In this episode we’re talking to Samia Hashi, who is a traveller who is living her dream of a bill free sustainable life in her hometown Hargeisa and documenting it all on youtube. She is from actually from Canada, she quit her job to move back home to Hargeisa with her mother to live the life she was created to live. She started her youtube channel to document her journey being back in the motherland, and reached over 5 Million people around the world. In her own words, 'she is living her...
Published 05/10/22
Published 05/10/22
Salaam Dream. Dua. Do'ler, in today's episode we're talking to Fadima Aden about leveling up physically and mentally and how to stay consistent. Fadima Aden mastered the art of staying consistent in the gym. She's the founder of Ultimate Female Fitness.  She has won several accolades in Taekwando. In addition she's the Australian National Champion 2016 and has a master n Personal Training.  In this episode she shares small steps and strategies that you can take to level up physically no...
Published 01/30/22
Salaam guys,  with this episode I am continuing the affirmations series. A lot of you have requested affirmations for letting go and choosing to have more peace in life. Listening to daily affirmations can help you create new synaptic pathways within your brain. Because often times our brain can slip into the habit of negative thinking and also thinking the worst case. Whenever you feel like you're stuck, in the past or overthinking you can come back to these affirmations. When it comes to...
Published 11/14/21
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “(The value of) an action depends on the intention behind it. A man will be rewarded only for what he intended. […]” [Sahih Muslim] How often did you set goals and felt frustrated when you didn't achieve them? Multiple. This is where Intentions comes into play.  Focusing on intentions helps you stay focused on the WHY and be adaptive to changing your ‘vision’/goal as long as the intention remains the same. (Mohammed Faris) In this episode I am sharing tools...
Published 10/30/21
Salaaam Dream, Dua, Do'ler today we have an amazing conversation coming. We're talking about following speaking your dreams into existence, how to deal with failure and what it means to have tawakul along the way. We're talking to Anisa Ismail, and I know her story will inspire you and the strategy and the tools are easy to apply and will help you insha allah. Get excited because there is no accident that you're listening to this particular episode. Today is the day something is going to...
Published 09/11/21
In this episode I'm sharing with you 5 ways to be aligned with your true purpose as a Muslima.  We all want to be more productive, but Barakah is what  helps you get more done in less time. It changes your game as a Muslima, is the link between productivity and the spiritual practices in our Deen ✨⁠ ⁠ ✨Focusing on your Deen throughout your day and implementing these habits is what changed my life and my clients.  I no longer was stressed and all over the place but focused and tranquil. Even...
Published 06/05/21
Stell dir vor, du könntest diese Podcastepisode hören und währenddessen in die Unterhaltung mit einsteigen? Yess, genau auf diesem Prinzip basiert die neue Social-Media App Clubhouse.  In dieser Episode,  erkären Furat Abdulle und ich dir was hinter diesem Hype steckt und wie sie funktioniert. Und wie  du es am besten für dich oder dein Business nutzen kannst:  Falls du keine Einladung hast, dann mache mit bei meiner Verlosung: Ich verlose eine Clubhouse-Einladung:  Alles was du tun...
Published 01/17/21
Salaaaam habibti, in this episode I am sharing with you gratitude affirmtions.  Affirmations can help you create new synaptic pathways within your brain. Because often times our brain can slip into the habit of negative thinking and also thinking the worst case and that has been the case with me for a phase where I was doubting myself a lot and very anxious due to the exams coming up so I started speaking affirmations daily and the really calmed my nerves and make me more hopeful. Allah...
Published 12/24/20
Salaam Dream.Dua.Do’ler, in this episode I am talking to Ibtisam Abdulle about creating healthy boundaries: This is episode is specially  for you, if you tend to  say yes when you actually want to say no,  when you let other walk all over you instead of standing up for yourself, you feel burnt out keeping other people happy Often we don't say no to people because we are afraid it might offend them or it might create tension. We have to find the balance between being kind and being...
Published 12/18/20
Salaam habibies,  We all know that feeling: your brain gets cloudy, your anxiety skyrockets, and you can’t find the energy for even the smallest of tasks like making your bed.  Sometimes we can stand in our own way. When we get reactive instead of intentional, worried instead of present, and distracted instead of trusting Allah. We start to look outside of ourself for validation and peace, when you know that you can only be find peace, clarity, love within Allah and yourself.  Stress, big...
Published 11/03/20
Salaaaam habibti, in this episode I am sharing with you self love Affirmations can help you create new synaptic pathways within your brain. Because often times our brain can slip into the habit of negative thinking and also thinking the worst case and that has been the case with me for a phase where I was doubting myself a lot and very anxious due to the exams coming up so I started speaking affirmations daily and the really calmed my nerves and make me more hopeful. Allah says: I am as my...
Published 10/28/20
Salaaaam habibti,  in this episode I am starting the affirmation series, in which I share guided affirmations.  Affirmations can help you create new synaptic pathways within your brain. Because often times our brain can slip into the habit of negative thinking and also thinking the worst case and that has been the case with me for a phase where I was doubting myself a lot and very anxious due to the exams coming up so I started speaking affirmations daily and the really calmed my nerves and...
Published 10/21/20
Salaam Dream.Dua.Do’ler, in this episode I am talking to Ibtisam Abdulle about self-growth and finding your purpose. This is episode is essepcially for you, if you have ‚actually’ a good life, a good career, your climbing up the ladder, but you just feel like something is missing. That’s how my guest has felt. After she had made some changes in her life, she launched Right Within. She’s a now a mindset coach and helps others become their best version. In this episode she’ll be sharing...
