We live in a world that uses labels to distinguish differences so we can understand what is often a complex world with so many unknowns. This can often lead us to not want to stand out for the fear of being labeled as different and sometimes even ostracised by friends, family, peers, and society at large. This is particularly true for certain backgrounds of society and those who interact with the world in perceived unconventional ways. Oftentimes, this leads people to hide their behaviors...
Published 04/13/23
Many self-development, personal growth, and mindset gurus, leaders and so-called experts share ideas and use imperative language like, ‘you must wake up at 5 am’ or ‘you should exercise in the morning before the family wakes up' or 'you must read 50 pages per day' without understanding that no two individuals are exactly the same and that these well-intention ideas are to be personalised to us all. Today's guest believes the same as he has researched and dived into the science behind why...
Published 04/06/23
Whether we consciously recognise it or not we are all leaders in our own right because before we can lead others we first learn to lead ourselves. Yet, we mistake leadership for being a particular role, position, or title and while we take on these roles they by themselves don't make us a leader. A leader has very little to do with the titles we associate with leadership and has everything to do with how you show up and the way you influence people in a positive manner. In this episode, the...
Published 03/30/23
Self-love, what is it? why is it important? And, how we can develop more of it so that we live better fulfilling lives? That is the topic for this episode of the show as we're joined by Tri Nuraini who is a certified life coach, author, and speaker based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her mission is to serve love - helping humanity to discover their true purposes, love themselves unconditionally, and live the most fulfilling life. She focuses on helping Women in their personal transformation...
Published 03/22/23
Most of us grow up lacking the financial education and wealth creation knowledge to achieve our financial freedom let alone thinking it's even possible for us. We grow up with a damaged relationship with money, and form unhelpful, limiting beliefs such as money doesn't grow on trees. We associate money with survival and while we say we want more, often aren't seeking out the opportunities that would bring more financial abundance into our lives. We have what is known as 'unhappy money' as we...
Published 03/16/23
Did you know that you have an inner pharmacy built within you? This inner pharmacy can help you to switch off stress, enter deep sleep, increase your energy, and enter deep states of mind to get insights, ideas, and inspiration on demand. Oh, and all naturally without any unwanted side effects.  This inner pharmacy is your breath and by optimising your breath you get to experience peak levels of performance, energy, and well-being, increase your health and lifespan and achieve inner peace....
Published 03/10/23
Are you ready to become an exceptional communicator and change the direction of all of your relationships? Well, if so this episode is for you. Communication is part of our day-to-day lives, we can't get away from it and why would we want to? It's how we navigate our lives, build relationships, and experience life together. The challenge is most of us aren't very good at communicating, articulating ourselves, and most importantly listening to others. Communication isn't taught in schools...
Published 03/02/23
Are you a social media addict? Are you addicted to scrolling aimlessly through TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter or know someone that does? Do you press the snooze button constantly and then end up on your phone in bed? If you face any of these challenges, or just feel you could be spending too much time on your phone (or digital devices) in ways that aren't serving you then look no further as Sam Flynn is here in this episode to help YOU!  Sam is a digital well-being and social media coach and...
Published 02/23/23
Personal growth, health, and spirituality are the three areas of life that I've become the most passionate about and it turns out that my guest in this episode feels exactly the same! In this episode, I'm joined by Podcaster, Musician and Media Specialist Rob Flis as we sit down and chat about breakthrough moments in our personal growth, health, and spiritual journeys so far. This is a topic close to Rob's heart as he hosts a podcast/show called Breakthrough, where he interviews guests who...
Published 02/16/23
The education system in one way or another has failed us all as it doesn't prepare us for going out into the big wide world. We don't learn financial planning, effective communication, active listening, and a countless list of skills, qualities, and traits that would enable us to navigate the world better and become a better version of ourselves. Instead, we have to consciously choose to take it upon ourselves. However, only a few of us do because for the most of us, we don't know what we...
Published 02/14/23
Hey everyone, Luke here 👋  As we close out 2022, I wanted to create an episode dedicated to looking back at some of the top moments and highlights throughout the year. Eight episodes are covered in this episode, and I could have covered more as there was so much value in each episode. I want to thank everyone who has listened, subscribed, downloaded, or shared Raising Consciousness as well as thank all of my guests who have shared their wisdom with all of you. I'm looking forward to...
Published 12/31/22
I've often wondered what is life like as a professional athlete. Maybe that’s because growing up my fantasy was to be a football player or because I intuitively know that sports, much like business isn't all what's cracked up to be on the outside and that there is a lot that goes into it especially at the highest level. That's why I'm super excited to welcome Joel Green onto #raisingconsciousness in this episode. Joel Green is CEO of Pro Level Training, the National Director of Nike Sports...
Published 11/14/22
If you're like me you may have grown up with negative connotations of hypnosis, what it is, and why you need to be wary. However, like discussed in this episode, nothing in the universe is "good" or "bad" rather just the meaning that we give it. In this episode, I'm joined by Hypnotherapist and Author Max Hindle who helps men build a monk like mind and so that they can step into their full potential. During this episode, we cover the power of hypnosis, why it's only a state of mind that we...
