Today we are talking about Strategy #2 to help you with Personal Change, which is to Nullify the negatives.   Be honest and ask yourself what is it that’s holding you back? What beliefs are you clinging to which prevent you from moving forward? What is the worst possible outcome you could experience from change?   Once you take a realistic and logical look at the reasons why you are resisting change, you will find most of them are unrealistic and illogical.  I can’t tell you how many times I...
Published 04/29/24
Today we are talking about Strategy #1 to help you with Personal Change, which is to Focus on the positives.   Change generally results in a positive outcome. Rather than focus on feelings you may be experiencing like insecurity, discomfort, or anxiety, concentrate instead on how the new experience will enhance your current situation.   Imagine yourself once the changes have taken place and think about how good they will make you feel. Imagine yourself feeling re-energized, optimistic,...
Published 04/28/24
Progress requires change, so we must develop change strategies that reduce our resistance and allow us to view change with a positive and constructive attitude.   Although the majority of us initially react to change with feelings of anxiety and disorientation, most of us are able, over time, to respond with a more favorable and positive mindset.   After all, 9 times out of 10, change brings about new opportunities to improve our position, our wellbeing, our environment, and our...
Published 04/27/24
We live in a dynamic and progressive world and progress cannot occur without change. Your attitude towards change determines how you prepare and adjust to it.   Change is inevitable. In fact, change can occur so frequently and regularly that in many cases we hardly notice it.   We change our hairstyles, our fashions, our relationships, our opinion, or we re-arrange the furniture; all with little or no resistance.   So, why do some of us react like a nuclear war is pending when we are...
Published 04/26/24
What are the Characteristics of the People You Really Want as Clients?    Think about this: Who are the clients you like the best and enjoy serving? It’s okay to tell the marketplace, these are the people who are best serviced by you and your firm. It is also okay to disengage from those who you don’t enjoy being around and every time they call, you have a negative reaction. Life is for enjoying, don’t waste time with people you don’t enjoy or want to be around. Imagine your firm with only...
Published 04/25/24
Create Your Ideal Client Profile to Attract Great Clients    During the course of my many conversations with many initial coaching clients, I have found that many don’t have an Ideal Client Profile written down. Not only do you need one written down, but you must also be committed to it. Most people seem to have an idea in their head or they have a few things written down but not a total list of exactly what they really want.     I believe that if you are crystal clear about what you want and...
Published 04/24/24
Today we are talking about Step #4 of the 4 steps to help you Increase The Power of Your Focus, which is to Time Block Everything and then Honor Your Calendar Time Blocks.   Once you have your tasks listed, put all your activities on your calendar time blocks.  Determine how much time it takes to do each activity and place them on your calendar.  A good rule of thumb is to add a bit more time to what you think as it may actually take you longer.  If you are like me, I always think I can...
Published 04/23/24
Today we are talking about Step #3 to help you Increase Your Power of Focus, which is to Create a Daily Task List.   At the end of each day, create and update your Task List for the following day.  Prioritize your tasks in order of importance, with the most important being at the top of the list.  The following day, start with the number one item and work your way down the list.  At the end of the day, you will have completed your tasks with improved organization and efficiency.   This is the...
Published 04/22/24
Today we are talking about Step #2 to help you Increase Your Power of Focus, which is to  Create a Short-Term Goals List.   What are your Short-Term Goals? Within one week?  Within 3 months?  Whatever they are, include specific dates down to the month, day and year.  Prioritize your short-term goals and put the goal that is most important to you at the top of the list.  When you finish the most important things, move them off your list and do the next one, then the next one. It isn’t the one...
Published 04/21/24
Today we are talking about Step #1 to help you Increase Your Power of Focus, which is to Create a Long-Term Goals List.   What are your Long-Term Goals within the next 3-5 years?  Within 10 years?  They can be anything you want - but they must be what you really want.  Your Long-Term Goals should go far beyond your comfort zone and how you would ideally like to see your life.  Asking to retire rich isn’t specific enough - you must include as many details as possible along with the date you...
Published 04/20/24
Living your life without practicing The Power of Focus, is like trying to hit the bull’s eye of a target you can’t see.  You can spend hours launching arrows, only to miss the target entirely.  You become exhausted and frustrated when your repeated efforts don’t show the results you are trying to achieve.  This is what it feels like to operate without The Power of Focus.   To get to where you want to be, you must hold clear in your mind what you most want.  Your subconscious mind is a...
Published 04/19/24
Today we are talking about tip #5 of the 5 tips for balancing business and life when things get hectic, which is, Don’t Feel Bad for Taking Time Off.   Whatever you do, don’t get down on yourself for taking some time off. Whether it is an hour for lunch, leaving early on Friday, a weekend vacation, or even an extended getaway to your favorite resort, remember that if you have planned it and planned for a way for things to operate while you are gone, there is NO reason to feel guilty. Needing...
