As a child, did you ever feel like nobody paid attention to you? Like you were always on the outside looking in? Like your parents were never home and your siblings were too busy with their own lives? If so, then you may have been neglected as a child. Children who are neglected often have trouble forming healthy relationships later in life because they don't know what it means to be loved unconditionally. They grow up feeling like nobody wants them around, and this can make them struggle...
Published 08/04/22
Published 08/04/22
Trigger Warning: in this episode, we discuss Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in-depth, and may be triggering for some listeners.  PTSD is a mental health condition that can happen after someone goes through a traumatic event or ordeal. It can cause changes in your brain and body that make it hard for you to function normally. These changes can last for months or even years after the event happened, making it not only difficult to go back to normal life, but getting to where you want to...
Published 07/12/22
Starting new things is scary.  We've all been there. We know how it feels to be scared to try something new because we're afraid of failing, or we're afraid that people will think we're weird for trying something new. It's easy to stay in our comfort zones and not push ourselves out of them, but when we do push ourselves out of our comfort zones, amazing things happen. Trying new things enables so much growth and can set us down the right path for where our lives are meant to go. We just need...
Published 06/30/22
You have to choose yourself. You are the only one who can make the right choices for your life. You are the only one who can choose what kind of relationships you want to have with other people and what kind of life you want to live. If you don't choose yourself, then who will? It is so important to choose yourself in order to live an authentic life—but it can be so challenging in this world that pressures conformity and makes you feel like you're never quite enough. So how do you choose...
Published 06/12/22
Honour yourself, and you will experience more joy, happiness, and peace in your life. Hey friend! Welcome back to the See Me Show podcast! It's been a while... but that's because I've been navigating a TON of life changes (some positive, some negative). But the combination of all these life changes lead me to this week's podcast episode topic: how to honour yourself! Honouring yourself means taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions. It means accepting that you are a human being...
Published 05/09/22
If you're working on weekends, answering emails at 3am, and taking work calls while in bed, this episode is for you. It’s great to be ambitious, motivated, and hard-working. The problem is that our society takes it too far. We let our value and sense of self-worth be determined by how much money we make and how much time we spend at the office. The more hours we spend working, the better we feel about ourselves… but it's actually not good for us. We end up working ourselves into the ground...
Published 03/31/22
Dreaming of turning your passion project into a full-time job? Are you interested in testing the waters before committing to a new career? Do you crave the freedom to do what you love while still making ends meet? It's time you kickstart your side hustle.  The days of waiting for that one job interview and hoping for one big break are over. Today, with the power of freelancing, it's possible to earn extra income by doing what you love. You can start on a part-time basis and continue to build...
Published 03/21/22
In today's frenetic world, digital detoxes are a way for us to take a step back from our devices and evaluate our relationship with technology. It can be easy to get lost in the hype of the latest social media app or the most addictive game, but it's important to remember that we're in control of how we use our devices—not the other way around. Digital detoxes are a great way to help you reclaim your time and feel more present in your day-to-day life. But digital detoxes can be challenging...
Published 03/06/22
What does success mean to you? Does it mean graduating from a prestigious university? Does it mean making a six figure salary? Does it mean settling down with a partner and kids? Does it mean doing all of these things in this order? Is this what success truly means to you, or is it what society has told you that you need to do in order to succeed? In this week's episode, I was fortunate to sit down with Zoe Côté to discuss the concept of success and how we can define it for ourselves. At...
Published 02/27/22
Personal growth is absolutely essential to live an authentic life. It allows us to engage in self-discovery and reach our goals and dreams. However, it can also be a  super uncomfortable and scary process which can cause us to resist and avoid it. In this episode, I sit down with the podcast host of the Anything We Want podcast, Axelle, to discuss how we can not only embrace growth but create opportunities for it in our lives. Axelle is a 22-year-old from France, who thrives in any creative...
Published 02/21/22
Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can be life-changing and incredibly challenging. Such adversity can cause one to live life from a place of fear, which ultimately puts their life on hold. But for Natasha Murji, she was able to reframe her circumstances in such a way that allowed her to ground herself in gratitude and see all the incredible light she has in her life. When Natasha was a teenager, she fell severely ill and went into a 19-day coma. Her medical team discovered that her...
Published 02/15/22
Have you ever felt like you were different from other members of your family or social groups? Perhaps these differences related to your political views or desired career path or values in general. These differences can cause one to feel like they are the "black sheep". When we don't feel like we fit in or feel negatively judged by other members of our social groups, it can cause us to hide our authentic selves. It's so important that we live authentic lives so that we can experience...
