In this episode, Hilary interviews Lauren Walker, the author of The Energy to Heal and founder of Energy Medicine Yoga, about the importance of face-to-face human connection in a world where technology and work often lead to isolation. The discussion focuses on the potential health risks of being alone too much and the healing power of in-person meetings, celebrations, and retreats. The palpable energy that arises when we bring our bodies and souls together is explored, with reference to a...
Published 04/19/24
Published 04/19/24
This episode takes a new perspective on the old saying “You’re a space shot.” By revealing the expansiveness of taking up space, the ancient wisdom of spacing out turns out to be a major key to well-being. Discover how the less-than-admirable characteristic of “spacing out” can be a superpower. The idea of being a “space shot” is embraced and celebrated in a positively new way.  Learn more at HilaryCrowley.com where you can book private sessions, track my upcoming events, and join The Good...
Published 04/14/24
This episode explores the powerful distinction between needing a reason to hope and growing fully into your power with unreasonable hope.  Turns out manifesting your best life and the health of the world around you, includes visualizing, doing the work, and carrying through with unreasonable hope.  Hope is the friendly spirit who holds the door open for you…if your hands are full or your body is burdened, the door is being held wide open if you keep hope in your heart. This episode holds some...
Published 03/25/24
Elevate the power of being patient and enjoying the passage of time. We explore how making peace with time is the key to healing and being more kind to yourself. Learning to listen patiently is about creating a more beautiful life every day.  Are you feeling impatient? Are you missing out on the joy of your journey because you don’t trust that time is on your side? This episode brings some energy healing and reflection to highlight the innate patience in your soul. We are all patient but...
Published 02/04/24
This episode is about the power of belonging. Finding a community where you can thrive in all aspects of your life. Humans thrive in togetherness and feel stress in isolation. When we are out of balance, the cornerstones of the community may need more attention. Energy healing is a part of life that belongs everywhere. Celebrate the tremendous resources that arrive when we connect to our life. The Good Energy Healing Club is a natural extension of The Good Energy Healing Show as we weave...
Published 09/23/23
In the work we do to bring health to our mind, body, and soul, sometimes it can be overwhelming (and ironically stressful) to follow all the best practices. This episode is a simple list of three ways to set yourself up for good energy in your daily life - no matter the conditions.  Discover how you can live with confidence and easy gratitude when you acknowledge how blessings are flowing constantly. Embrace the most authentic form of bravery - to not worry about being a fool - In fact, when...
Published 09/09/23
A lively conversation with the founder of Energy Medicine Yoga, Lauren Walker.  We filled this episode with topics of joy, creativity, deep insights on releasing fears, grounding our path, and navigating the pull of nature as a healing force.   Lauren Walker is the author of three award-winning books about energy and physical health including her most recent title, The Energy to Heal. As we hang out as friends in a dynamic discussion, Lauren and I delve into a big chat about the energy field...
Published 09/05/23
One of the easiest ways to reduce stress and up-level your personal development is to stop the programmed belief in perfectionism as something to strive towards. Perfectionism is a misunderstood idea that we can unreasonably control the outcome of anything and everything. Life is a work in progress every day and all day. Being in the flow is not about perfectionism. Enjoy more stories of stumbling and joyful insights realizing that confidence, kindness, and overall thriving are on the other...
Published 06/30/23
This episode is an ode to recognizing the gifts around us. Near or far. Gifts are gathered for personal fortitude or to strengthen your community. Too often, we overlook the abundance of blessings that are right in front of us. Our gifts will heal us forward through every challenge… if we keep seeking them.  Gifts hidden in plain sight can look as simple as a packet of wildflower seeds, or as spell-binding as getting a second chance after losing a friend. This episode inspires us to look up...
Published 05/20/23
This episode is an ode to recognizing the gifts around us. Near or far. Gifts are gathered for personal fortitude, or to strengthen your community. Too often, we overlook the abundance of blessings that are right in front of us. Our gifts will heal us forward through every challenge… if we keep seeking them.
Published 05/20/23
This episode is an intimate look at a case study from Hilary’s practice as an energy healer and natural health intuitive. This adventure is based on Murphy’s goal to access the consciousness of his cancer cells in order to release them. Taken directly from a chapter from The Power of Energy Medicine , Hilary shares her stories and lessons from her sessions with Murphy. On this adventure, Murphy and Hilary both said “yes” to their role in this adventure to experience the obstacles, the...
