 It’s the season finale of The Sales Feed Show!  Raj and Tyler talk with Hannah Ajikawo about why most sellers' approach to discovery is dead wrong. 💀 Find out how Hannah is breathing life into the discovery process with her simple, buyer-centric framework. Listen to how it plays out and then try it for yourself. Tune in to learn Hannah’s discovery framework, play a game of Last Word, First Word, and have a few laughs along the way. This episode is brought to you by Vidyard.  Keep the...
Published 07/05/23
Published 07/05/23
There’s a tech tool for everything from prospecting to deal management and beyond. But in a declining economy, sales leaders have had to make drastic cuts to sales tech stacks, asking sellers to do more with less.  On this episode of The Sales Feed Show, we’re joined by our friends from Sales Hacker, Marciela Ross (Head of Content) and Colin Campbell (Head of Community) to discuss their latest State of the Sales Tech Stack Report. We’ll take a deep dive into their findings, including which...
Published 06/21/23
The sales rep / manager relationship doesn’t have to be fraught, filled with fights, or 4-letter words that start with F. Instead it can be fun, fruitful, and filled with F yeahs! That’s what Sales Development Rep, Sachin Sharma and his manager, Kayla Cytron-Thaler not only believe, but are living every single day. In this episode of The Sales Feed Show, we talk to Sachin and Kayla about how to make the working relationship between sales reps and their managers actually work, and we’ll put...
Published 06/07/23
You can only do your very best work when you’re willing to do what you and only you can do. If you’re trying to fit into someone else’s mode, the very best you can be is mediocre. According to guest, Jeff Bajorek, this is what it means to rethink the way you sell and finally sell like you. Jeff is a sales trainer who wants you to throw out what sales trainers tell you (well maybe keep it in your back pocket) , and listen to your instincts PLUS we’ll play a game of Sales Golf with Raj...
Published 05/24/23
If you’re paying attention to the recent advancements in AI technology, you may be wondering… how will it affect my role as a seller? And if you watch too much sci-fi you may even be wondering if you’re about to be replaced by a robot. Sales Feed’s resident AI expert, Jesse Ariss doesn’t think you need to worry just yet. In fact, he believes AI should be your new sales sidekick, with it's potential to be the most powerful tool in your sales tool kit.  Listen in to find out how you can start...
Published 05/10/23
Buzzwords aren’t all the buzz.  What if you could break through the jargon, past the long-winded explanations, and deliver something memorable and impactful in just a few seconds? This week’s guest is Eden Bidani, a conversion copywriter and messaging strategist, who believes the real buzz is in creating your UPS, or Unique Positioning Statement. A UPS not only captures your prospect’s attention, but gets them interested in taking that demo or simply hearing more.  If you can get your...
Published 04/26/23
Today's tech scene is bananas.  Colleagues are being laid off left and right. Resources you once relied on are now a luxury. Then you combine hesitant buyers with unprecedented pressure from the top and it's no wonder why Manny Medina (CEO, Outreach) said "mindset" is the #1 thing that will set great reps apart this year.  But how do you maintain a resilient mindset amidst all this change?  Alyssa Kropp is on The Sales Feed Show today to teach us some techniques from her experience as an...
Published 04/12/23
If you don’t understand human behavior, and which category of human behavior your customers, champions, and colleagues fall into, you might feel like you're the only one making sense. This week’s guest is Thomas Erikson, best-selling author of the book, "Surrounded By Idiots". He proposes that every personality falls into color categories. If you can spot and understand the personality colors around you, you can adjust your communication style accordingly and have more success as a...
Published 03/29/23
Just as we felt like we were finding our groove, the sales game done changed.  Shifting market conditions, an explosion of new technology, and all of sudden not only do sellers have a whole lot more on their plate, but buyers have a whole different baseline for decision-making. Our guest, Laxman Papineni, believes the “R” word, in reference to market conditions, doesn’t have to be scary with the help of technology to do the heavy lifting. The more sellers can adapt accordingly, the better we...
Published 03/15/23
How you show up determines how you’ll sell, but showing up doesn’t just mean sharp clothes, makeup, or combed hair. Showing up means coming to the table with the right questions. You can’t get the answers you want if you don’t know how to ask. And knowing what you want to ask impacts what kind of prep you do. This is where your true brilliance lives. Today’s guest, AmyK, is here to help you Get it! by understanding what to ask, when to ask it, and how to ask it. PLUS AmyK takes on Raj in “Did...
