Can you imagine a workplace where joy is a driving factor for success? Join me as I chat with Marguerite Orane, the owner of Free and Laughing Incorporated, who shares her mission to help others live, work, and lead with joy. With a diverse background as a Harvard MBA, entrepreneur, and mindfulness meditation practitioner, Marguerite provides valuable insights on cultivating happiness and productivity within the workplace, especially in the wake of pandemic-induced burnout. We explore the...
Published 06/04/23
Published 06/04/23
How well do you juggle priorities during a crisis? Learn from executive business coach and mentor Jill Maidment as we explore effective time management, assessing and prioritizing tasks, and aligning daily activities with key objectives. Drawing on the wisdom of Steven Covey, we emphasize the need to schedule priorities rather than simply prioritizing what's already on our schedules. Navigating the challenges of hybrid work, managing hybrid meetings, and building resilience in the workplace...
Published 05/01/23
In this episode, I had the pleasure of exploring the importance of innovation in driving #success in business operations, #leadership, personal #growth, and resilience with innovation guru James Barrood.  We discussed the concept of "innovate or die" and how it's still relevant in today's disruptive climate. We also looked at the critical role of leadership in fostering a culture of innovation within organizations and the importance of openness to failure, collaboration, and embracing...
Published 04/17/23
Welcome back to the COO's Corner Podcast, where we dive deep into business operations, leadership, personal growth, and resilience. I'm your host, Tamar Nelson, and I'm thrilled to announce the long-awaited Season 2! We've had a successful first season, and I am so grateful for your support and feedback from around the world. In this new season, we'll embark on a journey of possibilities, fresh perspectives, and growth. We'll explore the many ways organizations can build resilience into...
Published 04/17/23
How do we differentiate the good stress from the bad stress that is present in our lives today, and what exactly is stress? Can we really live a stress-free life? Is it even possible?   Our guest on today's show, Scarlette Acevedo is a registered member of the Australian Counseling Association, Public Health Association of Australia, and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Let's unpack some of this and see how we can't seem to avoid it.  Scarlette has developed her...
Published 09/12/22
This is the second episode of a two-part series, and we'll continue our discussion today with Gina Riley, an authority in the area of career transition and development. Our first part of the series (Episode 14) unfolded the whole anatomy of a COO from the basic core functions to the intricacies of the dynamics that need to surround the COO.   Whether you're planning to become a COO one day or you're already a COO looking for opportunities to grow your career, or you're just interested in...
Published 08/23/22
Is your goal to make your operations become simpler, faster, and better?  Well, this is the episode for you!   Bruce Carnohan, often referred to as “The Guy in the Blue Shirt”, a seasoned 30-year veteran of 27 different industries, joins us in this episode of The COO's Corner. He has helped high-potential team members, leaders, and business owners save time and money by saving or eliminating wasted processes. Bruce promotes the #SimplerFasterBetter methodology and applies it to all of his...
Published 07/18/22
Building and managing a remote team is very different than doing it in the office. How can you successfully lead your people virtually? How do you create trust and allow for a proper and ongoing communication stream? Richard Phu, the Head of Operations at Outsourcing Angel, is going to walk us through that and much more today. Richard is an expert on successfully creating and leading remote teams, and he’s got a lot to divulge about this topic. He’ll share with us exactly how much and how...
Published 07/01/22
In today's episode, we welcome Dr. Alison Horstmeyer, a former Fortune 500 executive who is now a talent development facilitator, executive coach, and humanistic researcher.    Dr. Allison Horstmeyer is considered one of the pioneering humanistic researchers in the workplace curiosity area. Among her publications are peer-reviewed journals and mainstream business magazines such as Forbes and CEO World.     Join us today as we’ll be answering fundamental questions about how businesses can...
Published 06/17/22
In this first episode of a two-part series, Tamar brings on Gina Riley, an authority in the area of career transition and development. Tamar and Gina will be unfolding the anatomy of a COO – from basic core functions to the intricacies of the dynamics they must form with the professionals they’ll be surrounded with. As Gina will explain, there are no two COOs quite alike. Their roles will always be subject to the specific industry or company they perform in, and most importantly, the type of...
Published 06/02/22
When was the last time you challenged your perspectives and it made you feel like you were looking at the world in a new light? Paul Daniels, our guest today, has coined this practice ‘peripheral thinking’, and uses it daily in business and in life to tap into a never-ending well of inspiration, innovation, and creativity.   In today’s show, one of the first things Paul will do is guide us through an exercise so we can start shedding our preconceived outlooks and learn to shift our points of...