Published 03/05/23
This episode is an intimate look at a case study from Hilary’s practice as an energy healer and natural health intuitive. Taken directly from a chapter in her book, The Power of Energy Medicine, Hilary shares her stories and lessons from her session with a client named Murphy. This adventure is based on Murphy’s goal to access the consciousness of his cancer cells in order to release the disease from his body.  On this adventure, Murphy and Hilary both say “yes” to experience the obstacles,...
Published 03/05/23
"Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation” is a quote from Campbell himself that connects energy and storytelling to the human essence. This episode offers permission to be non-linear and free to experience all the adventures of your life without strict boundaries. The mono-myth of the hero’s adventure is a set of guideposts to give content and context to our beautifully messy lives.
Published 01/30/23
“Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation” is a quote from Campbell himself that connects energy and storytelling to the human essence.  This episode offers permission to be non-linear and free to experience all the adventures of your life without strict boundaries. The mono-myth of the hero’s adventure is a set of guideposts to give content and context to our beautifully messy lives. Be inspired by...
Published 01/30/23
Returning to the hero’s journey with a new understanding of the power of resting…this episode is an ode to the space between the steps: the waiting, the acclimating, the replenishing, and the power of letting go.  With a renewed understanding of how time allows us to heal, slowing down and resting is an overlooked part of the wheel of the mono-myth of the hero’s journey. This is part of a series of episodes exploring, with fresh eyes, the hero’s journey on the healing path. Based on the good...
Published 11/05/22
Returning to the hero’s journey with a new understanding of the power of resting…this episode is an ode to the space between the steps: the waiting, the acclimating, the replenishing, and the power of letting go. With a renewed understanding of how time allows us to heal, slowing down and resting is an overlooked part of the wheel of the mono-myth of the hero’s journey. This is part of a series of episodes exploring, with fresh eyes, the hero’s journey on the healing path. Based on the good...
Published 11/05/22
In this episode, we take the very first steps of the journey to discover the spirit of “you.” Along the way, you voyage away from the stale and stubborn life of limitation to the extraordinary life.  Right away, there is the choice of refusing the call. But there is also the choice to answer the call with the smallest step forward to begin the cycle of growth, awakening, and revelation.  The word is simply “yes.” “Yes” to bring forth new creations. “Yes” is the opposite of refusing.  “Yes” to...
Published 05/28/22
In this episode, we take the very first steps of the journey to discover the spirit of “you.” Along the way, you voyage away from the stale and stubborn life of limitation to the extraordinary life.  Right away, there is the choice of refusing the call. But there is also the choice to answer the call with the smallest step forward to begin the cycle of growth, awakening, and revelation.  The word is simply “yes.” “Yes” to bring forth new creations. “Yes” is the opposite of refusing. “Yes” to...
Published 05/28/22
This is the beginning of a new series about growing consciousness to live more fully. Crediting Joseph Campbell as a brave teacher who taught about collective belief systems in the late 20th century to awaken everybody to their own adventure. Appearing as stories that share unifying lessons for our human experience, we walk the path of the mono-myth- the cycle of adventure, revelation, and restoration.  This first step is to simply desire to become aware ….relating to the metaphoric story by...
Published 04/23/22
This is the beginning of a new series about growing consciousness to live more fully. Crediting Joseph Campbell as a brave teacher who taught about collective belief systems in the late 20th century. Appearing as stories that share adventures and unify lessons for our human experience, we walk the path of the mono-myth- the cycle of adventure, revelation, and restoration. This first step is to desire to become aware ….relating to the metaphoric story by David Foster Wallace… about a couple of...
Published 04/23/22
When I authored The Power of Energy Medicine, my hope was to create stories and imagery through writing to bring more understand to the healing art of energy work.
Published 01/10/22
Cathedrals, Frogs, Claude Monet and Defying Gravity....When I authored The Power of Energy Medicine, my hope was to create stories and imagery through writing to better show the world  the incredible essence of energy work.  Because the experience is beyond words, I loved the challenge of describing energy through vignettes and subtle metaphors all created from real-life case stories. However, instead of having the answer in my hands now, this book invites the direct question: What Is Energy...
Published 01/10/22
There is peace within us. When we pay attention to all the happenings that occur in  life, we can observe without expectations, good things unfolding. Serendipity means when fortunate things happen that are not planned. Inside of the word Serendipity is the word “serene” — in this episode, the story of a Rottweiler dog, plus another story of a donkey, delves the topic deeper into the understanding of how this beautiful experience of life is weaving together day by day.  Follow me on...
Published 11/02/21
There is peace within us. When we pay attention to all the happenings that occur in life, we can observe without expectations, good things unfolding.
Published 11/01/21