What is a personal “culture” or identity? And is it ours to shape as we like, or is it determined by factors beyond our control? How did a Bob Dylan quote from an interview in Netflix’s Rolling Thunder Revue encapsulate an answer to this idea that gave Matthew to cheer? In this episode, Matthew gives a (revised) talk from his English conversation course at Hansin University in Korea, “Defining and Developing Your Own Personal Culture.” While many people today seek to find their identities...
Published 11/22/20
Matthew had been feeling less than optimal for the past several months, but with one small change, his world has brightened again. The change was dramatic and almost immediate. Hear how revisiting the powerful ideas of a couple outstanding thinkers prompted Matthew to drop Facebook (almost entirely), and hear about the positive change in his life since. Learn what power there is in the question, “Does this promote my agenda?” and quiet the noise in your own life while turning up the things...
Published 11/15/20
Who is the imposter who grows inside us all, trying to evict us from our own bodies and lives? Why and how do we empower him? In the previous episode, Matthew discussed the importance of conviction in achieving health goals (and in all aspects of human flourishing). Here, he highlights and dissects a verse from Andrew Bird’s “Masterswarm” which encapsulates the issue and motivates Matthew when he’s on the road running. Hear why we must arrive at more clarity in our positive goals and then...
Published 11/08/20
You can make your unwanted cravings disappear. Matthew has. And he’s here to describe how. The process requires regular introspection and reflection, and it is all about conviction. One negative: that you are convinced that the unwanted thing really is toxic to your agenda, and one positive: that you are convinced of the good of your agenda. In physical health, this means understanding clearly how and why the foods and behaviors that are thwarting you are actually thwarting you, and then...
Published 11/01/20
We don’t want to see our kids hurting. We certainly don’t want to be the cause of their pain or the object of their hatred. This is the fear that keeps parents and teachers from showing their disappointment, anger, or indignation to kids, instead attempting to explain things to them in a gentler way with no expression of how their actions have made us feel. But kids need to feel some emotional pain in the form of guilt or shame when they are in the wrong. In this episode, Matthew recounts...
Published 10/25/20
What would embolden you to take on a suicide mission against a terrifying and colossal evil? What makes a leader? How can a leader be convincing and motivate those he proposes to lead? Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King shows us the answers. Using his famous speech at the Black Gate of Mordor for illustration, Matthew explains how a real leader “walks the walk” and motivates his troops by an appeal—not to sacrifice for a “noble cause greater than themselves”—but rather,...
Published 10/18/20
We must sacrifice a lot for love, right? That's just common knowledge. Matthew disagrees. He would never sacrifice anything to anyone. And neither should you, he argues. But would he die for that which he loves? Sure. What the wha'??? With the help of some lyrics from the song "I'll Fight" by Chicago alt-country band Wilco to concretize the issue (and calling upon a key scene from Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' to drive it home), Matthew clarifies the concepts of sacrifice and love, and why...
Published 10/11/20
What is the source of value and production: brain, brawn, or both? How does Disney/Pixar’s ‘Ratatouille’ dramatize the answer? What does intellectual independence look like? What is Anton Ego’s motivation in being a food critic? Join Matthew in revisiting this delightful movie, as he highlights some of the moral, economic, and philosophical themes of this fun family film, focusing on three in particular. While hopefully gaining some new insight and appreciation of the dramatization of such...
Published 10/04/20
It's not about effort. It's about mindset. We're already working hard. Our ideas make sense, else we wouldn't be doing them. What most of us need---and are missing---is a breakthrough in our thinking. Yet that breakthrough at first won't make sense... Want to know more? Listen to mindset coach Jarrod Haning, as he and Matthew discuss the following and much more in this interview full of powerful ideas leading toward that breakthrough shift: -life coach vs. performance coach -attitude vs....
Published 09/27/20
Does good etiquette lead to self-esteem? Or is etiquette just a social convention imposed upon us and a show put on for others? Learn the "meaning behind the manners," as Nita Patel distinguishes traditional and modern etiquette, defining the latter as "where outer actions and your inner awareness come together to achieve your best self." Nita always shares her passion for her artwork and why it is healing for her and for others. Website: https://www.nita-patel.com/ Book:...
Published 09/20/20
Be a better version of yourself every day. This is the essential message strength & conditioning coach Jim Goetz brings to Mr. Bright Side in this wide-ranging and highly-informative interview, as he shares his experience in pro sports and beyond. He and Matthew discuss: -pro athletes mentalities & coaching -youth sports & coaching -new training methods -how to prevent injury -diet myths & fads -biohacking (and book) -upcoming Keto Project movie -chiropractic benefits &...
Published 09/13/20
How does voice betray us? What can we tell in a person's voice? How can we re-connect with ourselves through voice? How can we develop and nurture a more authoritative, assertive, influential voice? Cynthia Zhai has unflinching answers, as she shares with Matthew the principles and ideas that empower her many clients. These latter are not singers, as is commonly thought upon hearing of a "voice coach," and while mostly business leaders, they include regular people looking to transform...
Published 09/06/20
Get educated and inspired on nutrition, health, and life. Get hopeful and excited about deliciously sweet but healthy food products created by self-educated food scientist and serial entrepreneur Thom King. This guy is really impressive. In this rich and fun interview, Matthew and Thom discuss: -Self-education on any topic -Ketogenic diet, ketosis, fasting -Autophagy and its effect on degenerative disease -Guy Gone Keto book and products (the miraculous properties of allulose) -Food...
