Are you tired of the overwhelm that comes with racing thoughts? If so, I get it! Luckily, there are mental boundaries that you can set in order to renew your mind and live life without all of the baggage that you have held onto.  Join me today as I dive into why we need to get to the root of our racing thoughts, the importance of getting our thoughts out regularly, and how feeding our minds with the truth of the Bible can support us in making better decisions. I am here to support you on this...
Published 11/20/23
What happens when one of your God-sized dreams comes to fruition? In this episode of The Christian Mindset Coach, I am sharing with you what I learned about dreams from my trip to Italy! Join me as I reflect on my 10-day trip including how I dealt with my inner critic when it came up, why it is important to touch base with God around our dreams, and how Italy changed how I want to show up in my life. If you want to go for your dreams but aren’t sure where to start, I would love to help you...
Published 11/13/23
Have you ever found yourself trying to control God’s plan for you or felt stuck and unable to take the first step toward your God-sized dreams? These are two very common obstacles when pursuing our dreams but they do not have to be our reality.  In this episode of The Christian Mindset Coach, I am sharing some insights to help you overcome these obstacles so you can go for your dreams! My hope is that you’ll see how important it is to allow and trust God to help you pursue them. If you are...
Published 11/06/23
Ready to learn more about goal planning after last week’s episode? Today we are continuing the conversation around goal setting by answering a few questions such as “How do we know if a dream is from God? “What do we do if we can’t see past our everyday life?” and “How do we take the next steps towards the God-sized dream we feel within us?”  I also invite you to my Goal Setting Workshop where we will dream big while also honoring and acknowledging all that God has done and will do for...
Published 10/30/23
Looking for a goal setting strategy that allows you to move closer to the big vision that God has planned for you? Today I am sharing a sneak peek of the goal planning process I have used to dream big while inviting you to join me in my live Goal Setting Workshop!  This is the perfect process for those of us who may feel like we have no idea what God is calling us to do next. In this episode, let’s discover a new way to set goals that resonate, energize us, and bring us closer to God’s...
Published 10/24/23
Unable to move forward because of disappointment? We all struggle with it sometimes. and it can keep us stuck living small and unable to dream big if we don’t acknowledge it and work through it. Today let’s dive into how to reawaken our hope and heal from our disappointment so we can live out the plans that God has for us.  If you desire to heal from self-doubt and want to dream big by trusting God, I invite you to join me in the Christian Mindset Makeover. I created this program to help you...
Published 10/09/23
Have you ever found yourself asking “Where is God when it hurts?” When we’re walking through a season of life where we feel like our prayers aren’t being answered, it can be hard to remember that God is with us. Our guest today, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, shares her vulnerable story about writing her new book “The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms” in the midst of pain. She opens up about processing pain in a way that honors that God is good, how to keep the faith when...
Published 09/18/23
When you deal with perfectionism it can be hard to remember that even through your flaws, you are accepted by God. Today I wanted to give you permission to make mistakes and be imperfect so you can live out what God has planned for you. Listen in as I share powerful scriptures around acceptance and a few personal stories to remind you that you aren’t alone in this pattern. If you are wondering how to overcome perfectionism, the Christian Mindset Makeover was created with you in mind! If you...
Published 09/04/23
Ever feel trapped in the cycle of attaching your self-worth to your accomplishments? I know that I have! When you’ve subconsciously built an identity around performing for worth through workaholism, it can be a difficult pattern to rewire. But with God's support and a proven brain science tool - I’m here to show you that it’s possible.  Join me as I share powerful “I am” statements from the Bible for over-performers and how to be secure in our inherent worth, identity, and talents that God...
Published 08/28/23
As a recovering people pleaser, I know what it’s like to place my self-worth in how others view me. If you are looking for support with people pleasing, listen in as I talk about how to stop apologizing when you are making a decision, Bible verses that demonstrate how we should treat others, and aspects of Jesus’ life to remind us of who we ultimately answer to.  Over the next few weeks, I will also be helping you with mindset issues that pertain to perfectionism and overachieving. My hope is...
Published 08/21/23
Is managing emotions hard for you too? Today let’s talk about a very practical emotional management tool–Christian meditation. Even when emotions feel out of control and chaotic, Christian meditation can help with emotional overwhelm to bring peace and stress relief. Let’s discover how the body responds to different emotions and how Christian meditation helps us to focus on the reality of who we are in God. I also share a few testimonials from women that have been using my brand-new resource,...
Published 08/14/23
Love the idea of guided Christian meditation but feel like life’s too busy to add one more thing to your daily routine? I understand! Let’s talk about 15 ways that Christian meditation can fit into your daily routine to bring peace, no matter how busy you are!  Whether you have a few minutes in the morning or time during your lunch break, being able to reconnect with God’s love will help to renew & refocus your mind. This is why my brand new resource Christian Meditations for Daily Calm,...