Published 03/01/23
Episode summary Decision-making isn’t an art, it’s a SCIENCE. And as with all scientific principles, there are fundamental laws that govern its behavior. Today’s guest, Moeed Amin, believes you should spend less time learning how to sell, and more time studying how buyers buy. The better you understand the neuroscience behind decision-making, the closer you are to a new customer.  We’ll knock on his Proverbial Door, see what’s behind the looking glass, and feel the gravity of the science...
Published 02/15/23
Every customer has a story. How you talk about past customers to new prospects determines if they’ll become the customers you then talk about to future prospects. If they’re not buying what you’re saying, good luck getting them to buy what you’re selling! Today's guest, JoAnn Martin, is here to remind you that buyers are also humans, and humans need a good story. We’ll take this book cover to cover with JoAnn and see if she can survive Choose Your Own Adventure: Sales Feed Edition, on this...
Published 02/01/23
Episode summary You’re not making any sense! At least that’s what your buyers think. In fact, when making a purchase decision, buyers spend less than 20% of their time actually talking to sales reps. Which means you’ve got to make every minute count. So how are you using those minutes? Are you a giver, a teller, or are you a sensemaker? Shari Levitin, believes you NEED to be a sense maker, if you want to win the bag and make dollars and cents. We try to make sense of it all on this...
Published 01/18/23
Episode summary Everything is content. From the video you post to Linkedin, to the blog on your company’s website, but also the outbound phone call you make and the cold email you write. The more you can approach your outreach from a content creation perspective, the more success you’ll have. That’s what Devin Reed believes. And with a content lens on outreach, Devin says there’s a very specific structure you can follow to write a cold sales email that actually converts. How? We’ll put the...
Published 01/04/23
Episode summary What’s more important than selling your product? It just might be helping your buyers buy. Today’s buyers are often overwhelmed by information overload, decision complexity, and implementation uncertainty. It all leads to a lack of confidence in their own ability to make the right decision, and to realize the value being promised by the seller. This in turn, leads to the dreaded status quo ‘no decision.’ But what if, instead of focusing so much on closing the deal, sellers...
Published 12/14/22
Episode summary Wouldn’t it be easier to close a deal if your prospect’s boss (or better yet, their CEO) was breathing down their neck, insisting they need to buy a solution like yours right NOW? This may sound like a fantasy script optioned by Hulu for an 8-episode mini series, but marketing legend Andrew Davis argues that it is possible for elite sellers to create this type of internal demand to buy, and buy now. In fact, he believes that by answering Rarely Asked Questions (RAQs) coming...
Published 11/30/22
Episode summary Words are our emissaries. They carry important messages. They build our stories. And they make us who we are. So says marketing maven Ann Handley in the new edition of her bestselling book, Everybody Writes. She believes that a simple formula of Utility x Inspiration x Empathy can make every seller a better writer, and much more likely to pique the interest of would-be customers. She also believes that the key to standing out is to develop your own unique voice - carried by...
Published 11/17/22
Episode summary Trigger Templates are a brilliant way to construct your outbound prospecting messages.  By focusing on the key pains of your prospects, they help you craft a more impactful message. But more importantly, by tying them to discrete ‘urgency drivers,’ they help you target those prospects that are most likely to take action, with a message that is truly relevant and timely. This is an approach that Bryan Mulry lives and breathes every day as a Sales Development Rep at Salesloft....
Published 11/02/22
Episode summary In sales, you should never discount without getting something in return. This is a topic that Todd Caponi speaks passionately about under what he calls Transparent Negotiations. Todd believes that playing the “go in with a high to barter down to your actual price” move is dishonest, that modeling negotiations off FBI hostage scenarios is unrealistic, and lowering your price just because they asked is the best way to start a bad relationship. He believes the negotiation...
Published 10/19/22
Episode summary The customer is always right. Right? Wrong. The customer must be challenged, especially when there’s a group of buyers involved. Jen Allen is the Chief Evangelist at Challenger – a global leader in sales training, technology, research, and consulting, and the team behind the best-selling book, The Challenger Sale. She believes that to challenge is to create champions, and champions are what drive forward a sale. Find out how you can apply the Challenger method to get buying...
Published 10/19/22
Episode summary B2B sales is the absolute worst. Unless you use subtle techniques and some creative ideas to sell more, reliably. This is something we believe in passionately at Sales Feed. And we know that with the right inspiration, you can crush your quota AND have a ton of fun along the way. But what are those tips and techniques that have the biggest impact on your success Can you as a salesperson learn creative new ideas from experts in psychology, human behavior, and even *gasp*......
Published 10/18/22