Curious about how AI is shaking up the marketing game? Wondering how to make it your unique edge? In this Passing The Torch episode, we catch up with Michael Taylor on how you grow a career in marketing based on experiments and having to deal with the fact that AI is here to stay. Listen to the best ways to learn how to interact with AI and make it your UVP, as you, as a human.
Published 10/13/23
Published 10/13/23
Creating a company with friends is never easy. Imagine as a couple! In this Passing The Torch episode, we catch up with Jed and Sophia Lazar, the brains behind the Cozy, Juicy, Real game. Learn how they found a way to a common problem and helped connect employees through a fantastic game. Tune in and witness the Lazar duo's undying passion for connecting teams and fostering genuine relationships!
Published 08/29/23
In this Passing The Torch episode, we talk with Faith Storey, a Growth Marketing Manager at Contrarian Thinking and a freelancing evangelist. Faith shares her adventure in the world of mentoring and the best tips on going freelance. Listen to this episode if freelancing has been on your radar and learn how to take the first steps into freedom!
Published 08/10/23
In this Passing The Torch episode, we sit down with Morgan Schoefield, a seasoned marketer, and ex-Ladder. Morgan shares his thoughts on the need for help and how it can be transformed into a desire TO help. He also sheds light on the latest happenings in the blockchain world and how he landed an amazing job opportunity through a call in GrowthMentor.
Published 07/25/23
In this Passing The Torch episode, we chat with Harri Thomas and Vitto Margiotta, serial entrepreneurs and founders of the app Elephants. Harri and Vito took us through the journey of finding people we can work with and trust in order to create new and exciting businesses.
Published 07/19/23
In this episode of Passing The Torch, we have a captivating conversation with Peter Murphy, Vice President of Marketing at Experience Care and a multifaceted entrepreneur. Listen to the episode to learn more about, Peter's fascinating entrepreneurial journey, and the path to his professional growth.
Published 07/19/23
In this Passing The Torch episode, we chat with Hal Zeitlin, founder of Candid Leap, a boutique Webflow agency. Hal shares his entrepreneurial journey, the challenges he's faced, as well as the need and bravery to go and get help before launching his own Webflow agency. Listen to how Hal went from building the marketing of a family deli all the way to founding his own agency.
Published 05/15/23
Being a solo entrepreneur is definitely not something for everyone. You need to hold yourself accountable and adhere to your own deadlines. To truly succeed, you should be the go-to expert in a smaller niche, so you can effectively connect with your audience. That way, you'll build a solid reputation and keep your business thriving. In this GrowthMentor Podcast episode, Timi Orosz, founder of Connect One Marketing, discusses authentic brand positioning for solo entrepreneurs. Timi shares her...
Published 05/04/23
Still figuring out what customer research really means? You're not alone! Customer research can be a bit of a puzzle as it varies between companies, but it remains an interesting and rewarding aspect of the job. What's even more exciting about it? It has the potential to increase customer lifetime value and even generate new sales. In this GrowthMentor Podcast episode, Jason Amunwa, a renowned expert in customer research and experience design, shares his invaluable lessons on guerrilla...
Published 05/04/23
Customer success isn't just customer service—it's way more than that. Think of it as being your customer's reliable ally, helping them rock their goals with your product. In this GrowthMentor Podcast episode, Paula Haunit, the Chief of Staff and Head of Customer Success for Oradian, shares her expertise on all things customer success. Listen to the episode to gain valuable insights from an expert in the field and take your enhance your startup's customer success strategy.
Published 05/04/23
One of the simplest ways to grow your subscription is by playing around with your pricing and subscription length. A lot of companies, especially startups just starting out, often set their prices super low, but that can make growth tricky. So, a really easy way to boost your business is by testing different prices, either decreasing or increasing them. Tune in to this Growth Mentor Podcast episode, to learn more insights about subscription monetization by Eugene Strelets, a Growth Product...
Published 05/03/23
Growing your business doesn't have to be complicated. Seriously, it's easier than ever to use free channels like social media and content creation to build your audience and gain traction. And don't forget about your personal network—it plays a crucial role in your early growth by providing recommendations, endorsements, and partnership opportunities. In this episode of the Growth Mentor Podcast, we sit down with James Hamlin, a fractional CMO and startup advisor, to discuss "How to Grow...
Published 05/03/23
At B2B Enterprise SaaS, great marketing is a combination of things you can measure and things you cannot measure. Smart companies invest in things like brand, content, and having a mission of some sort. In this Growth Mentor Podcast episode, we're diving into the world of B2B Enterprise SaaS with our awesome guest, Andrew Bolis, a top-notch fractional CMO and B2B growth advisor.