Published 11/10/22
Many people are familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which is an idea that states the five core needs of all human beings. In the Hierarchy of Needs the fifth level is self-actualization but what does self-actualization actually mean? In this episode, I'm joined by my good friend and co-host of Unorthodox Perspectives Leeroy Mabonga to discuss self-actualization and how to become aligned spirit, mind, and body. Leeroy is a writer, speaker, and facilitator who lives by the mantra...
Published 11/07/22
What does it mean to unlock your intuition, and the buddha and badass within? What even is meant by "the buddha and the badass"? Well, that is what we explore in this episode as I'm joined by my good friend Rohan Vijay to discuss all. One month prior to this episode, I had a catch-up call with Rohan where we were discussing the topics shared in today's episode, and I instantly thought that our conversation would make a good podcast episode. So, I asked Rohan if he would join me on an episode...
Published 11/03/22
Are you breathing properly? It might sound a weird question but a valid one for your health, longevity, and quality of life. You see, many people breath through their mouth which means they hyperventilate and this is bad for sleep quality, stress levels and harms your overall health. Breathwork, is the number one practice to help us retrain how we breathe so we can experience a much higher quality of life. And, in this episode I'm joined by David Florence who is a wellbeing consultant and...
Published 10/31/22
The democratic and political systems of the west in particular have been turned upside down over the past 5 years with there being more anger, frustration, and toxicity than ever before. We just have to take a look at what has happened in the United States of America; the most powerful country of them all. In this episode, we're going a little off-script as we dive into this subject with the intention to inspire people to take back their personal power, instead of giving it away to...
Published 10/27/22
Historically values such as grace, love, and kindness haven't been associated with business. In fact, many believed that business was a place of ego, manipulation, and backstabbing. Well, the tide is turning and more business leaders are waking up to the fact that workspace culture is arguably the most important aspect of business and are coming together with their teams to form places of work where everyone thrives. In this episode, I'm joined by Amanda Holmes who is the CEO of Chet Holmes...
Published 10/24/22
Welcome to Raising Consciousness where raising human consciousness happens. In today's episode, we talk conscious parenting and how our guest is re-engineering the parenting and educational model. Faraaz focuses on high performance, high production, high positivity, and how to deal with being under high pressure to create possibility, and prosperity for his clients. Faraaz has explored over 75 countries while building his educational content. Thirty-two of these countries were with his...
Published 09/22/22
Holding onto grievances, upset, anger, and negative emotions and feelings in your heart and soul for what someone did or didn’t do is only hurting you. And, for what reason? In this episode of Raising Consciousness, you'll learn a fundamental truth that will help you to come to a place of forgiveness and transform the way you see and think about the world around you. Get involved in the show by using #raisingconsciousness. Important links and mentions from this episode: Listen to The...
Published 08/30/22
Discovering, activating, and living my life purpose has been the big question of my twenties. I've finally come to a place, where I have clarity on who I am, what I stand for, and my overall life purpose. This doesn't mean I stop growing or won't evolve, for everything is always moving forward as I share in today's episode. In this episode, I break down The Human Existence Blueprint, which is a blueprint that helps us to understand the purpose of ALL human existence (from my perspective) and...
Published 08/25/22
The Happiness Fulfilment Model breaks happiness and fulfilment down into three different areas to create a truer sense of happiness for us all. In society, we have come to believe that happiness is ONE THING which is flawed in many ways. In this episode, you'll discover the three different areas of happiness, and how to apply them in your own life, to create fulfilling life based on what happiness and fulfilment mean to YOU! Get involved in the show by using...
Published 08/23/22
Welcome back to Raising Consciousness and in today's episode, I share a 5-pillar approach that I've created to guide and support us all to build and create brands, businesses, and careers that we love while contributing to the world in a meaningful way and all within a model that does good for everyone and moves humanity forward. I introduce to you... Becoming Humanity-Plus+. Get involved in the show by using #raisingconsciousness. Important links and mentions from this episode: Learn...
Published 08/18/22
I believe that there are six core values that are at the foundation of human existence and by getting back to these values we can live more meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, and better lives. In this episode, I share and break down all six values, what they mean to me, and share some insights on how we can apply them to our day-to-day lives. Get involved in the show by using #raisingconsciousness. Important links and mentions from this episode: Learn more about JustGratitude Listen...
Published 08/16/22
We live in a world where creating inner peace with ourselves, and being who we authentically are is ever more challenging as we appease others, worry about what people will think, and have insecurities that hold us back. Today's special guest is Roberta Hughes who is the Founder and lead instructor at PeaceFull Living, a boutique hybrid studio that conveys a personalized Peaceful Living instruction through customized Pilates, Meditation, and Yoga classes. Peaceful Living grants clients a way...
Published 08/11/22