Good but not entirely
For intermittent fasting knowledge it is great, not for knowledge about proper nutrition and dieting unfortunately, as it for example recommends using extracted oils and butter for fat intake. I am sorry, but no. This is very outdated perception of someone simply misled by skillful marketing behind olive/coconut oils etc. I am not even going to start butter topic...
ueuegxbwieueg via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 04/05/21
More reviews of Fasting For Life
I’m a lifetime IFr now. I was down 37 lbs within 6 months then maintained which of a miracle. I’m excited with listening to y’all. Common sense to the uncommon lifestyle.
nheraldez via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/01/21
Are these guys actually coaching people?
AZ_Robert via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/13/20
Tragically misinformed re. Low carb/keto. This is how our bodies evolved to eat. Sugar and grains are highly addictive foods that are poisonous to our bodies. We have only been consuming them for the last 30 seconds (out of 24 hours) of our evolutionary history. All the ‘recent’ science is...Read full review »
Ketokween40 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/03/21
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