Published 05/03/23
During the last few years, things have changed a lot. Businesses have to change too. There are higher customer acquisition costs, meaning that we need to level up the marketing and retention game, increasing the average order value, and lifetime value. In this episode of the GrowthMentor Podcast, we speak with Brian Roisentul, Founder and CEO of BSR Digital, about marketing strategies for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. Brian offers valuable insights into the evolving e-commerce landscape...
Published 05/02/23
Experimentation is really a tool. And like any tool, it can be extremely valuable when you start to put it to good use. Get rid of the idea of having a culture of experimentation and think about experimentation as your tool to implement a culture of learning. In this episode, we chat with Ben Wise, Head of Programmatic Media at Google Canada, about creating a culture of experimentation. Ben dishes out some awesome tips on shifting your focus from experimentation to learning and how that can...
Published 05/02/23
Episode #2 of Passing The Torch We talked to JP Bisson, founder of Geonode, Truely, and many other ventures. We talked about discovering your entrepreneurial soul and how you get ready, grow, and adapt to the journey. Listen to how JP included mentoring not only in his own role but also brought it as an important part of his ventures and companies. Find out more about Geonode and its mission here: https://geonode.com/ Follow our podcast on your favorite channels and subscribe to our YouTube...
Published 04/25/23
Remote work can be an incredibly rewarding and liberating experience, offering flexibility and the freedom to work from anywhere. But, it comes with its own set of unique challenges that need to be navigated with care and consideration. In this GrowthMentor podcast episode, Jason Aiginitis, an experienced digital nomad and remote team leader, shares with us the delightful perks and inevitable challenges of remote work. Tune in to learn more!
Published 04/21/23
When you join a startup, you can’t replicate what you did in a previous business. You may have worked in a similar market or product, and you can draw on the learnings from those experiences. But everything is new! Everything is different! Dive into this exciting podcast episode featuring Lucy Heskins, a seasoned startup marketing and product advisor, as she spills the beans on being the first marketer at a startup.
Published 04/21/23
It is extremely painful to do marketing for early-stage startups and it comes with a lot of patience and perseverance. Something that a lot of founders and a lot of marketers overlook and think this is going to be a cakewalk. But a lot of times it isn't. In this GrowthMentor Podcast episode, brand strategist Sonam Dave shares her insights on marketing for early-stage startups. Listen in to learn how to differentiate your brand, create a compelling tone of voice, and develop a strong...
Published 04/21/23
When it comes to cold email campaigns people don't have a clear idea of how their email content should look like or how many steps it should have. Does this sound familiar? Tune into this engaging podcast episode featuring Sardar Azimov, founder of Skief Labs, as he shares his expertise in crafting high-converting cold email content. Learn from Sardar's experience and pick up valuable tips to improve your cold outreach strategies and boost your startup growth.
Published 04/20/23
When working on a new idea, you have to start with a strong foundation and make sure that the initial customers you are working with are viable. As the startup goes to its different sort of stages, you should keep looking at that equation. Looking at that initial sort of foundation is really critical. Dive into this insightful podcast episode featuring Karim Gargum, an experienced growth and product leader, as he discusses the critical elements of startup growth.
Published 04/20/23
Almost every entrepreneur that Srishti Ellson is meeting is trying to find the biggest possible market they can. That’s so common with early-stage founders. But if you try to start by pleasing everyone, you will probably not going to please anyone. In this insightful podcast episode, Srishti shares her valuable experiences on how to de-risk your startup idea through strategy. Get inspired to embrace experimentation and take strategic risks. This episode is a must-listen for aspiring...
Published 04/20/23
When talking about startups, we tend to focus on company growth. But we don’t talk much about how startup leaders grow tremendously within a year or only a few months. If you look at a regular corporate setup, promotions come every two years, and people have enough time to adjust. Startup leaders do not have this luxury, as they need to move really fast. In this episode, leadership coach and writer Orianne Gambino shares practical tips and valuable lessons for startup leaders to learn how to...
Published 04/20/23
According to Mark Mikhail, Product Marketing Managers are the ultimate showmen and women when it comes to taking products to the market. Kind of like a magician. PMMs help bend a buyer’s reality as to how they think about tackling problems. So if the job is done correctly, customers walk away thinking about the art of the possible, with the solutions that are brought to the market.
Published 04/19/23