
Published 08/09/23
Okay, I love audio books a lot AND I'm noticing my love for them actually comes from a limiting belief that "I am a slow reader" and "I am not good at reading." So, here I am. Devoted to reading everyday instead of just listening on Audible. I finished two books in the last three weeks and I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!! Which brings us to this episode! You've heard "if you don't use it, you lose it" in many examples. Think about it with muscles and playing an instrument. Muscles need to be...
Published 08/01/23
My coach, Natty, is a gift and the four questions she asked me as I sat puzzled with what my "next step should be" completely shifted my focus and perspective in one swift whirlwind. I am sharing these questions with you in the hopes that you use them to gain clarity and shift focus when and where it is needed in your life. My hope is that if you, like me, want to feel like someone that can talk to God like you hear other people do, you can. And you can use these four questions to get...
Published 07/26/23
In the oddest way imaginable, this is the hardest episode I have ever recorded and absolutely that I've ever shared with you. I have felt so ashamed to have a love for God and a relationship with Him, for the past five years, so I hid it from everyone. I hid it from you, my husband and my kids. My whole family and my clients and my courses and content. Yesterday I had the most profound revelation, I am forever changed by it and I am ready to tell you this. I love God and He loves me....
Published 07/21/23
"she's my hard one." "she's my sweet one." "she's my baby." That is exactly how my client described her three daughters to me after speaking through a stream of tears that she "feels so disconnected with her oldest." Guess which one is her oldest? "The hard one." This episode is all about what you CAN do about that so you can start feeling more connected with all of your kids, without trying to control who they are, how they feel and what they do. This is practical work that CAN be...
Published 07/17/23
This episode shares a story that takes us all the way back to the summer going into my junior year of high school- which was a rough time in my life. I had just taken a BIG step out of my comfort zone and tried out for the JV Cheer team and made it!! Now I needed to figure out how the heck I was going to pay for cheer camp. This episode instills hope and inspiration to look for what is possible and the willingness to say "I've got this" along the way. You can follow Tessa on Instagram...
Published 07/10/23
"don't do that!" "I told you not to do that!!" Have you wore down the word "don't" that it's really lost its value and severity? I get it! We can build back the value of what we say by speaking with intention and clear direction. This episode will teach you how to share more of what you DO want and use language to paint a clear vision that brings your home and family into alignment with what you DO want to see. There is so much goodness coming up and I want to make sure you are in the...
Published 07/06/23
Are you using "can't" more often than you'd like? I believe that many of us are and it's time to become prepared with a practical action plan and big WHY to do it! This work matters and your words hold power, so let's make sure your words are serving you and your family. I believe the greatest gift we can give our kids is tied for first with 1. our time and 2. our intentional words. If you're ready to go from "you can't have ice cream." "you can't watch a movie." "you can't hit your...
Published 06/28/23