An inspiring episode with Tim Creasey, Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci and best selling author. We talk about challenges in leading the work place. some of the takeaways: - One of the challenges all of us individually and teams and organizations face is where do we put our energy and effort when it comes to trying to bring about the changes that we have in front of us. - We have to see how employees are impacted by a certain change - The role of having a shared workplace - Answers...
Published 07/14/23
An inspiring episode with William Buist, a strategic mentor, speaker and author. We talk about how to create better workplaces. Some of the takeaways: One of the leaders’ struggles is developing their own skills and talent so that they can be the best individual leader Leaders should know what their team really needs: some need more experience, some need more knowledge. Leaders should know how much additional knowledge their people really need and do not give much knowledge as this might...
Published 06/30/23
An inspiring episode with Marsha Acker, who is a principal at TeamCatapult, leadership and team coach and author. We talk about how leaders can use some facilitation techniques or strategies in order to involve, engage people and create more. Some of the takeaways: - In many places leaders are the ones who step forward and make a move and provide alternate ideas, however, we need of the people to be making moves.  - It makes big difference when leaders involve people  - Facilitation becomes a...
Published 06/16/23
In this episode we talk about what if success if not the answer and what does it mean for leadership and the workplace, sharing this inspiring message of seeking success AND fulfillment with Bessi Graham, who is a writer and podcaster. Here are some of the takeaways from this conversation: - Asking ourselves the question, how would life look like if I was living my version of success? - Having a CLEAR vision of success is key. Success is so personal. - Being intentional makes a big difference...
Published 06/02/23
An inspiring conversation with Irene Riad, an executive coach and founder of Sightset. We talk about how leaders can develop inner capacity and use setbacks to inspire others. Some of the takeaways: - Great leaders don't waste crises and use them for self reflection and transformation. The greatest leaders use the wisdom of their setbacks to transform the direction of their careers and life towards their highest purpose. - The greatest leaders use the wisdom of their setbacks to transform...
Published 05/19/23
An inspiring episode with Dr. Amin Sanaia DSL, who is a culture builder, people strategist and author. In this conversation we talk about how to develop ourselves and to develop leaders within our organisations. Here are some of my key takeaways: - Leadership is about impacting and serving others and it starts with leading ourselves including taking control of our self talk and daily habits. - Take some time every day to set ourselves up for a good day is key to influence our environment in...
Published 05/05/23
An inspiring conversation with Liz Kislik, a management consultant, executive coach and TEDx speaker. We talk about how some leaders fuel conflict while others resolve them by driving more collaboration. Some of the takeaways: - Making people share about themselves create common ground which is key to collaboration. - Differences are enriching as long as we have some common grounds. - We need to connect people on a deeper level not just on the surface through common values. -...
Published 04/21/23
An interesting conversation with Projjal Ghatak, CEO of Onloop - WEF Tech Pioneer 2022. In this conversation we talk about leading the new workplace. Some of the takeaways: What are the things that companies need to consider when they are leading people in a hybrid environment, i.e. virtual and live.  One of the things that we realize really matter in working virtually is that people are having fun. Teams that have fun together, laugh together, they will stay together  Happiness is a...
Published 04/06/23
In this inspiring conversation we talk about how to make your vision a reality, with Jake Jacobs, a business consultant, cofounder of SkillsCamp, and author of "Real Time Strategic Change". Some of the takeaways: The power of setting visions and making them reality is not only on papers and walls but it is connecting to people’s minds and hearts, and moving towards them every single day. The idea of “future perfect thinking” technique, and using it in our present situations. This will...
Published 03/24/23
In this inspiring conversation we talk about how to lead the new workplace, with Hamza Khan, a Keynote speaker, author and cofounder of SkillsCamp. Some of the takeaways: How the modern work place is different from the traditional workplace What is needed is more leadership and less managing What it takes to make the shift from being a boss to being a leader How you do one thing is how you do all things If you treat your employees well, they will treat you customers well We should...
Published 03/10/23
We talk about how leaders can drive and accelerate collaboration in their teams and organizations, with Harvard Professor Dr. Heidi Gardner, author of the Washington Post bestselling book "Smart Collaboration". Some of the takeaways: To apply smarter collaboration we need deep expertise who are exited, passionate and educated in our area. We need to find people who have complementary basis of expertise All successful entrepreneurs are actually heading platforms which contain qualified,...
Published 02/24/23
An inspiring conversation in the shape of questions and answers with Jaykaran S., learning and development professional. We talk about how to inspire people based on my book "Inspire Your People".  Some reflections and insights from the conversation: - Leadership is all about people, inspiring and motivating people to become the very best version of themselves.  - The essence of leadership is helping your people reach their full potential and helping your team maximize their gifts. - What...
