You are a part of #MondaysAreGoodDays because you believe in the push. You come here to find support, encouragement and mental nourishment. I am here to make you think, to motivate you and to start your week off with some kick-ass energy. WHETHER OR NOT we are all in quarantine. I went camping this weekend for the first time (so fun!) so today’s #MondaysAreGoodDays revolves around a nature theme. Of course, Mother Nature is beautiful and so, my writing for today follows behind her poetic...
Published 05/18/20
I'm a huge advocate for positive feedback cycles and setting yourself up for success. I believe the extra steps we do in the morning to love ourselves go a long way.  Here are easy and effective ways to start your morning off great!
Published 05/12/20
I got a new microphone so tested the equipment by creating a better-recorded introduction to #MondaysAreGoodDays. What is #MondaysAreGoodDays? Let me explain it to you.
Published 05/06/20
Forgiveness is a broad topic and I tried my best to be as concise and deliberate with my words and the people I chose to talk about. I hope after listening today, you are more at peace. #MondaysAreGoodDays
Published 05/04/20
There is an overwhelming amount of change happening around us in the news and it's stressful because we cannot control what's happening - we are confused, feeling helpless sometimes. Let's focus on good change. Change can mean improvement, maturity and progress. Today, let's focus on something we can control, something we can change for the better: Let's build your confidence castle.
Published 04/27/20
Published 04/27/20
#MondaysAreGoodDays this week helps you find ideas on how you can use all this extra time we have in quarantine! Be productive and do good things for yourself :)
Published 04/22/20
Welcome to Mondays Are Good Days! Let's talk about what this is all about and the benefits you will receive by listening to this podcast.
Published 04/22/20