Published 08/07/23
Looking for a science-backed tool for stress relief? Join me on this week’s episode of the Christian Mindset Coach as we discuss how calming meditations can help bring more peace into your mind and body, as well as how to implement Christian meditation into your busy life, and why meditation supercharges your growth with the Lord. My brand new resource, Christian Meditations for Daily Calm, was created with stress relief in mind and will bring you peace within a few minutes! WHAT YOU’LL...
Published 07/31/23
Ready to learn more about Christian meditation after last week's episode? Today let’s discover how to use guided Christian meditation to help us find calm in our everyday lives. Listen in as I share six different scriptures on meditation that can help realign our thoughts and emotions with God’s truth, how Christian meditation emphasizes God and the Holy Spirit, and why giving ourselves space is needed to hear from God.  Also, check out my brand new resource, Christian Meditations for Daily...
Published 07/24/23
What comes to mind when you hear the term Christian meditation? I am so excited to dive into this topic and discuss how to use Christian meditation as a tool to grow closer with God and embrace more of His peace in our lives. My team and I have carefully and prayerfully cultivated the Christian Meditations for Daily Calm resource to give you practical ways to infuse your spiritual life with peace, give you brand new confidence to help release stress, and to help you grow closer to God. Listen...
Published 07/17/23
Father wounds can deeply impact our lives and greatly affect our mindset as Christian women, especially in our ability to accept God’s love. However, many of us aren’t aware of the damaging effect of father wounds or how these emotional wounds may be impacting our relationships with others. In this episode Alicia speaks with Kia Stephens about what father wounds are, the different types of wounds that could stem from these emotional or childhood traumas, and how they could be impacting our...
Published 07/10/23
In God we can do all things, including having tough conversations. On today’s episode of the podcast, Alicia sits down with author Sheila Wray Gregoire to discuss the impact purity culture has had on Christian women’s self esteem and confidence, the inner lies it may have caused us to believe, and how we can be a part of a positive shift in Christian culture while staying true to God’s word. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: [03:51] What prompted Sheila’s research into Christian purity culture [06:08]...
Published 07/03/23
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be difficult to view the blessings God has given you with clarity. Burnout is huge right now at the end of the school year and start of summer, so on this episode of the Christian Mindset Coach podcast, we’re discussing ways we can stop burnout and focus on abundant living, as well as reviewing three action steps you can take to help you in moments of managing overwhelm. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: [04:50] Alicia’s recent proclamations and journaling experience...
Published 06/26/23
Managing emotions during times of life transitions can be difficult, but with the right tools we can use these moments as opportunities to deepen our faith. Join Alicia and her guest Nicki Koziarz as they talk about four different seasons of life transitions, the emotions and fears that come with them,  and how we can treat these seasons as opportunities to grow with God. Nicki Koziarz is a best selling author and a speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. You can read her latest book, which she...
Published 06/19/23
As Christians, we know we should follow and obey God, but when the fallen world we live in throws us a curveball, it can be difficult to stay the course. On today’s episode of the podcast, Alicia introduces us to Melissa Ferguson, Jesus-lover, wife, mom, and cancer warrior. Melissa opens up about her experience of learning how to continue to trust God when life is hard. Listen in to hear how God showed up in her cancer journey while simultaneously teaching Melissa to continue to obey and...
Published 06/12/23
It can be difficult to find help for parents who are supporting teens with mental health issues. As the person who is carrying the weight of guiding and caring for your child, you need support too. Join Alicia on this week’s episode of the Christian Mindset Coach as she discusses experiencing grief and disappointment, the importance of our attitude and responses in moments where our children are struggling, as well as mental health resources and other parenting support for those walking...
Published 06/05/23
Trigger warning: This episode discusses teen depression and suicidal behavior. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, you are not alone. If you are in crisis, please call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or dial 911. Parenting teens with mental health issues can be challenging. You may not know what to say or do. You may even feel like you’re alone. In this episode of the Christian Mindset Coach podcast, I share what it’s been like for me as a parent of a...
Published 05/29/23
Trigger warning: This episode discusses teen depression and suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, you are not alone. If you are in crisis, please call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or dial 911. Recently, the CDC released a statistic that blew my mind - nearly 3 in 5 teen girls say that they feel persistently sad or hopeless. While these numbers certainly spiked during COVID, they remain elevated while we continue to deal with the after effects of...
Published 05/22/23
Do you or a loved one struggle with depression? As Christians, sometimes we find ourselves wondering why we can’t simply pray ourselves out of depression. Join Alicia and her guest, Dr. Michelle Bengston, as they discuss the physical, emotional, and spiritual components to christian depression, share bible verses that have helped them along their journeys, and share what we need to do in order to respond to depression from a Christ-centered perspective. Dr. Michelle Bengtson is the author of...
Published 05/15/23
How do we find calm in moments where we feel like we’re going to “lose it?” Managing emotions can be a difficult task, especially when managing anger and other high-stress emotions.  We’ve been covering some bigger topics like depression and anxiety on the podcast, and today I wanted to share some very practical emotional coping skills that I use every day to calm myself down in moments of anger and frustration. Listen in as we discuss 7 questions to ask yourself in these moments, as well as...
Published 05/08/23