Published 10/13/20
Salaaam habibti, in dieser Episode sprechen mit NoriyaNori darüber, was es bedeutet sich selbst und seine Träume zu verwirklichen. NoriYaNori ist female founder und Coach und hat 5 Firmen gegründet. Sie ist Multipassionate und verfolgt ihre Ziele und Träume mit einer sichtbaren Leichtigkeit allahuma barik.  In dieser Episode teilt Nori folgende Punkte mit dir: Wer den Weg zu sich selbst findet, wird Erfüllung findet. In dieser Episode teilt sie mit uns Stories aus ihrer Vergangenheit, ihre...
Published 10/04/20
You are one decision away from living a completely different life.  Salaam meine Lieben,  dieses Zitat trifft zu 100% zu. Mein Leben sieht komplett anders aus, seit ich eine Entscheidung für mich gefällt habe. Darum geht es in dieser Episode. Fünf Entscheidungen, die mein Leben und mich total verändern haben, auch dein Leben verändern können. Zu 100%.  Denn, wenn du keine Entscheidung triffst, ist es auch eine Entscheidung. Du entscheidest dich stehen zu bleiben und blockierst deinen...
Published 09/26/20
Salaaam habibti, die heutige Folge ist ein super persönlicher Einblick hinter die Kulissen meiner Persönlichkeit und meiner Arbeit. Ich nehme dich mit in meine Gedanken und Erkenntnisse der letzten Wochen und gebe dir ein ganz persönliches Life Update. Ich teile mit dir, was es für mich heißt meine Wahrheit next level zu leben und die authentischste Version meiner selbst zu leben. In dem letzten Monat und letzte Woche gab es für mich privat und beruflich einige Veränderung und ich teile...
Published 09/13/20
Salaaam habibti, kennst du das Gefühl keine Zeit zu haben? Zu viele To Do's und überhaupt keine Zeit dem ganzen nachzukommen? Es macht sich Panik breit und die Deadline naht? Maybeeeee aber auch nur maybeee hast du einfach kein gutes Zeitmanagement habibti! In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Bilal Erkin, dem Gründer des Muslim Planner und Experte, wenn es um das Thema Zeitmanagement für Muslime geht.  Wir sprechen nicht nur über das Thema Zeitmanagement, sondern auch was Zeit für uns Muslime...
Published 09/03/20
Salaaam habibti,  in dieser Episode geht es darum, warum es in Ordnung sich umzuentscheiden! Ja, I said it. Its okay,  sei es dein Studium, Karriere, Beziehungen und die Richtung in der dein Leben geht.  Du darfst deine Meinung ändern und auch dich!  Was es bedeutet ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu leben, und was Tawakul für eine Rolle spielt bespreche ich mit der lieben Furat. Denn die Furat hat genau das gemacht. Sich umentschieden. In vielen Dingen und sie tut es auf einer selbstbestimmten...
Published 08/27/20
Salaaam Dream.Dua.Do'ler  are you single like a pringle? Ready to mingle? . In this episode I sat down to talk to Shaima Kraba and we talk about how to manifest your dream husband. And yes, she has been there. Constantly making dua, hoping for Prince Charming to come along but it didn't plan. So, she changed her approach, her mindset and overcame her limiting beliefs. It is then, when she did the inner work, and she upgraded her Dua game, that he, yes Mr, dream husband came along. Allahuma...
Published 08/20/20
Salaam meine Lieben,  in der heutigen Episode spreche ich mit Urooba Aslam. Sie ist Psychogin,  Redakteurin bei Basma Magazin und seit neuestem ist sie auch auf Instagram, wo sie  Online Therapie anbietet.  In dieser Episode sprechen wir über das Verlassen der Komfortzone und warum dies so wichtig, um seine Träume zu verwirklichen, und wieso Spiritualität für uns beide im Alltag so wichtig ist. Unter anderem sprechen wir darüber, warum Therapie so ein Tabuthema in unserer muslimischen...
Published 08/13/20
In this Episode I am talking with Ayaan Mohamed. She is a advocate of wellbeing and mental health.  We connected on  instagram and when I heard her story I just had to invite her to share her story with the world. She is a very deeply reflected person, who owns her story in the most authentic way. Her life completely changed when she was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis (MS).   We all face challenges in life, but how do we come out stronger with the help of Allah.  Today we're talking...
Published 08/06/20
Salaaam meine Lieben,  in dieser Folge spreche ich mit der lieben Busenour.  Kennt ihr das? Man hat hat große Ziele: paar Kilos abzunehmen, bessere Leute um sich zu haben, bessere Noten oder auch etwas größeres, wie dein Purpose auf dieser Erde zu finden. Die meisten von uns haben keine Probleme zu träumen. Meistens scheitert es nur bei der Umsetzung.  Darum geht es in diesem Podcast: Wie hat Busenuor es geschafft so viel Gewicht abzunehmen, endlich wahre Freunde zu finden und ihre Noten...
Published 08/06/20
If you’re a muslim woman wanting to level up and create a life you love - DREAM. DUA. DO. is for you. D.D.D is podcast that will inspire you with amazing stories, strategies, tools and DUAS you need to DREAM bigger, raise your DUA, DO more of the things that Allahs has put you on this earth to do! Wether you're a student, or you have a 9-5 job, or a boss babe wanting to empower yourself spiritually and become thereby UNSTOPPABLE... this podcast will help you do it insha allah =) If you are...
Published 08/05/20