It's hard to believe 2023 is coming to an end already, and I know it has been quite the roller coaster ride for many of us in the TPT seller community. We must learn to ride the waves and continue with resilience on the business ownership journey. As the year ends, it's been the perfect time to reflect on all the lessons we've all learned and where we're heading in 2024. This last episode of 2023 is about gaining perspective, staying strong, and being the savvy teacher sellers I know we all...
Published 12/26/23
Where do you stand when using AI for your TPT business? Maybe you’ve tried it and got frustrated or thought it took your personality out of your content. No matter how you feel about AI, today’s episode will give you a new way to use it without losing your voice! Our guest today, Brittany Long, is the queen of the evergreen, the genius behind The AI Copy Club, and a former award-winning educator. Brittany understands the TPT world and gives her best tips to use AI for TPT sellers to better...
Published 12/19/23
As TPT sellers, it's all about finding tools to help us work smarter, not harder. Today, I'm borrowing an idea from the iconic Oprah! I'm sharing all of my favorite things as a teacher-seller. You'll learn about the tools of the trade I use daily, including physical products, apps, tools that keep me productive and save me time, and other podcasts that you should be listening to as you grow your business. There is something for everyone in this episode and it's just in time to create your...
Published 12/12/23
As TPT Sellers, overcoming the cycle of only working in your business but not on it can be challenging. One way to shift to focusing on working on your business is to implement CEO weeks. Our guest today, Laura Kåmark, was tired of feeling overwhelmed trying to do everything in her business and decided she needed to make a change. She created time to dedicate to these tasks using her CEO Weeks strategy. In today’s episode, Laura and I share this process with you and how you can implement...
Published 12/05/23
As TPT sellers, we are always looking for what's next in business, and the next step often involves creating courses or memberships. These next steps allow you to diversify your income while serving the same audience. But how do you choose which course platform will be best for you? I had the same question when going down the course creation path. Luckily, I did the hard work for you and tried them all. This allowed me to learn the ins and outs of each course platform, and now I get to share...
Published 11/28/23
Are you tired of burning the candle from both ends? As TPT sellers, juggling many roles is common, and finding flow as an entrepreneur can be challenging. One way to find flow in your business is to learn how to work with your body and cycle instead of against it. Our guest, Tiffany Souhrada, is a productivity mentor, tech strategist, and certified period coach. Her mission is to tackle the taboo and bring more flow into our lives as entrepreneurs. She helps her clients channel the strengths...
Published 11/21/23
There are a few things in my business that I can look back and say, “I wish I did that sooner”. One of those things is writing an email welcome sequence. A welcome sequence, otherwise known as a nurture sequence, introduces your business, builds trust, sets clear expectations, and offers your audience quick wins. Once I created my email welcome sequence, I saw more email replies, more clicks, and more sales for things that I promote in my emails. This transformation showed me how important...
Published 11/14/23
You probably hear the word “funnel” thrown around a lot in the online business space. It might even be one of those terms that you feel like you’re supposed to understand, but you actually have no idea what it means. So, what is a funnel anyway? To put it simply, a funnel is a path that we use to guide potential customers through that converts them from browsers (or scrollers!) to buyers. I’ll explain more about what a funnel is, how it can benefit your TPT store, and how to create a funnel...
Published 11/07/23
🧟‍♀️  We’re getting into the Halloween spirit today by taking a close look at your zombie resources on TPT. If you’re wondering what a zombie resource is, they’re those resources that were once popular but are now outdated and collecting cobwebs inside your store. It’s time to bring them back to life! I’m sharing reasons why some of your resources may “go zombie” and how to assess whether a resource is even worth reviving. Plus, you’ll gain valuable tips and tricks for refreshing the design,...
Published 10/31/23
I recently had a listener share a story about someone they knew who faced a lawsuit due to their website not meeting ADA compliance standards. It quickly reminded me of how crucial it is for all business owners to ensure their websites are accessible to everyone. This listener story is why I’ll be breaking down exactly what ADA compliance is and practical tips on how to make your website accessible. While achieving 100% ADA compliance may be a challenge, every step you take toward...
Published 10/24/23
As TPT sellers, finding ways to make your store stand out from others is important. One way to do this is to find a niche you specialize in. Or, even better, find a niche within your niche, like our guest Ashley Rossi! Ashley has found great success in her SLP niche on TPT, focusing on a literacy-based approach to speech therapy. Today she shares her story with us, including how she organically grew her audience over the years and serves them with valuable content. With the current...
Published 10/17/23
If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure about how to approach creating a new product, this episode is for you. I’ve put together a TPT product creation checklist that will help you streamline your product creation process and ultimately boost your sales. We’ll cover the importance of market research, creating a product outline, design and layout, SEO, quality control, pricing strategies, and more. Plus, I’ll share what to look for when it’s time to re-evaluate your product after it’s gone...