Published 05/13/22
In this episode, we bring on Jacqueline Davis, a CFO/COO executive that’s passionate about continuous improvement and optimization of processes to ensure companies achieve the outcomes they desire.  Holding both titles simultaneously, she will share her unique perspective on common misconceptions organizations have around managing data, setting proper indicators, and building and empowering diverse teams. Jacqueline believes in continuous improvement, and she’ll be sharing best practices on...
Published 04/27/22
In this episode of the COO’s Corner, Tamar brings on Josh Greco, an expert and business coach with a passion for developing people professionally, personally, and spiritually. Josh will challenge our listeners to hold up the mirror and see potential – the reminder of what’s possible – and reflect upon improving their thinking patterns to gain clarity, wisdom, and wellbeing from within.   This type of self-mastery can be expanded on and applied in organizations, empowering teams to examine,...
Published 04/14/22
Over the years, we’ve been able to witness how the ever-changing nature of the digital economy has transformed the workplace and the way people participate in it. The pandemic only accelerated this transformation. Because a considerable fraction of the workforce had to exchange the office for a work-from-home environment, a large portion of daily activities were now pushed to take place in a virtual landscape. With these physical boundaries being challenged, separate and distinguishable...
Published 03/31/22
Kathy Walsh Director and Principal Consultant Quality Systems Now Kathy Walsh is the Director and Principal Consultant of Quality Systems Now (QSN), and she helps companies and individuals in regulated industries solve quality culture problems that increase productivity and master compliance challenges in their marketplace. Kathy has over 20 years' experience working in regulated industries - pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotech, and clinical sections. She has a PhD in Biology, and she’s...
Published 03/17/22
Hyper-growth – a stage as exciting as it is demanding which all companies and businesses strive to get to. My guest today is an expert and advisor on just that. With a background in engineering, Karen Walker shares her wisdom on some of the most indispensable processes, systems, and capabilities that organizations need to have to not only survive but thrive in hyper-growth. Karen explains that the trials companies face entering hyper-growth are not just limited to the obvious, such as...
Published 03/03/22
Almost everyone has a story to share about a toxic leader – someone who was arrogant, aggressive, or for some reason, just unpleasant to work with. Although some toxic behaviors may be too subtle to identify at first, one thing is certain: stress caused by this leadership approach can take a toll not only on the productivity of organizations, but on the physical and mental wellbeing of the individuals belonging to them as well. In this episode, our guest, Jeffrey Custer, delve deep into...
Published 02/17/22
Whether individually or collectively we can’t function efficiently or effectively without it… The BRAIN! In this episode of The #COO’s Corner Podcast we will be discussing our greatest asset the 🧠brain, and utilizing it to improve our agility, performance, and communication and boost success and even leadership. In this discussion with guest Omozua Isiramen, we will cover: · What is Neuro Agility and what is the impact that it can have on our lives and business? · The link or connection...
Published 02/03/22
Informal Networks are often described as the organization behind the chart. It’s a complex interconnection of persons that have forged ties over the years and is a powerful resource to tap into and yet not enough attention is given to it. * What are informal networks and their role within organizations? * Why are informal networks important? * How can informal networks drive and even accelerate successful change, wellbeing, and a host of other things? In this episode, we will answer...
Published 01/20/22
The hot topic for many is the Great Resignation. Some pay attention to it taking a proactive approach, some have adopted a "Que sera sera" kind of attitude and others may not even have heard of the phenomenon. The fact is that this is real and can affect the survival of a business. ✔️How do we tackle it? ✔️Whose responsibility is it anyway? ✔️What does culture have to do with the Great Resignation? In today’s episode, we will answer these questions and more with Craig Foreman Craig is a...
Published 01/06/22
Welcome to episode three of the COO's Corner Podcast. We will be discussing the topic, "Optimizing talent for Operational Success". COOs play a very important role within organizations.  I believe that operations is the heart of the organization. I also believe that people are at the core. Both (heart and core) work together to create the best outcomes within the organization. However, talent optimization is a real sore point in many organizations today, and many wonder...How can this be...
Published 09/26/21
Welcome back! In this episode, we continue the discussion with John Knotts as we unpack further the role of the COO as well as how to tell when you need to have a COO on your team. John continues to share his experiences as we also speak on the matter of strategy and building operational resilience. John is a fractional COO, author, Personal and professional business coach, and consultant with over 25 years of experience in multiple industries.
Published 09/20/21
COOs play a very important role within organizations. What exactly do they do? How does their role differ from the CEO? What are COOs struggling with today? In this episode, we unpack these and more with John Knotts. John is a fractional COO, author, Personal and professional business coach, and consultant with over 25 years of experience in multiple industries.
Published 09/13/21
The world requires you to transform. How can we make this possible? How do we make it stick? In this episode, we are going to break it down for you with business transformation expert, Angie Tuglus.
Published 08/29/21