Published 02/10/23
An inspiring conversations with Paul ter Wal LLM CSP, founder and CEO of Team Andre. We talk about how leaders can accelerate values alignment and engagement. Some reflections and insights from our conversation: Reframing how look at our people from "Human Resources" to "Human Beings" empowers us to fulfill their needs and create a great engaging workplace. With a clear set of values, we can have a higher performing workplace. The key is to make people own these values not just publishing...
Published 01/27/23
An inspiring episode with Jon Darbyshire, Entrepreneur, product designer, and investor. We talk about how to build and lead an Inspiring workplace.   Here are some the key takeaways from this conversation: - Hiring great people is one of the surest ways to build a great company - Creating alignment starts with sharing relentlessly the goals and strategy of the organization on a regular basis - These kind of leadership communication requires engaging people and getting real questions from...
Published 01/13/23
A very enriching episode with Steven Gaffney, a speaker, seminar leader, and author on communication and leadership. We talked about how to be unconditionally powerful. Some of the takeaways: The problem in organizations is lack of honest communication: it is not in what is being said but in what was not said! Fear is the main reason for people not sharing things “Conflict not faced, is conflict multiplied” - Jordan Peterson There are three types of mindsets of people in workplace:...
Published 12/12/22
A special episode with Gül Sönmez, CEO and founder of Purposeful Vibes, in which we talked about self care, wellbeing and mindfulness at the workplace. Here are some of key takeaways: - Leaders can take care of their people by becoming more aware of how they are doing mentally, physically and emotionally - It take very simple practices to drive change in the wellbeing of the people - In just the last 2 years there has been increase cases of burnouts and mental health issues in the...
Published 11/19/22
An exciting conversation with Donna Dahl, an empowerment coach, inspirational speaker and self-development books writer. We talk about how to be empowered and empower others at work. Here are some of the key takeaways: - To empower others we have to be empowered ourselves - Keys to self empowerment is having direction/vision for our life, reading and learning and/or having a mentor we look up to - Health is a key area we can control which leads to self empowerment - Investing in our...
Published 10/29/22
Another inspiring episode in which we shared insights with Heenle Turner, vice president of ALL IN Company, talking about attracting, hiring and retaining 5 star employees. Some of the key takeaways from our live conversation: - How having 5 star employees makes the job of leadership easier - 5 star employees are not just skillset but also mindset (e.g. being proactive, passionate, team player, focused on results) - Asking questions about situations where the potential employee exhibited...
Published 09/29/22
An inspiring episode with Richard Newman, founder and CEO of UK Body Talk. In this episode, we talk about how anyone can transform his ability to influence others. Some of the takeaways: - Importance of virtual communication - The influence of body language in communication - How to master non-verbal communication - How leading people means lifting them up - The importance of self-awareness to inspire others These and much more we covered in our conversation! Until the next episode,...
Published 08/31/22
An inspiring episode about how leaders can inspire and mobilize their people to transform and improve in their areas of work, with Ian Ziskin, President of EXec EXel Group LLC. Lots of takeaways from our talk including: - The power of truth as key to improve and change things - The importance of talent and complementary skills to drive change and transformation - Changing before we have to otherwise it might too late - Vulnerability is key to be able to get people connected and moved -...
Published 07/29/22
An inspiring episode about how leaders can use storytelling and its positive impact on employees and the workplace. I got so much energy and insights from this conversation with my guest with Mark Carpenter, author of "Master Storytelling". Some of what we discussed during this conversation: - How stories are the best way to engage people and help them understand what we are conveying as leaders - How with just little bit of practice we get better at storytelling with times - Making the...
Published 06/24/22
An inspiring conversation with Mr. Andy Alsop, CEO of "The Receptionist". In this episode, we talked about employee supremacy and the power of trust. Some of the takeaways: People are the most valuable asset. Caring for people pays off in terms of culture, motivation and results. Trust get created through action not speeches. Empowerment happens when we trust people taking action on critical things, whether they fail or succeed in the process.  An unlimited employee vacation policy actually...
Published 05/28/22
Great conversation with Nancy Murphy about how leaders can truly drive change and influence their organizations. Some of the takeaways: Empathy is one of the best tools to influence and instead of resisting, trying to see the world through others eyes and having compassion could help drive change faster People resistance to change could be used creatively to make it happen. It is an energy which should be channeled in the right way. Organizations need to nurture intrapreneurs which are...
Published 04/15/22
I am so energized and inspired from this conversation with Advisor, Educator, and Executive Coach; David Nour, CEO The Nour Group Inc. He is the author of more than 10 books on creating high performing organizations and achieving success through relationship economics and one of the best authorities in this field. Here are some of the topics we covered together: - The power of strategic relationships is not only for business but also professional and personal - Some of the very best...
Published 01/31/22
This is the start of a new series where I lead from my upcoming book Inspire Your People. The human spirit is more important than numbers, this the topic of this episode where I comment on the importance of taking care of people. Connect with us on [email protected]
Published 11/30/21