Even at the higher levels, women often still find themselves trapped again and again in the relentless cycle of financial pressure. It’s true that the journey to business growth and financial freedom isn’t a cake walk. But… what if the true path to abundance was learning and allowing ourselves to relax? (Hmm… sign us up!)  Kate Northrup – entrepreneur, author of ‘Do Less’, and leader of the Relaxed Money revolution, is no stranger to the money stress loop. While she witnessed the intricate...
Published 04/18/24
By now you know taking care of YOU is a priority that should be fiercely protected. Yet you also know (all too well) that it is easy for women entrepreneurs to overlook the pressing need for balance and self-care. But what happens when complete well-being becomes a cornerstone of your business model?  With a career spanning over four decades, Jean Kristensen has mastered the art of turning diversity into opportunity. Early on, she led her family's security guard business to corporate...
Published 04/04/24
Want to hear a secret? Sometimes the masterpiece of business is a paint-by-*number*. While most women are generally great ‘earners’ as business owners – it’s time to shift focus well beyond the balance sheet and into creating a scalable, valuable ASSET that could not only be sold at some point, but benefit generations to come.  For Andrea Jenson, founder + CEO of The Cash Flow CFO, curating powerful financials comes like second nature. As a fourth-generation entrepreneur, she developed a...
Published 03/21/24
Physicians are just supposed to save lives, not take time to build businesses, right? For Nigerian-raised Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, the answer to that question was never as cut and dry as the medical world made it seem. To her, as a doctor, you're already running your own show, 'Dr. You, Incorporated,' whether you know it or not. And now she helps thousands of other physicians with her company EntreMD.  After noticing the fast-changes in healthcare and seeing so many physicians walk away from...
Published 03/07/24
In our new-media-driven world, the pressure is constantly on to be “camera ready” and create that perfect reel or live. And that feeling is exactly what drives many impact-driven women away from being more visible via video. But what if instead of trying to curate your most perfect online persona, you instead express your most authentic self to your audience that is craving it? That’s exactly what drove Keri Murphy to create her company that generates the impact it does. Her mission is...
Published 02/22/24
When was the last time you felt a profound call to action— so compelling that it felt divinely inspired? For many, that inner directive is a whisper, but for Dr. Danyelle Harmon, it was a roar.  With a powerful journey from a chaotic upbringing to becoming an Inc. 5000 CEO, Darnyelle discovered her purpose early on: Using WORDS to change lives. From a successful corporate career to running her own Mary Kay business, she transitioned to entrepreneurship, founding Incredible One Enterprises –...
Published 02/01/24
The most successful entrepreneurs almost appear to have a sixth sense of predicting the future. Breakthrough ideas take a certain amount of foresight and (dare we say it) delusion to succeed in predicting the next big thing.  (Because you need to believe what may not be “true” now… before the world catches up.)  For designer Rebecca Minkoff – that sixth sense came instinctively. And then her big breakthrough in the early 2000s was actress Jenna Elfman wearing a distinctly Minkoff-designed...
Published 01/18/24
As a female leader, have you ever felt there's more to tapping into your inherent power than meets the eye? Understanding the biology of fear and the *power* self-confidence has never been so critical – especially at this juncture.  Tracy Litt is a celebrated leadership expert, certified coach, and pioneer in the field of women's personal development and empowerment. Boasting an impressive array of certifications in coaching, hypnotherapy, and neurology, Tracy is also a TEDx speaker and an...
Published 01/16/24
Profit is about more than just numbers. For women hitting the higher milestones, it’s a long game and a strategic game. AND it’s often also a game of changing our family legacy. And that’s where Susanne Mariga comes in.  Susanne is a CPA + fractional CFO work for 7+8 figure entrepreneurs. After starting as a young bookkeeper in her father's firm, she worked her way up into the top corporate accounting companies in North America. Today she is a leading voice helping more business owners to...
Published 12/07/23
Warning: This possibly triggering dialogue about personal growth, workplace healing, and the intrinsic responsibilities of being an entrepreneur is intense — but could be exactly what you need for the leader you are becoming.  Working through our own unresolved traumas is a deeply personal journey. It’s one that we typically don’t consider when setting out to grow a business, because it just feels so… separate. Or so we think.  For Annie Wright, LMFT, it's time to start rewriting the way we...
Published 11/23/23
Have you ever reached a remarkable milestone, yet found yourself holding back from celebrating it wholeheartedly? Have you ever walked on the tightrope of burnout, trading the joys of life for the relentless chase of success? For Dr. Valerie Rein – that hesitancy of truly leaning in to our accomplishments never sat right with her.  As a renowned psychologist, author, and disruptor in the field of personal growth and transformation,  Valerie is the creator of the Thriving Method, a...
Published 11/09/23
Do you remember that first feeling of desire in your business? That moment of yearning that lit the fire for you in your biggest entrepreneurial or life journey? Most of us do. But, when was the most RECENT time you felt that type of hunger again... and *honored* it?  For Carey Peters – serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Health Coach Institute, recalling those pivotal moments of ignition has never been a problem. She has launched, scaled + sold businesses, and experienced multiple...
