Are you tired of doing everything at home and wish your husband would step up as a partner so you can finally have time for self care and want to hang out with him? In this episode of The Marriage and Motherhood Podcast, I dive into how to finally create the kind of partnership you want in your home so that you two can work as a team and navigate life together as a solid team. Tune in to hear me dive into: - why you need more support - why you might not be getting the support you need - 4...
Published 01/23/24
Like effective communication, financial literacy is often a life lesson that people don't know about unless their parents taught them how. If you didn't grow up with financially savvy parents and want to set your family up for success, then this episode is for you! In this episode, I chat with Eileen Joy, Money Coach For Moms and the founder of Money School for Moms where she shares: - How your money story can affect your marriage and kids - How important it is to talk more openly about...
Published 01/18/24
Do you struggle to speak up in your marriage because you're afraid of rocking the boat, not knowing what to say or worried about what might happen when you speak up then this episode is for you! In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I dive into why it's important for you to speak up and share how you feel and what you need and how you can overcome your fear of doing it so your marriage can have more transparency. In this episode, I share: - Why avoiding conflict can...
Published 01/16/24
It's January, the month where you come up with your goals and action plan on how to achieve those goals. January 12th has been marked as Quitter's Day, the day that a lot of people give up on their goals but because you're listening to this episode, I'm hoping you'll give pause to the thought of quitting and silence your internal nay sayer because in this episode, I chat with Maria Maldonado about how to elevate our goals through visualization. In this episode we dive into the importance of...
Published 01/11/24
Communication can only become more open and deepen your emotional intimacy if you are a safe space for your partner. As parents, we try hard to be a safe space for our kids, even when it seems easier to react to how they're behaving but a lot of couples have a more challenging time being that for our partner. In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I dive into how important it is to be a safe space in your marriage if you desire growth for your marriage. In this episode, I...
Published 01/09/24
Wondering how to give your marriage a complete turnaround this year? The first step to seeing progress in your marriage is knowing what to work on. In this episode of The Marriage and Motherhood Podcast, I share my approach to continuous improvement in my marriage and how my new Marriage 360 Review workbook is exactly what you need to get the clarity you need to set your marriage up for its next chapter. In this episode, I discuss: - the importance of continuous improvement in marriage - why...
Published 01/04/24
Has marriage felt exponentially more challenging after kids? The laughter and playfulness between you two have been replaced with responsibilities and planning logistics. The late night talks have been replaced with late night arguments. If you've ever felt like your marriage has become more challenging since having kids, this episode is for you! In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, we're discussing: - why marriage feels hard - the common saying "marriage is hard" -...
Published 12/28/23
If you've ever thought "I don't have time or energy for fun" or even "I don't remember  how to have fun" ever since you've become a mom, then this episode is for you! In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I chat with Tara Moler about why moms NEED to have more fun. In the episode, we dive into: - Why it's essential for moms to have fun - What is fake fun vs. REAL fun - What 3 elements you need to experience to create fun - How to increase the odds of you having...
Published 12/21/23
As kids, we look forward to the holidays. No school, time to sleep in and... presents! But as parents, the holiday season can bring on a lot of stress as well as arguments with your partner. In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share my personal experience around the holidays and the shifts I've made that have improved my experience of the holiday season leading to a more connected and joyful time with my family. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the holidays and want...
Published 12/19/23
Have you noticed that life just feels overwhelming ever since you had kids? Maybe you're more on edge, more serious, and constantly needing a break from life... or maybe you need a glass of wine each night to unwind? In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, Ashlee Livingstone  joins me to share how breathwork (aka intentional breathing) has helped her calm the chaos in life and how you can do it too. In this episode, we dive into: - what breathwork is - how powerful...
Published 12/14/23
Have you settled into parenthood and find yourself only giving your marriage the bare minimum when it comes to connecting? Watching a show or Netflix has become the go to way couples connect after they have kids. But is watching Netflix enough? How do you know if your marriage needs more than just Netflix? In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, we tackle the signs that indicate your marriage may need more than just Netflix to thrive. If you the romance feels like...
Published 12/12/23
Did you know that your feelings and emotions aren't the same thing? Understanding this difference played a HUGE role in transforming communication in my marriage and I seriously wish I learned this earlier! In this episode, you'll hear me dive into: the difference between emotions and feelingsthe impact your past experiences have on the way you feelhow to navigate conflict more effectivelyResources mentioned on this episode: - Marriage Communication Essentials course - learn the communication...
Published 12/05/23
If it seemed easier for you to feel connected with your husband before having kids, this one mistake could be the reason why. As soon as couples become parents, the responsibilities grow exponentially and they start doing things for each other and forget or deprioritize to do things with each other. As parents, the shift from spontaneous date nights to navigating the challenges of adulting and parenting is real. Tune in as we explore the difference between completing tasks and nurturing...
