Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play Get your free Human Design Chart on our website www.myhumandesign.com To follow us on Instagram click HERE To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
Published 07/23/24
Published 07/23/24
Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play Get your free Human Design Chart on our website www.myhumandesign.com To follow us on Instagram click HERE To connect with Jenna Zoe click HERE To connect with Taylor Grewe click HERE
Published 07/16/24
I am so grateful to share a very gifted human with you who is a total wizard at upleveling your business and creative life - Heath Ellis is a see-er on another level whose insights will change the way you see alignment. I hope this serves you so well. Here's to your Rising To follow Heath on Instagram click HERE To learn more about Heath's work click HERE Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play Get your free Human Design Chart on our website...
Published 07/09/24
This episode is dedicated to one of the most common spiritual conundrums we all face - how we do know what voice is talking to us right now? Which ones do we trust, and listen to? The journey of honing your intuition is one of the most important pillars of coming into self, and we all have access to all of the creator's infinite intelligence when we learn how to get our limited, human side, out of the way. Intuition is not reserved for the few, it's who we all are. I hope this episode can...
Published 07/02/24
Now more than ever, it's so important to get our consciousness in the best, truest state possible - one where we see Life the same way the Creator does. David Ghiyam is back to share some kabbalistic consciousness on all the pertinent topics we desire aligning with the creator on most - worry, fear, love, soulmates, and so much more. I hope this serves you so well. Here's to your Rising 💕 To learn more about David's work click HERE To follow David on Instagram click HERE Download the 'My...
Published 06/25/24
This week I am delighted to share a peak into a genius mind: the inimitable Natalia Rose. We talk about building a way of life that makes the road to Consciousness so much more ease-ful. From bucking trends, to going in the sun, word magic and so much more, I hope this episode opens up doors in your heart and mind like Natalia always does for me. Here’s to your Rising 💛 Join Natalia Rose's Pure Power Online Community Explore all of Natalia Rose's Courses Read Best-Selling Books by Natalia...
Published 06/18/24
Our bodies are the form that house our consciousness. With the paradigm shifting and becoming lighter, quicker, and more challenging, we can support our evolution by building our house the exact way we would love it to feel and be. When we understand food not just as a mechanism to survive, but one to play a role in making mental and emotional transformation easier, something clicks. It starts to matter so much more and we make different decisions. I hope this episode helps you see food...
Published 06/11/24
I am so excited to have the man who taught me human design, Manex Ibar, on the podcast today. Being an MG he is a true master of many things - shamanism, clairvoyance, tarot, human design, and the Sphinx Code, to name a few. I can’t wait for you to hear all the magic that’s contained in this episode and to feel reconnected back to the truly magical forces that are at play in our lives. To get the Sphinx Code app click HERE To follow The Sphinx Code click HERE To get a reading from a Wisdom...
Published 06/04/24
We all feel like we're drowning in excess noise right now. The world is too loud and too overwhelming. Lots of us are using social media less, feel like talking less, feel like sharing less, keeping to ourselves more, keeping more things sacred and close to our hearts.  If you feel any of these things it's because you are tapped in to the current cosmic energy: the Universe is making us cut the fluff so we can really focus on value, and conserving our energy so that when we use it, it goes...
Published 05/28/24
Dani Beinstein is back on the podcast to give us an astrological forecast for the next few months- and more importantly, the consciousness changes that we need to make in order to really help us elevate during this time. I love Dani so much because she is equal parts inspiring and straight talking. She tells the truth and that is the kindest medicine because that’s what really helps us change. This episode is so full of nuggets that I had a hard time, summing it up in a caption. It’s one...
Published 05/21/24
We are overusing our minds to try and get some peace around life - but we're kinda realizing that it's backfiring. If anything we feel more out of control and off-centre the more we do it. That's because in human design, facts and information are not meant to direct our lives: there is a mystical force inside of you that will direct you to much more awe-filling outcomes than you can logically understand. But make no mistake, we are addicted to our minds stories so detaching from this is the...
Published 05/14/24
We feel a sense of security from defining what and who we are. We want to say "I eat this way," "I dress this way," "I believe these politics" because we feel it gives us some form of self acceptance. If we can name something we can know it and like what we are, right? But, what's more freeing is the unknown and unfixed. As we move into the New Paradigm where there will be less constructs in our outside world, the same will happen to the constructs we have around our identity. In this week's...
Published 05/07/24
This week we are diving into the concept of Evil Eye: taking out the dogma and superstition, and analyzing it from an energetic lens. Like every area this is not about us being victims and other people being perpetrators - it’s about an energetic exchange that we all give and receive - AND we can change our consciousness so we opt out of both sides of it. It feels so much better to take responsibility for our own negative consciousness and then clean it up, with Love. Here’s to our Rising...
