Here's the deal brand manager... Every day we read in the news how brands are falling apart. The Gap doesn't know who they are anymore. Victoria Secret missed the memo that the definition of sexy had changed and they hadn't changed with it. Those are just a few recent examples of brand failures. Here's what I've also heard from you all... I've heard that you are afraid you are going to fail your brand. That you aren't doing the right things and don't even know where to start. Well, today you...
Published 08/01/22
Wondering about brand repositioning? What about brand revitalization? Are these things you should only do when your brand is struggling or in decline? What are the triggers to know it's time to reposition your brand? In today's episode with CMO Rafael Acevedo we talk Repositioning and Revitalization 101. You'll walk away with: 1) When to know if it's time to reposition (spoiler: it probably is! Listen in to learn why) 2) The most important indicator that it's definitely time to...
Published 07/25/22
Are you one of those brand managers that doesn't like boasting about your accomplishments or tooting your own horn? Perhaps you never feel like your work has "arrived" enough to make it worthy of touting? Or you just never get around to sharing your achievements? Well friend, I feel you. In this episode I will share my #1 favorite way to self promote without really tooting your own horn. This little 'trick' will earn you tons of recognition without making it look like that's what you were...
Published 07/21/22
Are you googling “how to deal with an underperforming employee?” Looking for resources to motivate or manage someone on your team who is underdelivering?  We know that so many of your brand management responsibilities are accomplished in partnership with other people.  So what do you do if those people don’t deliver?   In today’s LIVE COACHING episode I share learnings from being on both sides of the table – being the underperforming employee to managing underperforming employees so that...
Published 07/18/22
Ever led a project that wasn’t very popular?  A project that you knew was going to be hard to get people on board with?  Or perhaps you are running a project now where it feels like you are dragging everyone along instead of the leader of an excited and motivated group?   Well, you are in luck my friends, because in today’s episode I’m sharing my top 3 tips to build belief in your brand management project and take your work from ignored to PRIME TIME. Get ready to implement these tactics...
Published 06/27/22
Do you find yourself searching for information on brand leadership, brand strategy, brand plan, brand messaging, or brand activation? Are you an early-career brand manager or an aspiring brand manager? Then, welcome!  This is the show for you! In today’s inaugural episode, I share: The purpose for this podcast (hint: it’s all about helping you succeed in your work AND life)My story of how I got into brand management and went from Associate Brand Manager (ABM) to Director in ~6 years.The...
Published 06/27/22
Oh, that infamous term: ‘manage up.’ You’ve likely heard it used at the office or been directed to start managing up yourself. Perhaps that leaves you scratching your head wondering ‘what on earth does that even mean?!?’ I feel you, friend.  In my first role out of undergrad, my boss told me I needed to manage up and I was completely confused.  I mean, wasn’t SHE supposed to manage ME??? Now, many roles and managers later + working as a manager myself, I’m here to demystify the idea of...
Published 06/27/22
Are you working in a corporate role on brand innovation?  Wondering how you can better capture white space?  Or identify opportunities for growth? Then this episode is going to be powerful for you, friend! Too often we make assumptions about what our customer wants, create an idea and then go looking for validation or any other number of WRONG ways to approach innovation.  In today’s episode I get on my soapbox about HOW to develop insights to build your innovation pipeline, build brand...
Published 06/27/22
In today’s ‘shortie’ episode, I share all about one my proudest brand management career moments AND how you can get this moment too! You may be surprised to learn that this win didn’t come at the end of a big project, it didn’t come with a lot of fanfare, but it did make a meaningful impact on my personal brand, reputation, and career. And here’s the best part, friend.  You CAN get this win too! Listen in to this ‘shortie’ episode for a quick win today. Onward and upward, Saxon Connect:...
Published 06/27/22
Have you ever gotten a brief to ‘go find growth’ in your brand?  Been tapped to figure out the next growth platform for your business and feel lost on what to do? Well, you are in luck brand manager. On today’s episode I give you my quick tip on the place I go to when ‘looking for growth.’ And you can do this too. Let me tell you how today. Rooting for you, Saxon Connect: [email protected]
Published 06/27/22