Welcome to the Layover Fitbrief! These are post trip debriefs on how I manage fitness and nutrition on certain trips. I also talk about fun travel and aircraft facts from things that happen during the trip. These layovers are in JFK and GEO with a 5am call from crew scheduling. This episode takes you from how I managed health and fitness for all 4 days. Also, my first time flying into South America as a pilot.
Published 12/22/22
The true purpose of your core is not about its aesthetics. It's the Stability between your Upper and Lower body and your Spine. Exercising your core in all planes with various movements can prevent tweaks, and injuries. More importantly, provides stability for posture and efficient movement of the limbs. In this episode you'll learn: Importance of a strong core Science of muscle movement and imbalances Where to place your abs routine in your program Different cores exercises to target core...
Published 12/05/22
Captain Tom shares his lifestyle as a B787 Captain and how he maintains optimal health during long haul flights, at home, and over 30+ year career. At 60 years old, Tom shares knowledge and experience to make health part of your lifestyle in a fun entertaining way. Topics talked about include long haul flying, circadian rhythm, resistance training, flexibility, cardiovascular, aviation trends, aviation lifestyle, and much more!
Published 10/28/22
After 5+ years of meal prepping for all my trips, i deliver the answers to the most commonly asked questions by other crewmembers. Even though, the right way of meal prepping is the way that best fits your lifestyle, here are some tips and tricks on how to make your food last you up to a 4 day trip! I share methods of cooking, packing, and what foods last the longest.
Published 10/19/22
Motivation has been one of the most spoken words in the recent years. However, it has influenced one of the most misleading meanings in regards to achieving a goal. But if it's not motivation that gets you to achieve it, then what is it? Discipline? And does one affect the other? This episode covers just that, and a deeper meaning that leads to wanted or unwanted behavior. Your actions highly depend on the meaning behind it, and thus shapes your overall behavior towards that goal.
Published 10/03/22
Shocked by the recent video of a flight attendant getting hit by a passenger, Fernando talks about human behavior and the recent effects it's had on airline crews. On the topic of airline crews, Fernando shares some relief techniques if you are experiencing asymmetric lower back pain.
Published 09/26/22
Season 2 starts off with a nutrition basics episode of what foods may benefit you best while flying. Season 2 is all about educational episodes based on my knowledge and experience as a personal trainer and airline pilot. In this episode, I share some basic knowledge on metabolism and what macronutrients would be metabolized more efficiently while flying. keep in mind it's all about having a balanced diet. A more strict diet should be consulted with a registered dietitian or nutritionist.
Published 09/05/22
On today's episode we get to know the story of Pietro Marsala and how he became the first pilot to receive a First Class Medical with the use of insulin. Pietro's dream of becoming an airline pilot were crushed when he got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, while being a flight instructor. However, after years of his determination along with the great help of Dr. DeVoll (FAA Deputy Flight Surgeon at the time) lead him to achieving his dreams of becoming an airline pilot. As of...
Published 08/24/22
Ricky Rodriguez is today's guest on the podcast! Ricky and Fernando are long time friends who's friendship began with their fathers knowing each other in aviation in Venezuela. Both raised in a family of pilots, they now live the dream of being pilot's themselves and sharing their passion with their family. Ricky's path to aviation comes full circle as he is now a Coast Guard Aircraft Commander on the HC-144B. Ricky also shares how he balanced Coast Guard Academy, and his Basketball career!
Published 07/19/22
Fernando and his girlfriend Jessica share view points, tips, and mindset of balancing health and fitness in aviation. Jessica has a background in kinesiology in which she majored in California State Northridge and shares her experience from before becoming cabin crew and how she adapted to the aviation lifestyle to maintain health in the top of her priority list. Fernando and Jessica also share their hiking Eurotrip experience earlier this month. They describe and share how they made their...
Published 06/23/22
Fernando interviews the founders of Airfare Pouch, a snacking company that's created a positive impact by assembling custom pouches that carry some seriously healthy snacks for travelers. In this episode we learn how Airfare started, what it is now, and the great people that work behind the scenes. Not only do we get to learn about the concept airfare, but also how it has created a positive impact in the aviation industry for crewmembers. Without a doubt Justin and Geremy are two enthusiastic...
Published 06/06/22
On today's show Fernando features airline captain and sim instructor Ben Falk who is on a new journey of taking his fitness to the next level. Growing up as an athlete he has taken habits and molded them to maintain his fitness as part of his routine in the airlines. Even though previous habits of fitness were developed, they talk about how it's still very challenging to transition those habits into the aviation industry. Ben shares with is some of his techniques, describes the fitness...
Published 05/12/22
Fernando shares some of his fitness and relationship advice that he has given to other crews members in the flight deck. Fitness and relationships seem to be the most talked topics in which crew-members engage with Fernando. As NASM certified CPT and RMT certified Intervention coach, he shares some of his knowledge and experience that have helped others before. There are 3 particular fitness and relationship conversations in which he shares in this episode. Fernando's passion isn't only with...
Published 04/21/22
Fernando introduces the podcast with an amazing trip Jessica and him took to Vegas and Zion. As Formula 1 and Moto Gp season started last week, he expresses his excitement on this new season. As for the main topic of this episode, dieting, he talks about the facts, the myths, and the professional positions out there to get a better perspective on what a diet can do for your body. Fernando rather calls his "diet" a nutritional habit, or nutritional lifestyle based on education on the topic....
Published 03/25/22
Fernando talks about overcoming some aviation obstacles through intervention to adhere fitness as part of your routine, or make it part of. Schedule planning, energy management, hotel gym workout, and intervention coaching are talked about in more detail in this episode. As an RMT certified Intervention Coach, I have learned and experienced the the variances of human needs that intervene with health and fitness. Certainty and Variety are two human needs talked about in this episodes to...
Published 03/14/22
Fernando talks about the exciting opportunities pilots are having right now, and that almost everyone is landing their dream airline. He also mentions 2 Netflix shows that him and his girlfriend have been trying to finish for over a year. Most importantly, Fernando addresses a specific muscle group to be exercised for proper posture while sitting in the aircraft.
Published 02/15/22
Fernando talks about the lack of health education in aviation. He shares his idea behind launching FAC podcast, his extended background in fitness, and the purpose for helping crewmembers maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle.
Published 02/15/22