Published 04/30/24
Whenever we've had David Ghiyam on the podcast so far we've covered the practical sides of life: business, ego, tools for real life. This round we wanted to go into the mystical sides of life: angels, reincarnation, past lives and so much more. As humans we are equal parts physical and non-physical, so the magic really happens when we marry the two. I hope it serves you so well. Here's to Your Rising 💛 To learn more about David's work click HERE To follow David on Instagram click...
Published 04/23/24
We are all sitting on extraordinary levels of gifts that haven't yet been expressed and unwitnessed by humans. We can only know these heights by getting out of our own way, not always wondering our worth - and actually deciding to give it a shot and see what Life has given us. The discovery of just how much magnificence has sat dormant in you all along - well, thats the definition of magic in real time. Here's to your Rising Listen to Jenna's episode with Richard Rudd author of The Gene Keys...
Published 04/16/24
This week we’re reframing the experience of procrastination and lack of motivation. Which are both very natural and necessary parts of making changes in our lives and the creative process. Understanding your Human Design chart can illuminate your way of working with these energies. I hope this episodes helps ease the pressure you might be putting on yourself in your creative pursuits. Here’s to Your Rising  Listen to episode about Jenna finding and hiring Taylor click HERE Download the 'My...
Published 04/09/24
This episode is about graduating from being spiritual toddlers to spiritual adults - its time and we are ready. To come down from the fluff and get sober. We are ready to see how WE are the ones creating our own problem and suffering - but the promising news is, when we take full responsibility, we then have full power to change it all. Here’s to our Rising 💛 Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play Get your free Human Design Chart on our website...
Published 04/02/24
I am thrilled to you guys to one of my secret weapons, Kevin Garland on this weeks episode which we are releasing a day early to coincide with today’s eclipse we will be covering the significance of that and how to work with it, as well as the other eclipse in two weeks time And the wind of massive astrological events that just keep coming our way. If we understand that they are just energetic potentials that we can iterate and make the most of when we approach them the right way and show up...
Published 03/25/24
Today David Ghiyam sat down with me again to dive deeper into Kabbalah - which so many of you have written to me to say it resonated deeply with you last time. In this episode, we touch on all the stuff we're all curious about right now: pain, challenges, soulmates, relationships, and how to get on to the Universe's timeline. I hope you love it even half as much as I loved recording it. Here's to your Rising 💛 To learn more about David's work click HERE To follow David on Instagram click...
Published 03/19/24
We are sick of being normal; we settled for a long time, but not being Who We Really Are is just costing us too much. At the same time, it’s also scary to break out because we fear that will make us not belong. The great lie is that we WONT be loved if we are our most radically individual selves, but it will ironically bring you MORE love and belonging. We are all starving for people being the permission slip; and you are feeling it in your heart to be that way - for your Self, and to be a...
Published 03/12/24
As a way of life we overthink and overplan everything - but it's not really helping us, is it? I have news for you: it's because theres a MUCH better way to live and aligned life, with ease. If we can become brave enough and get rid of our addiction to facts and information, and trust that always knowing the answers can be sourced from inside, from using our Authority in human design, well.... our destiny will meet us there. Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google...
Published 03/05/24
Life will only become its most fulfilling if we become our real selves as we work towards our dreams. A big part of that is being brave enough to be different and individual and discover that we will be loved even more that way. If no one was doing it or if everyone was doing it, this is the vow I make to my soul - to be me.  Download the 'My Human Design' app in the App Store and on Google Play Get your free Human Design Chart on our website www.myhumandesign.com To follow us on Instagram...
Published 02/27/24
Food and wellness is an area where there is SO much deconditioning to do - we have been drowned in noise, shoulds, and conflicting information. In this episode I talk to Mike Perrine to hopefully help you clear some of that out of your mind and body, to understand the framework BEHIND all the things that do work and why they works. So you can feel clearer on what suits YOU - and feel free to just do that. Heres to your Rising Follow Mike Perrine on: Youtube | Instagram | TIK TOK |...
Published 02/20/24
Triggers are conditioning; moods are a natural part of the flow of life. In this episode, we talk about how to differentiate between triggered reactions and the natural emotions that our bodies are producing as part of their innate intelligence. We talk about how to live in alignment with triggers and emotions, for both non-Emotionals and emotionals. We hope this serves you so well; we all could really use a dose of dealing with our inner lives so much more peacefully right now. Here’s to...
Published 02/13/24