Published 04/18/24
Today we are talking about tip #4 for balancing business and life when things get hectic, which is to Regulate Your Work Hours.   Depending upon what kind of business you have, this can be a difficult step… but it is important to remember that, even if you cannot really set up ‘regular’ times to be off of work, try to at least have a certain number of hours each day that are specifically for you! This could be time when you turn your phone off, go to the gym, take a 15-minute nap, take your...
Published 04/17/24
Today we are talking about tip #3 for balancing business and life when things get hectic, which is, Make Life Away from Work a Priority.   A lot of successful people think that they will ‘relax when there is time’. This is an admirable mindset, and is surely linked to your attitude to do whatever it takes to make your business succeed, but remember that you HAVE to have a life outside of business to avoid going crazy! Having said that, it is important to remember that you MUST prioritize...
Published 04/16/24
Today we are talking about tip #2 for balancing business and life when things get hectic, which is, Don’t Let Others Demand Too Much of You.   Some people think that business owners have it easy because nothing is expected of them… but this idea is ENTIRELY false, as you know! Business owners have an entire business full of people who are looking to them for answers, directions, and information. Much of what your business does hinges on what you do, which is why it can be so easy for people...
Published 04/15/24
Today we are talking about tip #1 for balancing business and life when things get hectic, which is, Don’t Place Unrealistic Demands on Yourself.   It is extremely important that you be mindful of what you demand of yourself. While you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, it is important to remember that trying to accomplish all of it at once or without taking breaks to have a life outside of work will leave you tired, frustrated, and used up. If you really care about your business...
Published 04/14/24
When things get busy, it can be VERY difficult to balance everything in life and work. Our modern culture greatly emphasizes the importance of putting time into your career, though this mindset can often impede upon our opportunity to spend quality time at home and for ourselves. This can lead to stress, unhappiness, inefficiency, and even resentment for your business, which can make you more likely to ‘close up shop’ due to a general negative attitude with the way your life is headed. As a...
Published 04/13/24
Today we are talking about Tip #6 of the 6 tips for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to Never Accept Defeat.   When it comes to sticking to your goals, it is exceptionally important that you do not even accept defeat as a possibility. When you encounter problems and setbacks, you need to determine within yourself to use them as opportunities. The most successful businesspeople in the entire world have made their fortunes by turning valleys into mountains, and that is EXACTLY what...
Published 04/12/24
Today we are talking about Tip #5 for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to Remember to be Flexible.   No plan is going to go exactly as you wanted it to, so it is important to remember that flexibility is essential to success. Being able to move forward while adapting to your environment could very well mean the difference between victory and defeat as they pertain to the business world. Flexibility is golden when it comes to business. There is far too much competition to be...
Published 04/11/24
Today we are talking about Tip #4 for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to Recognize That Setbacks WILL Happen.   A lot of people get discouraged when they face actual setbacks. Setbacks can seem like a huge waste of time, but it is important to remember that NO plan is going to be absolutely perfect. Even if your plan is as perfect as it can be, it is STILL subject to life and unexpected things that happen on a daily basis. When you do face setbacks and feel as if you have moved...
Published 04/10/24
Today we are talking about Tip #3 for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to  Learn from Mistakes and Failures.   When you encounter setbacks, failures, or mistakes as you work towards your goals, it can be very easy to entertain the thought of giving up. Remember, that this should never be an option for you! Setbacks and mistakes are GOING to happen. What is important is that you view them as learning opportunities instead of as problems. In a way, every setback or failure can teach...
Published 04/09/24
Today we are talking about Tip #2 for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to anticipate problems.   Try to think ahead to problems that could arise as you pursue your goals. Getting blindsided by a problem is always worse than dealing with a problem that you saw coming, which is why learning to anticipate is going to be very helpful if you want to avoid the discouragement that comes from being pelted with problems that appeared out of nowhere. Learn to look ahead and plan for...
Published 04/08/24
Today we are talking about Tip #1 for helping you to stick to your goals, which is to find a solution.   The first key to sticking with your goals is to find a solution whenever a problem or an obstacle presents itself. It can be very tempting to give up when faced with obstacles, so what you NEED to remember is that obstacles are a part of life. You are never going to have a goal that does not lead you through some challenges before you see it through. Having the strength of mind that it...
Published 04/07/24
Sticking to your goals is not always easy, especially if the next level of success is at stake. It can be very tempting to give up and stay where you are because the next level requires a lot more work… but this is not what you really want for yourself! Part of setting worthwhile goals and sticking to them is that this process allows you to grow as a person. If you give up and go back to the way you were before, then you are not going to have the peace of mind and confidence that comes from...
Published 04/06/24