Published 02/06/22
Loving yourself is key to living a happy and fulfilling life. But in this world that has so many expectations and pressures of being and looking a certain way, so many of us lack self-love or self-acceptance. However, an incredible way to take back your power and choose to love and respect yourself despite what society tells you is through exercise. In this episode, I sit down with Certified Fitness Trainer, Kinesiology graduate, and owner of BodsbyB, Bianca Celotti, who shares her personal...
Published 01/30/22
True or false? Introverts can be effective leaders. ... TRUE! Introverts can be effective and EPIC leaders. But a common myth that circulates throughout our society is that introverts can't be. When we think of leaders, we think of a charismatic, extroverted individuals speaking in front of large crowds. But have you heard of Elon Musk, Rosa Parks, or Ghandi? How about Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg? Yup... they're ALL introverts. In this episode, I sit down with Elif Kaya to discuss the...
Published 01/23/22
Writing is an incredible tool to explore and discover your authentic self. Whether it be engaging in reflective daily journaling or crafting a work of fiction or jotting down whatever story you want to share, there are so many parts of who you are that can be revealed in your writing. Writing enables you to get your stream of consciousness down on paper and unleash your creativity, which allows you to tangibly see parts of who you are that may have otherwise been hidden. So how do you use...
Published 01/16/22
In the 1920s, Ford Motor Company introduced the 9 to 5 work day as way to protect employees from being over worked. This was a great way to ensure the health and wellbeing of those working in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. However, as time has gone on and technology has evolved and allowed for automation, the need for manual labour has significantly decreased. Today, companies rely on creativity and innovation as key skills in employees. Given that the nature of work has...
Published 01/09/22
There are so many parts of ourselves that make us who we are whether it be our race, gender, age, sexuality, personality, political affiliations, religious beliefs, professional lives, and so on. However, these parts of ourselves can be difficult to balance or even clash at times. Perhaps you’ve just moved to a brand new country and you’re trying to navigate the culture while still trying to preserve your roots. Or maybe your professional life is so consuming that it has caused you to put...
Published 01/02/22
What changes are you experiencing in your life right now? Are they fun and exciting? Or, are they stressful and scary?  Whether you're attending a new school, starting your career, getting into or out of a relationship, or whatever it may be, the change you are experiencing has most likely come with some level of discomfort.  So how can we navigate change with ease and optimism? Join me in my discussion with Maddie MacKinnon on how you can embrace change. Maddie is currently a PhD student...
Published 12/12/21
What does it mean to honour the voices around us? How can we use the power of storytelling as a catalyst for positive change in a world that glamourizes conformity? In this week's episode, I explore the importance of honouring and amplifying everyone's voices with author, Kyra Ann Dawkins. Inspired by the stories her grandfather told her, Kyra is no stranger to writing. Having published in many papers, she graduated with highest honors from Phillips Exeter Academy and from Columbia...
Published 12/05/21
Being a part of authentic communities is an essential part of living life with meaning and purpose. They allow you to surround yourself with diverse people who are grounded in the same values and desire to make positive change in the world. But finding your people can be so challenging at times, especially in this world that encourages conformity over authenticity. In this week's episode, I discuss this idea of authentic communities with the Founder of Happy Human Project, Aidan Bonner....
Published 11/28/21
TW: this discussion does contain descriptive content relating to eating disorders. Please listen at your own discretion. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness. And yet, there is still a lack of education and awareness about eating disorders which is preventing many people who are suffering from recovering. Simply put, we need to have more conversations about eating disorders so we can not only help ourselves if we find we are engaging in disordered...
Published 11/22/21
Did you know that it costs American companies more than $300 billion per year as a result of workplace stress?  Workplace stress is common in this world that glamorizes productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Although these things can definitely return a profit (at times), it does come as an expense for many workers' mental health. Ultimately, workplace stress can be damaging to the wellbeing of employees and the company as a whole, so it is essential that not only companies invest in...
Published 11/18/21
What does it mean to be an authentic leader? How might one lead by their values rather than conforming to the pressures of the external world?  In this episode, I will be exploring values-based leadership with an awesome individual, Ryley Gemmill. Having had many leadership opportunities throughout his time in university, Ryley has developed the knowledge of what it takes to be an authentic leader and how one can lead by their values. In more detail, we discuss:  What it means to be a...
Published 11/14/21
Studies have found that most people exercise to change their appearance (such as losing weight), rather than exercising for the purpose of simply wanting to feel better. Exercising can help us with so many incredible things like decreasing our stress and enhancing our wellbeing. But by focusing on your appearance, it can be detrimental to both your mental and physical health. Simply put, this is the wrong way to approach exercise.  In this episode, I dive into this topic with Certified...
Published 11/07/21