Published 10/26/23
There’s a lot to be triggered by these days. Whether it be in business or in life, it seems like there’s constantly something looming behind the corner, ready to spring out and test us. But what if your triggers were actually an invitation to step into your next level? Or even… your higher self? After a successful career as an award-winning singer, Australian-born Rachael Jayne Groover realized one thing: She couldn’t decide whether she wanted to save the world or entertain it. After much...
Published 10/05/23
In the dynamic world of business, transformation isn't just a current trend – it’s actually the KEY to sustained success. So when who we are has grown out of alignment with what we’ve created… well… where do we go from here?  Kelly Roach, business strategist and founder of The Business Advisory is no stranger to transformation. From her early days as the youngest VP at a Fortune 500 company to taking Kelly Roach Coaching to multi-million-dollar success through her Live Launch Method, she has...
Published 09/21/23
In the world of social media, views and likes give us that dopamine hit. But it almost feels like we have to sell a piece of ourselves to keep up with it all. So… is there a secret sauce to scaling up without sacrificing your values?  In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the emphasis is often on strategy and tactics. We're told to be tough, relentless, and always chasing the next big goal. But what if there’s more to it? What if, amidst the hustle, the real secret to building lasting...
Published 09/07/23
There’s more to your journey than the numbers game. But it seems we either hear about growing your business hard and fast, or the alternative “feminine” approaches. What if the concepts of scaling and intimacy were combined, and were incredibly successful, to the tune of multiple 8-figure revenues?  That’s the story of Dafina Smith, founder + CEO of Covet & Mane luxury, hand-tied hair extensions and member of The Trust. And while her current company has become wildly successful, Dafina...
Published 08/24/23
Building an empire is all about shooting for the stars. But what happens when you LAND exactly there – not only once, but time and time again?  As the founder of Stax – which earned a $ BILLION dollar valuation last year — Suneera Madhani completely flipped the financial world on its head before age 35. Going up against the old “merchant account mafia” (she described them all as stale, pale, and male!), she pioneered a company based on an entirely new model to help small business owners...
Published 08/17/23
Oftentimes, our ego can cloud our judgment. As entrepreneurs, we want our businesses to grow and we make the necessary sacrifices to do so (sometimes at the expense of our sanity)! But we know in the long game of business – especially at the higher levels – intentional and steady wins the race.  Emily Countryman is no stranger to hustling to build her business, but now it’s a different type of growth. As the founder and CEO of Shift, Set, Go – a renowned group of weight-loss clinics in the...
Published 08/10/23
Is the concept of TIME becoming a bit obsolete in the world of entrepreneurship? In the traditional sense, yes. And productivity expert Tanya Dalton is breaking down the barriers for how we perceive time as business owners (who obviously need to be REALLY productive)! For Tanya, time has always been of the essence. How could it not be while leading her company InkWell Press to multi-million dollar success and beyond, and seeing her products used by thousands of productive people? (You’ve...
Published 07/27/23
Let’s be honest – In the hustle to 8-figures, the last thing we’ve been geared to ask is, “How can I be more loving?”. From our business to our personal lives, we are often pressured into being tough enough for the job. But what if you knew the moments of softness, grace, and love would foster the biggest breakthroughs… and even while being a business badass?  For Kris Murray, founder of The Childcare Success Company, the hustle came naturally. Recognizing the lack of support that early...
Published 07/13/23
Women have proven that we can be great EARNERS. But how can we now truly build WEALTH for ourselves? Even as entrepreneurs, we often get so caught up in the making of the money that we miss opportunities to invest that money wisely. Or, we just hand it over to a financial advisor and don’t think about it much more.  For Michelle Bosch, making a profit was only the beginning to creating TRUE abundance and generational wealth that will carry on to her daughter.  Originally from Honduras,...
Published 06/23/23
Women entrepreneurs don’t… SURRENDER. I mean, really! We can’t. Because we’re making things happen, blazing new trails, holding it together, and getting sh*t done. Right? But what happens when, as a powerful woman, we are put in a position where we have no choice to surrender?   Often, it actually leads to the biggest magic of our lives.  Sunny Smith shares on today’s show that it was her moments of forced surrender that actually held the key to her greatest breakthroughs… and greatest...
Published 06/23/23
Hey, Renegade. Yes – YOU! We bet you’re feeling the shifts of a post-pandemic era not only in your personal life, but in your next moves as an entrepreneur. If you haven’t already, it’s time to exit the matrix. Because running your business within the frameworks of an old paradigm is getting you nowhere. And Sara Y. Brown is leading us out of there.  A corporate escapee, Sara’s first business was building an HVAC service company along with her husband. But over the last four years, Sara has...
Published 06/23/23
Welcome to REWARD: The Podcast of The Trust. The show specifically for women entrepreneurs who want to build businesses into the multimillion-dollar revenues and beyond.  Hosted by renowned business mentor Ali Brown, this podcast features exclusive interviews with diverse female leaders from a variety of industries who are unwilling to settle for the status quo.  Get ready for authentic conversations about what it really takes to build a business into the 7-, 8-, and even 9-figure levels —...
Published 05/24/23