When we think about Product Marketing, a part of it is messaging and positioning. As Div Manickam shared with us, this comes down to finding who your customers are, what are their pain points, and what unique differentiation you can offer as a product. So it’s not about features or functionality, because your customers will not translate and understand what you are offering.
Published 04/13/23
Episode #1 of Passing The Torch We talked to Etan Efrati and Jack Zerby from Design for Decks on our pilot episode. We dug into what is essential when finding a mentor and when is the right time for you to look for one. Etan and Jack also told us about their journey of collaborating after their mentoring call and how they built a 6 figure business together. Listen to how they built, tried, tested, and expand their business in this half-hour special. Find out more about Design for Decks...
Published 03/31/23
When dealing with UX and UI you have to use both sides of your brain. The UI is all of the graphics and that’s kind of the artsy side of things And the UX is all of the logical sides of things According to Haley Stracher, CEO of Iris Collaborative, the interesting part is that you are constantly switching between the two sides of your brain.
Published 03/17/23
Are you a startup looking for a faster path to growth? Tired of relying on traditional marketing techniques that just aren’t cutting it? It might be time to try Product-Led Growth! We sat with Konstantin Valiotti and picked his brains on Product-Led Growth for startups.
Published 03/17/23
The No. 1 most important thing about remote work is the idea of intentionality. Everything you do as a remote leader or company has to be intentional. Whether it’s onboarding a new team member, engagement, or L&D. Join Scott Markovits to learn more about remote leadership.
Published 02/14/23
A couple of ground rules that everybody should consider adopting. If the price is an objection, that’s something you can discuss, but if they want to start lowering the price or they complain that for Martin Stellar is an instant no. Punctuality is also very important, indicating a lot about the personality and about the way the process is going to proceed.
Published 02/14/23
How can a revenue operations team maximize your bottom line and integrate all teams within a business? Sarah Harkness is the CEO and co-founder at Cattle Dog Digital and a RevOps expert. She uses revenue operations and growth hacking strategies to reduce businesses’ revenue leakage and drive costs out.
Published 02/09/23
Are users ready to pay to solve this problem? Sometimes the problem exists, but they might not be ready to pay for it. For example, there are a lot of fitness apps that are good to have but face this problem. In this episode, Aliya is sharing with us her Product-Market Fit experiences.
Published 02/07/23
Ever wondered if your business could benefit from a fractional CMO? Thinking you need some expert marketing help to meet your goals, but lacking the budget to hire full-time? Kasey Bayne is here to help you. Get an insight into the world of fractional CMOs and how they could help you grow.
Published 02/02/23
Omni-channel marketing is where you're working towards effective processes and systems that complement each other. Whether you're e-com, SaaS or web-3 or brick-and-mortar, there are really three variables that go into this. It's your audience, your creative, and most important, your offer. As Joe Casanova highlighted, marketing is not selling. You're putting the right offer in front of the right audience at the right time because even your best customer is not your best customer all the...
Published 01/24/23
By having a good discovery process you can be more confident you are building the right thing. A lot of time, energy and money can be spent building the wrong thing that might not be right for your target audience. And you might be targeting the wrong market. That is wasted energy and effort, your business cannot afford.
Published 01/17/23
In startups, effective leadership goes way beyond the KPIs. Great leaders play a role in the long-term growth of team members. Great leaders aren’t afraid to lose people from their team when they realize they have outgrown them. They can tell people they can do so much more. Join Ammarah Ahmed in this episode to learn more about leadership in startups.
Published 01/10/23
We tend to want perfection. And in the tech world that really gets on the way. Decisions will always be imperfect. Amazon has a great metaphor for this - A “one-way” door is whenever you make a decision and you can’t revert it - A “two-way” door is a decision you make and can be reverted In latter case, as Eduardo Thuler shared with us, taking decisions faster and learning is more important than the quality of the individual decisions.
Published 01/03/23
Here is a question. How do you focus on actions that make an impact? Rather than making a lot of actions Ophir Gadot shared with us an insider view to his life as an entrepreneur and CMO at Furlough
Published 12/27/22
The most common misconception about growth hackers is that they only care about: 🤥  money 🤥  more money 🤥  and conversions According to growth hacker Simone Righini, tricks and tools can’t take you far, unless: 🤝 you build a great team 🤝 sharing a clear unique value proposition, and 🤝 working towards the company’s north star
Published 12/20/22
Here are some Product-Led Growth misconceptions: 1) Product-Led Growth is not as new as people might think, the label is new 2) It’s also harder to implement than the majority of people think Here are some PLG traps: - neglecting how much time is required to transition to Product-Led Growth - sales leading the transition to Product-Led Growth
Published 12/13/22
Jobs to Be Done framework is not just something that helps your organization in terms of honing in your marketing message and also with product. According to Kristie Holden, it transforms your entire organization. Across from QA, Technical Support, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Product. The whole idea is about removing the guess-work, and instead of building something or doing something and hoping it will work, you know it will work because you've done that initial...
Published 12/06/22
👉 “Which marketing channel should we put more money into and which should we cut back on?”* 👉 “How much did that last campaign we launched generate in revenue for us?”* 👉 “Which feature should our development team work on next to increase our growth most?”* 👉 “Which customers is our product resonating with and how do we find more like them?”* If you can already answer these types of questions with the proof to back up your claims, you’re in great shape. If you can’t, however, then one of...
Published 11/29/22
Here is a paradox about startup home pages The hero section is confusing and not informative (no surprises here) But if you go to the last third of your home page, in many cases you can find resonating messages Here is a “hack” by Sam Howard Grab them and move them to the hero section to hopefully see bounce rates go down, and time on page go up
Published 11/22/22
Pricing is NOT just a financial exercise It’s also not the result of heavy data analysis In fact, when talking about B2B SaaS, even at growth stage, pricing is part of your value proposition. As Aggelos Mouzakitis emphasized, let’s not confuse pricing for startups with pricing for enterprises. For startups, pricing is a purely Go To Market exercise.
Published 11/15/22
Here is something that many founders do spontaneously. How do you choose what business to build? 👉  random, coming into the attention of the team 👉  niche problems, in industries the founders understand 👉  excitement, following shiny objects As Iraklis mentioned, the type of business you start or operate will impact the lifestyle you will be able to adopt.
Published 11/08/22
Many startups still don’t get Product-Led Growth. They’re investing too early. The question is simple: do you have Product-Market Fit? If you have Product Market Fit and you know what success means, it’s time to look for opportunities in your model: is product-led right for you? Join Diego von Söhsten to learn more.
Published 11/01/22
There are two things that people don’t know or do with growth experiments 1) a pre mortem on the outcomes In Chase Mohseni’s experiences, 10% of the experiments meet the expectations of the best case scenario By analysing the worst-case scenario, you can take into account the lessons learnt and retool based on that. 2) quantitative experiments, instead of experiments that have been based to customer input Talking to customers is the least scalable but most impactful way to rightsize the...
Published 10/25/22
Tactic-Led Approaches We tend to find things we like e.g. a podcast or demand gen (or other shiny objects) And then we try to make them fit in the mix But… what’s wrong with this? We should be looking at where we want to go, and reverse-engineer how we will get there That’s how we should be choosing our tactics Eventually, when being Tactic-Led, the tactic becomes the goal rather than the actual goal
Published 10/18/22
Humberto has seen several startups getting off the ground without collecting data at all But gut feeling is not scalable You don’t need a Customer Data Platform to get started But it will definitely help you along the way
Published 10/11/22