Published 10/10/23
Let’s go ahead and address the obvious. TPT sales are down right now for a lot of sellers. But guess what? Your hands are not tied. There are things we can do to increase sales. We just may need to get a little creative with our strategies in order to get more eyes on your TPT products. I have eight strategies to share with you today that will help you amp up the traffic coming to your store. Even if you’re a veteran seller and feel like you’ve tried all the things, I’ll bet that there will...
Published 10/03/23
Let’s look at a roadblock that every TPT seller has faced at some point - when those products in our stores just aren’t converting. We’ve all looked at our dashboards wondering why a great resource isn’t selling as well as it should be. I’m sharing the top five reasons your TPT product isn’t converting and providing you with straightforward fixes to turn things around. From bad-quality thumbnails to missing previews and ineffective product descriptions, we’ll address it all. Plus, you’ll...
Published 09/26/23
You may have found that it’s often a better use of your time to optimize and update your current TPT listings rather than constantly cranking out new resources. Well, the same is true for your existing blog posts. If you have an SEO strategy plan, updating old blog posts can bring in traffic faster than creating new ones. If you have no idea where to start when it comes to implementing an SEO strategy, you’re in the right place. I have a step-by-step process to help you identify which blog...
Published 09/19/23
Have you ever seen a new review pop up for one of your resources and felt an anxious knot in your stomach? With TPT feedback comes a roller coaster of emotions. When the reviews are positive, it’s the best feeling in the world. But when you see those negative reviews, it’s the total opposite. The truth is, getting reviews (whether they are negative or positive) is a part of our business that we have to deal with. Sometimes it has absolutely nothing to do with our actual resources, and...
Published 09/12/23
It’s no secret that it’s a tough season on TPT right now. For many of us, sales are way down and that can quickly lead to feelings of frustration, stress, and TPT seller burnout. Trust me, I am experiencing the effects of this as well, with my own sales down. However, I’m here to provide you with strategies and insights to help you stay motivated and navigate through these difficult times. While our store earnings might not be ideal right now, that doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the...
Published 09/05/23
Subscriber-only episode Is there anything worse as a TPT seller than finding one of your products posted online, free for the whole world to download? Maybe finding that another TPT seller has swiped a product and created their own version of it. In this Insiders episode, I break down the when, why, and how of sending a takedown notice that gets results. Get the inside scoop on making sure your intellectual property stays yours—legally and effectively. Check the show notes on the...
Published 09/01/23
As teacher authors, most of us are ‘accidental entrepreneurs’ and did not have any experience in business before creating our TPT stores. That’s why we are always learning about how we can not only scale our business, but also protect it. Today we’re delving into arguably one of the most important things that we should have an understanding of: copyright & trademark for TPT sellers. You’ll hear all about how to navigate the world of intellectual property so that you have the tools to...
Published 08/29/23
Subscriber-only episode In this episode, I'm talking about one of my favorite things: Automations! Specifically, what we can automate in our TPT businesses. We all know that time is precious, and this episode is all about working smarter, not harder. Listen in for three areas you can automate to save a ton of time and energy as a TPT seller!   *If you signed up for STS Insiders & are not able to hear the episode, look for an email from Buzzsprout (the podcast host) that's titled "Thanks...
Published 08/25/23
As a TPT seller, I know you’re constantly looking for ways to improve your product creation strategies. Sometimes learning from our mistakes can be the best way to move forward and scale our sales. Last week, in episode 60, I shared a big mistake that sellers often make when creating TPT products. This week, you’ll hear four more product creation mistakes that you’ll want to avoid in the future. I can speak from experience when I say that avoiding these pitfalls will set you up for success...
Published 08/22/23
Subscriber-only episode Listen in as Kristen shares her expert advice on how to choose SEO keywords and get traffic to your products when you're in a highly competitive niche on TPT. In this episode, we review two listener-submitted TPT products that are struggling to climb the search results. Want your product audited by Kristen? You can submit a product on our Insiders members-only page at the link below, and listen out for it on an upcoming STS Insiders episode! *If you signed up for...
Published 08/18/23
There’s always a cost when it comes to TPT product creation, whether that’s your money or your time. So let’s avoid getting stuck on the same details time and time again that drag out our projects WAY longer than they need to be. You know how it goes. You’re searching for new fonts, colors, and clipart for every new product that you create. Suddenly hours have passed by and you’ve made zero progress on actually getting the product created. Little by little, these time wasters really chip...
Published 08/15/23
Subscriber-only episode This Insiders-only episode tackles the listener submitted question of when it's best to retire existing products. I'm sharing 3 times you should consider retiring a product, the difference between deleting and deactivating, and a fail-proof way to know which is best for the product you're considering. *If you signed up for STS Insiders & are not able to hear the episode, look for an email from Buzzsprout (the podcast host) that's titled "Thanks for supporting!"...
Published 08/11/23
How do you even begin to prioritize everything that is on your to-do list as a busy TPT seller? You want to grow your sales but only have so many hours in the day…so where do you focus your energy? I’m taking the guesswork out of everything and telling you EXACTLY how to prioritize your TPT tasks based on where you are in your seller journey. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned TPT seller with a full catalog of resources, I’ve got you covered. Depending on your level of...
Published 08/08/23