Published 11/28/23
The holiday season is here, and for moms, it often brings a lot of stress. This time brings a lot of joy, magic, and family bonding, but the pressure to create the perfect celebration can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explore 3 strategies from a seasoned mom of 4 and Time Momager, Marisa Lonic, to help you navigate the holidays with ease and embrace the true spirit of the season. Marisa Lonic is a certified intuitive life & business coach, keynote speaker, 3x author, top-rated...
Published 11/21/23
Are you ready to have a strong marriage? In this episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, we're uncovering common relationship mistakes moms are making that are getting in the way of their marriage from becoming what they hoped for pre-kids.  In this week's episode, you'll hear: the #1 mistake that most moms make that affects their relationship and their home a common trap many couples fall into when they try to connect after becoming parents the must-have skill all couples need...
Published 11/14/23
Is your marriage feeling the impact of the challenges that come with parenthood?   Parenthood doesn't have to mean the end of your love story. Parenthood is just the start of a new chapter in your marriage. Your marriage can have that spark even while you're raising kids.   Don't let yourself get jaded or believe that marriage has to be hard after you become parents. You can learn how to balance love and parenting and make your marriage even better than you imagined. Parenthood was never...
Published 11/07/23
You all know by now how important it is to care for yourself when you're a mom and the impact it can have on who you're being to your loved ones and this episode we're taking a look at self care with a slight twist because we'll be diving into the importance of self care for caregivers, not just in the sense of being a parent but also being a caregiver to aging or ill parents. In this episode, I got to chat with Erin Antroinen. Erin is the passionate owner and CEO of NextGen Caregivers,...
Published 10/31/23
After becoming parents, couples begin to face a lot of challenges around being able to resolve conflict together as a team and ending fights.   They struggle with communicating and the arguments seem neverending because they don't know how to do it successfully and productively, and just end up sweeping it under the rug and then move on with life because there's always some chore to be done or a kid to help.   And then unsurprisingly, the same issue comes back up. So marriage feels...
Published 10/24/23
One of the most common things women are telling me these days is that they want to feel more heard by their husbands. They want to feel like their spouse is listening to them, taking to heart what they're saying, and acting on the feedback they're receiving so that they can feel like they're supported in their marriage. Feeling heard is needed in order to deepen the intimacy with your partner and knowing how to set the stage for both people in the relationship to feel heard is pivotal. In...
Published 10/17/23
When you're a mom, self care tends to only happen when it's convenient - when you have the time, when you have the energy, and when you remember to. And we have it completely backwards when it comes to that! That's like expecting the car to move without putting any gas in it. Our self care is our gas and in this week's episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Allie Mirosevic. Allie is a wife, mom of two, and entrepreneur living in Los Angeles. She is the founder of Bliss'd, a...
Published 10/10/23
Have you ever thought about how self care impacts how you experience conflict?   Most couples believe that the difference between arguments that end quickly and those that don't depend on the specific issue.   The truth is that we have more control over the likelihood of successful conflict resolution than we give ourselves credit for.   The way we communicate and react to conflict has everything to do with self care.   In this episode, I dive into: what it means if communication...
Published 10/03/23
Do you ever feel like you are just ONE moment away from needing to curl up into a ball and just cry because you're feeling overwhelmed by marriage, motherhood, work, and just LIFE? As women we have so many expectations put on us and then have even MORE put onto us once we become moms. It's seriously no wonder why so many moms out there experience burnout which is exactly why I wanted to share the one question I've learned to ask myself whenever I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my...
Published 09/26/23
Motherhood can be so beautiful and also so overwhelming and consuming. Most moms I've talked to have experienced losing their sense of self and battled with figuring out how to care for their family as well as themselves. While majority of our generation didn't grow up with an example of how to do that, we are now trying to figure out our way of doing things so that we can balance motherhood with our womanhood. In this episode, I chat with Christine Anastasia to discuss why moms need to...
Published 09/19/23
We often think of self care as something we do that we get to indulge in like spa days or a day out with friends. But as busy moms, this isn't always convenient or possible because of time, money or childcare. So does this mean we have to feel burned out between the times we can make it happen? NO! In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I dive into: what REAL self care is and redefining how we think of self care what REAL self care looks like the benefits of...
Published 09/11/23
So many couples out there share that the connection in their marriage has declined since becoming parents. The shift in focus puts a huge toll on the relationship and couples are sometimes realizing it too late. If you're wanting to make sure your marriage can stand the test of parenthood and time, then you'll definitely want to tune into this episode! In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share: What comes first - your husband or your kids What can happen as...
Published 09/05/23