Well friends, as the title of this podcast shared, it’s our final episode. Believe us when we say today is bittersweet. We have loved creating this podcast during the past 7 years for all of the wellness warriors out there that are working hard to change lives and have the ripple effect in the world that truly makes a difference.    The decision to make this our final episode was not an easy one but the timing feels right because we both have other projects in the works that we want to...
Published 05/21/24
Published 05/21/24
If you want to stand out on social media, grow your audience, build connections and get clients, video is a must. When you think about who you follow and the people you feel connected to the most, it’s most likely those who you get to see on video; that’s because it feels like you’re seeing them in real time, even when it’s a recording.     Most people are nervous on camera, so if this is how you’re feeling, you are not alone and today we are going to help you feel more confident with our 5...
Published 05/14/24
One of the amazing things about being a health coach or nutritionist is that you get to decide how you want to help people and generate revenue. You get to call the shots and design your business the way you want.     There’s more than one way to monetize your expertise, and today, we’re diving into 4 of them.  We’re also sharing examples of each one to give you some ideas if you’re looking to branch out a bit and explore other possibilities.     Here’s what you’ll discover:  4 of the...
Published 05/07/24
Lately we’ve been evaluating what has been working for us, and fellow health coaches, on social media. When we say ‘working’ we’re talking about what type of content is helping the followers of health coaches move through a client funnel, from first finding them to actually enrolling in their paid program.    After diving into the data we’ve discovered that it’s as important to have non-business-related posts and personal content as it is to offer resources and ways of working with you. ...
Published 04/30/24
Marketing platforms have come and gone, launching strategies have changed from being very formal to a much more casual atmosphere, and social media in general continues to evolve and change.    However, there are some pieces of marketing and client conversion that have remained consistent through the years and that’s what we’re sharing today which is The Formula for Getting New Clients Consistently in 2024.   In this episode, you’ll discover: The 4 main components that make up our...
Published 04/23/24
We often hear from coaches that one of their biggest challenges comes when they try to figure out the tech in different aspects of their business. A question that we received from a coach recently actually was our inspiration for this episode. She said, “How do I actually DO the technical aspect of a freebie? Connecting the online pieces?”  That’s why we knew we had to dedicate an episode to this topic to make it super simple for you to have a flawless freebie delivery. Each step that we...
Published 04/16/24
One of the most impactful ways I attracted clients when I was a health coach was by hosting a monthly live online wellness workshop. It was truly one of the foundational pieces of my marketing strategy back then and in my opinion it’s still a very viable strategy for coaches looking to grow their email list and consistently enroll clients into their paid programs.   In this episode, we delve into the strategy of transforming live online wellness workshops into evergreen assets for marketing...
Published 04/09/24
Confidence is the cornerstone of success, and this is certainly the case for health coaches who want to help people reach their goals and overcome challenges.  It’s easy to feel a lack of confidence when you’re starting something new, and it’s quite normal, so today we’re sharing 5 strategies you can use to boost your confidence as you work on building your business.     Here's what you’ll discover in this episode:  One of the top mistakes coaches make that stifle their confidence  The...
Published 04/02/24
We haven’t done an Ask Us Anything episode in a while, so we thought this would be a good time to bring it back. This is where we answer questions health coaches either posted in our Facebook groups, on social media or emailed us about.     We have 3 questions we’re answering today including: How much content to share without giving away everything for free How we work as business partners when it comes to sharing income, expenses, etc.  Is it better to offer a free or paid in-person...
Published 03/26/24
Many coaches fall into the trap of creating a lead magnet that is designed for the masses for the sake of list growth vs. a niche-specific option that will only attract the right people that are perfect for their program.   In this week’s episode, we’re discussing the lead magnet-niche connection. More specifically how to audit your lead magnet to confirm it is closely aligned with your ideal clients so it’s an attractive way of getting them on your email list.    When we work with our...
Published 03/19/24
Many of the listeners of this podcast have been building their wellness businesses for years which means that they’ve also been building their email list. Building an email list should be a top priority every day because your subscriber list will translate into more sales than anything else in your business.    If you’ve been at it for a while, you may have noticed that as your email list grows, your open and click-through rates go down. That’s completely normal as your list gets bigger.  ...
Published 03/12/24
You’re probably very aware that not everyone is going to be ready to enroll in your 3- or 6-month coaching program as a first step with you. They may have doubts, reservations, or questions and/or they may not be sure about investing their time and money right now. When you have a 30-day program to offer, it allows more people to take a leap of faith and give it a try because it will be more affordable and it’s only 30 days - so it’s an easy commitment to make.  Once people have completed...