Published 08/30/20
Everyone deserves quality education and the chance to unlock their potential. Scott Lee is on a mission to develop "the Netflix of education" so every student may have access to opportunities to find that one mentor who can make a difference in their lives. In this interview, find out how and why Gooroo was founded, and how Scott envisions connecting students with mentors who inspire, not just teach a subject. Also hear about Scott's fascinating and character-building experience in the...
Published 08/23/20
How can you start to love the home you live in? Why is furniture so expensive? How important is color in a room, and how do I discover what colors I like--and where I like them? How about windows, lighting, plants, art? Phew, that's a lot. Design is expensive and time consuming, yet our homes exert an influence on us every moment of every day. To do design well, however, if you don't hire somebody, it takes a lot of strategy. Donna Hoffman, having already helped over 100,000 "Design Divas"...
Published 08/16/20
Why do parents dread the "teen" years? And should they? Dr. Cam says that if you expect the worst, you get the worst. But instead, if you understand why your teens act the way they do and expect good things, adolescence can actually be an ENJOYABLE experience. Find out how teens and parents can build and enjoy a relationship of understanding and appreciation, as she tells Matthew about her P.R.I.M.E. framework and other fascinating, empowering, and encouraging insights about adolescence....
Published 08/09/20
Ending overeating is a lot simpler than it's made out to be. This is the hopeful and confident message Dr. Glenn Livingston brings to listeners in this interview filled with helpfully illustrative analogies and colorfully-related personal stories. How do Big Pharma, the Food Industry, and Evolution play in your seeming lack of ability to control overeating? How can you quell your "inner pig"? Find out how Glenn has understood these and much more to dramatically change his own body and life,...
Published 08/02/20
Why are our brains hardwired to resist change? How can happy colors, music, and laughter make us more optimistic? Enjoy the ebullient but scientifically savvy Sharon Glassman as she tells Matthew about how and why she created SmileSongs, how introverts make good public performers, and what optimism and happiness require. If you need a shot of energy and positivity, this interview will set you off in the right mood for your day! Follow Sharon! Website: https://smilesongs.com/ VIP mailing...
Published 07/26/20
How can you unlock your resilience? How can you unblock your inner limits? How does stress empower your inner saboteur? Edita Atteck, Breakthrough Specialist, answers all this and much, much more, as she shows Matthew and listeners how to rewire our inner programming, release our limitations, and optimize our mindset. Masterclass, starting July 27th: https://www.editaatteck.com/community/ Book, 'Awaken Your Inner Leader': https://www.editaatteck.com/book/ Website:...
Published 07/19/20
Is clutter keeping you from living your optimal life? Kim Sneath is an expert clutter coach who can help you get back space (inner transformation), get back time (outer transformation), and get back to balance (life transformation). In this fun and informative interview, Kim teaches Matthew and listeners about the Chaos cycle and how to break it toward achieving Space for Grace. Kim is the real deal who gets results. See Kim's FREE ecourse, 'When Life is a Mess,' to get organized, take...
Published 07/12/20
Being your own hero means being a role model to yourself and others. It means becoming someone you can look up to, admire, respect. This is self-esteem, and it's the foundation for happiness. But it doesn't require that you achieve superhuman feats or massive achievements in one swoop. Join Matthew as he discusses the daily choices and behaviors that everyone may practice, and how being a hero is attainable for everyone. And necessary for everyone. Watch on YouTube:...
Published 07/06/20
Are you "just living" or are you fully alive? The latter doesn't have to mean you're jumping out of airplanes and swimming with sharks. In this interview, best-selling author and sought-after speaker, Danny Bader, offers a tried and tested system for developing a vision of your best self and creating that reality--today and every day. Matthew enjoys a fun yet deep conversation with Danny, as he shares his near-death experience and the lessons henceforth that shaped his own path of resilience...
Published 06/28/20
Can money buy power? Can corporations oppress the little guy in a free market? The answers are unclear if we don't separate the forces at play in a mixed economy. The 1997 classic Australian comedy, 'The Castle' offers a unique opportunity for defenders of freedom, capitalism, and individual rights to expose what really makes villains such as the big, bad Barlow Group possible. (Hint: It isn't money.) In this episode, Matthew unpacks the mixture of freedom and statism to make the issue...
Published 06/21/20
"Never has there been a better time to be alive in human history." So claims the opening line of this podcast. Guest Jason Crawford delivers an overwhelming case to back it up--which is his business. As a writer on the history of technology and industry, his expertise and encyclopedic ability to highlight example after example of real-world progress in the past centuries, decades, and years will stun you. As a thinker and writer on the philosophy of human progress, he helps reinforce...
Published 06/14/20
It is either the "economy" or "lives"? Are "asymptomatic carriers" a frightening reason to stay home? Hasn't Korea had success because of strict social distancing and strong governmental restrictions? No, no, and not even close. Matthew invites guest host Jason Cresswell to help him clear up the confusion on false-choice and fearful thinking, and to lay out an an extensive picture of what Korea looks like day-to-day. (Hint: It isn't a picture of North Korea.) Poor thinking has kept people...
Published 06/07/20