Did you know that one of the reasons most people dont achieve their goals is because they dont make them big enough? In this first episode we meet Dr Nick Krasner, find out why so many people struggle to achieve their goals and learn how to create a big, courageous goal that we really want - no buts about it. Listen as Dr Nick and producer Liv take you through the following steps: 1. Start from a clearing 2. Be courageous and choose a big goal you really want 3. No buts 4. It should be...
Published 02/06/18
Have you ever seen a fully-grown adult throw a tantrum? Yep, even some of the most successful CEOs in the world can give toddlers a run for their money. Dr Nick explains how our past experiences can affect our everyday life and behaviour and how our inner child may be holding us back from achieving our goal. Listen as Dr Nick and producer Liv take you through the following steps: 1. Discover your inner child 2. What are the good parts of your inner child? 3. What are the bad parts of...
Published 02/06/18
Our subconscious mind is being programmed all the time with what we are - and aren't - capable of doing, but did you know that you can learn to control it? In this episode we continue creating a big picture of the future we really want and discover how to reprogram our subconscious mind to create it. Listen as Dr Nick and producer Liv take you through the following steps: 1. Create a picture of your future in your head 2. Combine all your other senses in that picture 3. Rewind to the...
Published 02/06/18
Ok, so we've figured out what we do want - and don't want in life but how do we make sure the right side wins? Dr Nick shares his own, proven techniques to help us fully shed our past belief structures and focus on creating the future weve implanted in our minds. From meditating to specific visualisation techniques, this episode is about making sure the changes we've already worked hard towards stick around for good. Listen as Dr Nick and producer Liv take you through the following...
Published 02/06/18
We've created our goal, shed our past belief structures and reprogrammed our subconscious mind to help us create the future we want. Now, it's time to put those thoughts into practice. Dr Nick explains the theory behind mind seeding: the idea that we need to put our minds in line with our goal before we take practical steps, and offers simple, manageable tips to help us put our big goal into action. Listen as Dr Nick and producer Liv take you through the following steps: 1. List all...
Published 02/06/18
On inventing the lightbulb, Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that wont work". And the same goes for achieving your big goal, too. After following the steps of all the previous episodes, you may find you need to rework the details of your goal, or even that the goal you set in the beginning is no longer the goal for you - and that's ok. In this very last episode, Dr Nick talks about importance of reassessing, making the most of unexpected opportunities,...
Published 02/06/18