Published 03/05/24
There are so many things to do as a health coach and business owner, and sometimes, you may not be sure where to start or where to focus your time. Everything feels like it’s important, so what do you do so you feel like you’re actually making progress?      We always love having a formula to follow because we feel like there is a plan to guide us in the right direction. If you do too, we think you’ll find this episode super helpful because we’re sharing a blueprint for a profitable health...
Published 02/27/24
If you ever feel overwhelmed in your business, you are definitely not alone. You wear many hats as a health coach and business owner, so there are going to be times when you feel like it’s a LOT!  We’ve been there too and there are still times we feel overwhelmed, but we’re much better at managing it and dealing with it now. Today we’re sharing Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business,   Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed can prevent you from taking action or making...
Published 02/20/24
One of the things we hear often from coaches when we ask what’s holding them back from reaching their goals – IS tech.  Most often we hear them say that they are not techy or they refer to themselves as tech-challenged.  While having an online business does require a certain amount of tech, the platforms that you do need for the most part are as simple as can be to navigate once you familiarize yourself with the parts that make them work.   That said, we’ve often found that while we could...
Published 02/13/24
AI is everywhere it seems. Many health coaches are using it which is great, but it’s crucial to be aware of potential pitfalls and mistakes that are easy to make without even realizing it.    Since tools like ChatGPT are relatively new, it feels a bit like the wild west right now, so we invited our favorite legal expert, Lisa Fraley, to clarify some important things we all need to know and to help us navigate using AI in our businesses.    In this enlightening interview, Lisa shares...
Published 02/06/24
Today we’re sharing some behind-the-scenes prep we are doing for an upcoming photo shoot we have coming up in Scottsdale, Arizona. Photo shoots aren’t just about the clothes you wear or whether you’re having a good hair day. There are several key factors like location, props, etc. that need to be taken into consideration.    We’re also diving into a trending topic related to offering a free download on your website. We’ve seen a trend lately of coaches only having popups on their website...
Published 01/30/24
A few weeks back I posted a few tips about marketing a wellness business in my Health Coach Client group and one coach shared this in her post…   “Oh my gosh! I struggle for sure at marketing myself! For some reason I randomly cry when I think about marketing myself or practicing. What the heck is that? I’m gonna need to figure that out.”   We often talk about making offers and selling programs without feeling salesy on this podcast, but for some coaches it goes beyond just feeling...
Published 01/23/24
Growing an email list full of potential clients is still one of the most effective marketing strategies you can use for your wellness business.  But how do you troubleshoot your free offer when the results aren’t what you had hoped?  Since we know this can be tricky to figure out, we’re sharing the top 3 reasons why your free offer isn’t converting and how to fix it.    In this episode, you’ll discover: Our favorite resource for coming up with the perfect title, plus examples you can use...
Published 01/16/24
There are a few key elements to creating and running successful health coaching programs, and today, we are covering 3 of the most important ones. When you have a system or process to share that you can also rinse and repeat, your clients will be more successful, and you’ll be able to help more people.   In this episode, you’ll discover:  Why it’s important for you and your clients to have a blueprint to follow How to come up with topics to cover to help your clients get the best results...
Published 01/09/24
You’re interested in hiring a business coach to help you build your wellness business. That’s amazing and we fully support that decision.   Making the financial and time investment in a business coach can be the path forward to reaching your goals more quickly and with more clarity. It’s the idea that working with someone that has gone before you has the organic effect of shortening your learning curve and getting you to the finish line of reaching your goals more quickly than if you tried...
Published 01/02/24
It's easy to think we know what our ideal clients want but oftentimes what happens is we use words and phrases that they aren’t using, so there is a big disconnect.  One common example of this we see quite often is thinking something along the lines that our clients want “a more vibrant and healthy life”, when that’s not what they’re thinking at all because that’s very broad and pretty general. They’re thinking about something much more tangible, measurable and/or specific, and that’s why...
Published 12/26/23
One of our favorite online tools for our businesses and one that we regularly recommend to our clients is Canva. There is a really good chance that you’ve heard of it and probably have even given it a try. What we have realized over time though is that most coaches using Canva only use it for 2 or 3 things in their business. There are so many options that they aren’t even aware of.   This week we’re bringing back a super fun episode that we did over a year ago where we cover 12 Ways to Use...
Published 12/19/23
Coming up with ideas for your content isn’t always easy.  We know how it is because we do it for this podcast each week, and we’ve been doing it for over 6 years now. Sometimes, the ideas come to us very easily, but other times it’s like…hmmmmm what should we cover next, so we get it.  If you’re ever at a loss for what content to create, this episode will help.   Today we’re sharing 5 Ways to Find Content Ideas that Resonate with Your Ideal Clients, so you never run out of ideas again.   ...
Published 12/12/23